So, I realize that I should probably be clearer about what I mean/do to clue in some of the new posters.
In the past, I've offered to purchase tickets for folks. It's on the honor system. The steps:
I put out an initial "Who want's tickets" call via the board and ask that folks email me with Name, # of Tickets and Address.
I put out a "last call" post and send out a "Please confirm" email.
Meanwhile, I'm talking to my contact at the Garden. (Assuming she's still there) She has been able to get us great seats at a group rate. ($40ish, IIRC?). When the tickets are available for purchase and printing, I snag 'em from the Garden.
You can't ask for a specific seat, but I to take some requests -- and when possible I try and group folks. I "seat" on a first come first row seated bases.
I then mail out the tix.
When people get the tix, folks either send me a check or give me cash at the game (which is pretty hysterical. I feel like an over-priced valet.

I do the "when they get the tix, send me money" because I want to set folks at ease about this maybe being a scam. It ain't. This will be the.. fourth? Fifth? year we've done this. BUT, tix sometimes get lost in the mail and that can get awkward. (I do try and keep track of who gets what just in case). Some folks send money before they get the tix, some send money after the game. It makes no matter.
Finally - even if you have to "drop" a person out of, say, a 3 person request, I've been fortunate enough to find a taker or two -- I keep a wait list.
SO - keep an eye out!