One area that Samuelson and Stewart as sophomores are similar is in strength and body type. At that stage I believe Stewart was easily knocked off balance in general and had her shot disrupted and altered by body contact. From that point on Stewart made excellent progress in strength and stamina and the results were tremendous. If the coaches have Samuelson on the same program that Stewart was on I would expect similar results that would improve her post up game considerably as well as her mid range shooting. The skills are there if the work ethic is.
Stewie--Stewart--wasn't so easily knocked off her shooting-- Since she had little knowledge of big time Div 1 bb she was offended, insulted, and thrown off her GAME by the bumping, shoving, knocking, etc it got into her head. Took most of the year to fix that. AS A FRESHMAN IN THE FINAL GAME she took over that game--hit long range 3 after 3, rebounded --and the STEWiE we know was BORN. Katie Lou is a Sophomore, not a freshman.
If you watched Katie lou in her last 8 or 10 games--you saw WORK ETHIC, dedication. What else can you call a kid playing with a broken foot. This year she runs --like a bunny on steroids--a constant running bunny--everything she does or has done is improved.s
My brother and I have the same body style, same weight, same height---yet physically, he does things I CANT(or wont) do. Since day one KLS has had the sweetest most accurate jumper from the right of the key--that is developed. She has dropped running jumpers, she attacks-- Don't take every word Geno says about a player as gospel --it's either a zinger of a pat on the head --to motivate.-or just anger.
Point is---Katie Lou is a perfect Katie lou--she shall never be Stewie--NEVER!! In some area's she'll exceed Stewie, in others those will be Stewie's alone. We really need to stop the Stew comparison--so should Geno--she won't ever be Stewart..
I believe in Katie Lou--The Queen is Gone --long live the new QueenS (KLS, Collier, Gabby, Dangerfield,).
Have a really nice and filling Thanksgiving---with the current success of UCWBB we have a lot to be thankful for..