Ogunbowale tries to kick a player in the face. Stay classy Arike.
Ogunbowale tries to kick a player in the face. Stay classy Arike.
Dude that's just who she is. She can't hide it.What are You doing Arike!!!! That’s boneheaded stuff You can’t do!!! Just get up!
but then the announcers "defend" her as "incidental"Arike flailing her feet on the ground. Even Rebecca says you can’t do that.
While Arike did kick at the player, I don't think there was any malicious attempt on her part. She was trying to get away from Carter. I'll be shocked if Refs do anything.
She knew exactly where Carter was and she thought she'd take advantage of the position by sticking her shoe in her face. There was nothing innocent about this.While Arike did kick at the player, I don't think there was any malicious attempt on her part. She was trying to get away from Carter. I'll be shocked if Refs do anything.
While Arike did kick at the player, I don't think there was any malicious attempt on her part. She was trying to get away from Carter. I'll be shocked if Refs do anything.
And the number of times they "speculate" on things happening...when they aren't paying attention... this game and others in the past.Lobo and Lawson need to quit being delicate and call it like it is.