AB commits an early foul and is gone for the game, Nolan gets an Offensive RB and instead of going up strong tries a fade away air ball and is gone for the game, Calhoun travels when he has a wide open three and then does not get back on D in transition and is gone for the game. KO has a deep in game doghouse. We were getting killed in the paint with the small line up and I believe AB could have helped on D. With the exception of the seven 3's, I believe and the other points were in the paint or FT's on drives to the basket. UCONN did play good D in the second half but still got hurt in the paint.
One concern is that these players maybe afraid to make a mistake because they will be sitting out the rest of the game. You get into their heads and you can lose these players.
One concern is that these players maybe afraid to make a mistake because they will be sitting out the rest of the game. You get into their heads and you can lose these players.