Looking fwd to seeing a leap by Ayanna Patterson... | The Boneyard

Looking fwd to seeing a leap by Ayanna Patterson...

Aug 28, 2011
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... IMO she's a Jamelle Elliott/Barber Turner type player for us (with more talent that allows her to do more)... and this upcoming season, we'll see more of that from her... Rooting hard for her to take that next step next season.. She does that, watch out the rest of the Women's College BBall world... Her stepping up, along with the others coming back off injury... my goodness....
Jan 7, 2020
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... IMO she's a Jamelle Elliott/Barber Turner type player for us (with more talent that allows her to do more)... and this upcoming season, we'll see more of that from her... Rooting hard for her to take that next step next season.. She does that, watch out the rest of the Women's College BBall world... Her stepping up, along with the others coming back off injury... my goodness..
Carnac, myself and others have been discussing this on another thread. I think she needs an Aaliyah type summer with intense work on up fakes, her pull up J and outside shots, strong and quick drive moves from both sides that are muscle memory and learning to play defense with her feet as opposed to her arms and hands. She has to stay on the court and not get into foul trouble. Since she is not taller than a lot of post and 4 position players, she has to take that great athleticism and strength and develop the finesse parts of the game with it so that her power doesn't get offset by the lack of height. An easy example is to up fake after an offensive rebound. Keep your feet and do it once or even twice if necessary. As soon as the defender commits in the air go up and into and draw the fouls. She also has to get into the 75% range on her free throws. She has a lot of work ahead of her and just will be a different player with extensive practice. Isn't that the key to everything in life? Do you think Lincoln just went out there and gave speeches? After the Gettysburg Address, he actually changed the words for the printed version in the newspapers. He was still practicing on it to make it better.
Mar 29, 2014
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... IMO she's a Jamelle Elliott/Barber Turner type player for us (with more talent that allows her to do more)... and this upcoming season, we'll see more of that from her... Rooting hard for her to take that next step next season.. She does that, watch out the rest of the Women's College BBall world... Her stepping up, along with the others coming back off injury... my goodness....
Those two are great comparisons. She is a solid 4, certainly not a 3. But right now she lacks the touch of those two comparisons. She plays like she has boxing gloves on, and doesn't move all that well either. They could make a layup, on first try, at this stage in their development. Patterson is still very raw and likely could take another year or so, if ever, to get to a legitimate Elliot or Turner level. She showed just the slightest of flashes last year of what she could be. Hard to imagine that only 6 months later, she would be ready for a breakout, we'll see. On a positive note, she is athletically superior to those two and has a similar motor - if she can get her hands and feet working, watch out
Nov 24, 2011
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Yeah, I am rooting hard for Ayanna to make some strides in her second season. Watching old clips of some of her games over the weekend (YouTube), she has the skill, footwork, and overall athletic body type that many kids pray for, to be only getting 5-12 minutes a game. Her mid range, granted it was high school clips but still, game is nice. She can use her left hand. Hopefully, since the season ended and she went through the usual exit interview stuff, she got somethings from the coaching staff to work on and is now working on those things plus expanding that list. Ayanna has the ability. Hopefully she just plays through her fears and just plays basketball. Play with confidence, Ayanna.
Apr 24, 2022
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If you watch her HS games — there’s quite a few of then online — you see her scoring easily through contact. She was a lot stronger and mostly taller than her opponents. That’s the style she brought to UConn only now she’s mostly not taller than her opponents though still a bit stronger. I imagine she felt she had to rethink her game and that is not easy to do. My suspicion is Jamelle and CD and Geno are telling her to have a little more confidence in her strength and not try so hard to reinvent herself. She just needs to tweak what she does.
Feb 8, 2016
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Harsh assessments on a McD's AA who's only be in here a short period of time... Fact is learning curves aren't the same for everyone once they go up a level... Hopefully Geno has a little more patience than you guys...
Well, the original preseason estimate by many was for 25 dunks in her freshman year. Yeah, expectations were outrageously over inflated.

Give her time. I think her vision issues hampered her adjutment to speed in her freshman year. I expect her to adjust, but it might be at a slightly slower pace.
Apr 24, 2022
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Well, the original preseason estimate by many was for 25 dunks in her freshman year. Yeah, expectations were outrageously over inflated.
That's just summer talk. You can't hold folks going through basketball withdrawal accountable for what they say over the summer...

... and I'm still expecting those 25 dunks! :D
Jan 26, 2016
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I'm sure the UConn coaches along with her own off-season trainers will be working on a variety of offensive moves for her to use down low in order to be less predictable........I think she also suffered from freshman confidence issues which will hopefully be behind her........I'm confident we'll see some improvements down low and if she can get her midrange shooting up to par she's going to be a handful to guard
May 13, 2015
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I discussed Ayanna's offensive game in an earlier post. Apposing teams discovered the Ayanna wouldn't shoot a midrange shot. She would always drive to the basket, which usually led to either a turnover or her shot being blocked. Our offense works best when a player catches the ball near the free throw line and is able to either, score, pass or drive. Right now she is one dimensional and that needs to change for her to be more effective and to get more playing time. With the returning players and incoming freshman, playing time will become harder to earn and if she doesn't increase her scoring abilities, I believe that she will have less impact on this coming season. I love this girl and really am hopeful that she can improve and have a major contribution to #12.
Mar 6, 2021
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If you watch her HS games — there’s quite a few of then online — you see her scoring easily through contact. She was a lot stronger and mostly taller than her opponents. That’s the style she brought to UConn only now she’s mostly not taller than her opponents though still a bit stronger. I imagine she felt she had to rethink her game and that is not easy to do. My suspicion is Jamelle and CD and Geno are telling her to have a little more confidence in her strength and not try so hard to reinvent herself. She just needs to tweak what she does.
“mostly taller than her opponents “ - very important point. Patterson is not the only recent highly ranked recruit who could have looked a lot better than they really are because they were taller than everyone they were playing against. If this was the case, you would think that those doing the evaluating would be savvy enough to recognize it.
Sep 15, 2020
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I hope I like others on the board hope that Ayana has a great sophomore, season and improved greatly
IMHO her struggles this past year, certainly seem to affect her confidence greatly in all honesty she didn’t really seem to be ready to play meaningful minutes I was forced to due to injuries
All that being said, unlike most on the board, I think playing as a post player/big will be difficult have pretty good seats in the lower level and my best guess is that she is closer to 6 foot than 6 foot two additionally, while she is incredibly strong and athletic, she is not a widebody by any stretch
Additionally instinctively not use your body well create position ,angles and doesn’t seem to have a great feel for the game perhaps coaching and experience will improve those aspects of her game
Imho where she really excels is in open space where her speed athleticism and instincts take over
As a wing player, she would create real matchup problems for almost anyone, and definitely looks more comfortable away from the basket perhaps
The upcoming team will play very up-tempo, very similar to the way the 22 team did toward the end of the season utilizing nine players
If that happens and I think it will, I could see ayanna flourishing in that type of system
In any case, she seems like a wonderful young lady, and I hope her sophomore year is tremendous
Apr 24, 2022
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I hope I like others on the board hope that Ayana has a great sophomore, season and improved greatly
IMHO her struggles this past year, certainly seem to affect her confidence greatly in all honesty she didn’t really seem to be ready to play meaningful minutes I was forced to due to injuries
All that being said, unlike most on the board, I think playing as a post player/big will be difficult have pretty good seats in the lower level and my best guess is that she is closer to 6 foot than 6 foot two additionally, while she is incredibly strong and athletic, she is not a widebody by any stretch
Additionally instinctively not use your body well create position ,angles and doesn’t seem to have a great feel for the game perhaps coaching and experience will improve those aspects of her game
Imho where she really excels is in open space where her speed athleticism and instincts take over
As a wing player, she would create real matchup problems for almost anyone, and definitely looks more comfortable away from the basket perhaps
The upcoming team will play very up-tempo, very similar to the way the 22 team did toward the end of the season utilizing nine players
If that happens and I think it will, I could see ayanna flourishing in that type of system
In any case, she seems like a wonderful young lady, and I hope her sophomore year is tremendous
You may have a point about playing away from the basket. She has good handles and can shoot the midrange j.
Aug 28, 2011
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I hope I like others on the board hope that Ayana has a great sophomore, season and improved greatly
IMHO her struggles this past year, certainly seem to affect her confidence greatly in all honesty she didn’t really seem to be ready to play meaningful minutes I was forced to due to injuries
All that being said, unlike most on the board, I think playing as a post player/big will be difficult have pretty good seats in the lower level and my best guess is that she is closer to 6 foot than 6 foot two additionally, while she is incredibly strong and athletic, she is not a widebody by any stretch
Additionally instinctively not use your body well create position ,angles and doesn’t seem to have a great feel for the game perhaps coaching and experience will improve those aspects of her game
Imho where she really excels is in open space where her speed athleticism and instincts take over
As a wing player, she would create real matchup problems for almost anyone, and definitely looks more comfortable away from the basket perhaps
The upcoming team will play very up-tempo, very similar to the way the 22 team did toward the end of the season utilizing nine players
If that happens and I think it will, I could see ayanna flourishing in that type of system
In any case, she seems like a wonderful young lady, and I hope her sophomore year is tremendous
Don't think Patterson is a post player at all... PF stretch 4, and even a little 3, yes.. when I compared her to Elliott and Turner, those 2 were moreso PFs, not necessarily post players... They attacked the glass... They were tough 6 footers... I think Patterson can carve a little space out by hitting the boards a little more... She's a better ballhandler than the aforementions too... I think the confidence thing might've been an issue as another poster eluded to.. This offseason will allow her to develop that much more. Should be interesting... After all, she wasn't an AA for nothing...
Nov 24, 2011
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If you watch her HS games — there’s quite a few of then online — you see her scoring easily through contact. She was a lot stronger and mostly taller than her opponents. That’s the style she brought to UConn only now she’s mostly not taller than her opponents though still a bit stronger. I imagine she felt she had to rethink her game and that is not easy to do. My suspicion is Jamelle and CD and Geno are telling her to have a little more confidence in her strength and not try so hard to reinvent herself. She just needs to tweak what she does.
Great point. That is what I was thinking all season. Ayanna was over thinking out there vs just reacting. Hopefully, Ayanna is somewhere going over exit interview stuff to work on during the offseason, working on her craft, and studying some of her favorite players moves. She just has to believe in herself. She knows that she can play. She has the skills. Just has to believe that she can do it and just play. She has to realize that some of the games greats on both sides, men's and women's, had to adjust their games and play through mistakes. Play without fear.


Aug 26, 2011
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There's a lot of discussion about recruiting "over" someone, and IMHO, Ayanna was recruited "under" the existing players for this past year. Maybe Geno knew she wasn't ready for prime time, and was going to take the year and have her develop. Obviously, that went out the window due to injuries, etc, Also think there's a similar line of thought with PGs that are recruited - learn from the person above you and take the reins when they leave.
Nov 24, 2011
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I hope I like others on the board hope that Ayana has a great sophomore, season and improved greatly
IMHO her struggles this past year, certainly seem to affect her confidence greatly in all honesty she didn’t really seem to be ready to play meaningful minutes I was forced to due to injuries
All that being said, unlike most on the board, I think playing as a post player/big will be difficult have pretty good seats in the lower level and my best guess is that she is closer to 6 foot than 6 foot two additionally, while she is incredibly strong and athletic, she is not a widebody by any stretch
Additionally instinctively not use your body well create position ,angles and doesn’t seem to have a great feel for the game perhaps coaching and experience will improve those aspects of her game
Imho where she really excels is in open space where her speed athleticism and instincts take over
As a wing player, she would create real matchup problems for almost anyone, and definitely looks more comfortable away from the basket perhaps
The upcoming team will play very up-tempo, very similar to the way the 22 team did toward the end of the season utilizing nine players
If that happens and I think it will, I could see ayanna flourishing in that type of system
In any case, she seems like a wonderful young lady, and I hope her sophomore year is tremendous
I do like the idea of Ayanna being on the wing and playing that position. With her athleticism, quickness, and power, it is interesting. A lot just depends on the offensive system or style of play. Ayanna looked pretty good in that Maryland game. She seemed fluid and comfortable in that game. Same with that first DePaul game and that Duke game. Maybe it was the style of play in those games. Who knows.
Jan 21, 2021
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With the return of Paige B., and a healthy team, UConn, because it lacks some size, will be a very fast team on the floor. Paige, Aubrey, Azzi, Caroline and Nika, plus the new recruits and Ines, will be quick and on the move constantly.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Those two are great comparisons. She is a solid 4, certainly not a 3. But right now she lacks the touch of those two comparisons. She plays like she has boxing gloves on, and doesn't move all that well either. They could make a layup, on first try, at this stage in their development. Patterson is still very raw and likely could take another year or so, if ever, to get to a legitimate Elliot or Turner level. She showed just the slightest of flashes last year of what she could be. Hard to imagine that only 6 months later, she would be ready for a breakout, we'll see. On a positive note, she is athletically superior to those two and has a similar motor - if she can get her hands and feet working, watch out
This is mid-April. She's got 6+ months to train and perfect her game. She and the coaches know what her weaknesses are and what they need to work on. 6 months IS MORE THAN ENOUGH TIME to train hard every day, train with a purpose and goal in mind with coaches/a trainer, and take your game to the level and place it needs to be.

Ayanna is not afraid to work and train hard. I expect to see a completely new and improved Ayanna Patterson come that first game in November. Every time the team has informal workouts or pickup games this summer, she needs to go against 6'5" freshman Jana El Alfy, to get used to playing against a taller player. :cool:


Aug 24, 2011
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Ayanna is legally blind in one eye.

Her brother, Andre Jr., played collegiately at UCLA and Tennessee. Patterson chats amiably about whatever the topic, even answering questions about her right eye, in which she is legally blind. She can see colors from it, but that's all, and she has taken to wearing a pair of protective glasses when playing.

I can't imagine her developing into any kind of wing with a consistent mid-range or 3-point shot. I'd love for her to prove me wrong. Aneesah Morrow is only 6'1", and while she does and can make 3's, she's a beast around the basket. No reason why Ayanna, who I feel is stronger and more athletic than Aneesah, can't succeed in the post.
Apr 7, 2016
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Carnac, myself and others have been discussing this on another thread. I think she needs an Aaliyah type summer with intense work on up fakes, her pull up J and outside shots, strong and quick drive moves from both sides that are muscle memory and learning to play defense with her feet as opposed to her arms and hands. She has to stay on the court and not get into foul trouble. Since she is not taller than a lot of post and 4 position players, she has to take that great athleticism and strength and develop the finesse parts of the game with it so that her power doesn't get offset by the lack of height. An easy example is to up fake after an offensive rebound. Keep your feet and do it once or even twice if necessary. As soon as the defender commits in the air go up and into and draw the fouls. She also has to get into the 75% range on her free throws. She has a lot of work ahead of her and just will be a different player with extensive practice. Isn't that the key to everything in life? Do you think Lincoln just went out there and gave speeches? After the Gettysburg Address, he actually changed the words for the printed version in the newspapers. He was still practicing on it to make it better.
I have noticed that very few woman BBplayers....sometimes even the very best of them....do not, instinctively, use the pump fake. And, as you said, it can be a crucial tactic.

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