Let's Clear the Air Some | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Let's Clear the Air Some

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Aug 24, 2011
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Keep up the good work 3uconn and simply tune out the negative stuff. You should never worry about defending yourself.
Aug 26, 2011
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3 keep doing your thing. A friend of mine started the same way when he was a bit older than you and now he's one of the "big name" guys and that's what he does for a living. And before anyone asks, yes this guy has been referenced on here a number of times I've never asked him anything and I never will.


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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3, you do a great job and we appreciate it. As someone old enough to be your father let me offer a little advice; there are a bunch of miserable cork soakers in the world who love nothing better than to bring people down. Ignore these no good sword swallowers and keep doing what you do.
Jan 14, 2013
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Honestly 3, the only thing I really look for when I come to this board are posts from you so keep doing what you're doing!! Definitely doing a great job man this board is nothing without you.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Geez, 3 not only does the articles he has a real life with activities beyond the Boneyard. I'm amazed that someone so young can be so focused and accomplish things in such a mature manner. The losers that criticize him should get out of their mom's basements and try to do all that he does and succeed as well as he has. Maybe then they'd have some respect for his hard work.
Aug 26, 2011
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Are there really guys on this board who criticize a high school kid for the efforts he puts in to following recruiting and trying to help keep the board informed? My god, get a damn life. We should be praising a young guy for being self motivated and putting forth that kind of effort. I'm impressed when my kids can chew without the food falling on the floor, let alone calling recruits for updates and then putting their words into coherent posts. 3, keep on keeping on, kid. The experience you are getting now will serve you well as you work your way into adulthood. I'm impressed with your efforts and dedication and wish more kids worked towards something like you have. I believe that you have a bright future, and i'll bet that your parents are proud of you. Don't let the negative deter you from your goals, that is an important lesson to learn. Good luck!
Aug 26, 2011
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When I was 20 years old and winding things down to take a semester off from college, I bought and analyzed every college basketball pre-season magazine and made my own Top 25. Well into February, my picks mirrored the polls better than any of my sources. It gave me some early and valuable lessons about doing that kind of legwork.

It''s wonderful that you share your efforts with The Boneyard. It's healthy that you shared yourself in this post and have in turn gotten the appreciation and perspective that most people go through life without ever experiencing. It's additionally nice to see that you've acknowledged the feedback. In the end, that's why I wrote a Reply rather than simply pressing Like as so many others did. That said, you can correctly assume that many who pressed Like feel every bit as thankful as I do for your efforts.

For additional perspective and entertainment purposes, try this item that was authored and posted yesterday by my friend's nephew:

http://the fanzine.com/2013-2014-nba-season-predictions/


Who wouldn't want to be me?
Aug 26, 2011
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I wasn't planning on doing this but it seems like some people are going to start attacking me again. I just want to say some things and here you go:

I've never said I was affiliated with the school or was an "insider" with major connections to UConn ever to my knowledge.

I do go to UConn games and I believe I went to 6 last year and every game I couldn't go to I watched on tv. Then high school games you have to remember I'm in HS. If you expect me to be traveling all around the country to be watching the recruits were after then your expecting way to much. If that's what you want pay to be an insider on ESPN, Rivals, Scout, and 247 to read their articles. I don't work for a major recruiting site to pay for all of my travels and I have other things to do in my life like school, sports, and friends. Also, there's no need for me to attend their games. I don't write extensive reports on how recruits play, I maybe put a paragraph in an article and that's it. I cover the players recruitments.

If you think you could cover recruiting better, go ahead and do your own thing for yourself. Recruiting is extremely hard to follow and I try my best. Look at the experts on 247 with their Crystal Ball. They have their picks and change them all the time. Then they settle on a school the day before a decision in many cases. My predictions from over the summer obviously didn't come out the way I and many others would have liked. My Snider prediction was a total guess. It was way to early to have an educated or informed guess. Then who would've though we were going to drop Robinson. At the time we were considered his leader. And for Abu many people believe some fishy things happened there with his AAU coach. It is what it is.

If you don't like my articles, don't read them. If you don't like my posts, don't read them. Personally I don't care what you think about me much. You can block or ignore me if you would like. I LOVE UConn and I do what I do because of that. I post here to help people out and pass on what I'm told from recruits, recruiting analysts, and other people I talk to. Take it with a grain of salt if you would like.

If anyone has anything to tell me don't do it on threads anymore. PM or DM me here to say your concerns or anything like that. There's no need to do it in a thread every time we miss out on a recruit from here on out. Also, thank you to everyone who has backed me all along I greatly appreciate.

Hi 3. I understand how school, sports and friends have a high priority for you. Very commendable.

But...and it kinda pains me to ask because deep down I am a nice guy...but can you lose your friends in order to cover more Husky hoops.

Just askin'. Just putting it out there. Something for the greater good, ya know?

Aug 5, 2013
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3 - You enhance my enjoyment reading this board.
You are adroit at finding andreporting information. When a professional journalist with an editor publishes stories with the spelling and grammar lapses I have seen from a particular Husky beat reporter, the quality of your writing makes me think you are already at or above the level of some pros.
You spare me the time your research takes and allow me to know what I might otherwise not have had the time to find. I join the legion that would have you understand that we appreciate you.
I appreciate your offerings for the gifts they are. Thank you. Perhaps, the criticism you received is kind of a twisted ecompliment. People expect too much and
forget your story because of the quality of your work product. Whatever the reason, please keep at it.


Making the board a little less insufferable
Sep 1, 2011
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3: Don't listen to the negative nancies. For each person who makes a negative comment, there are 10-20 of us who appreciate what you do. You are an asset on this board, keep it going.


Name checks out.
Aug 26, 2011
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If there were more posters like you, 3, this board would be a much better place!
Jan 11, 2013
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I wasn't planning on doing this but it seems like some people are going to start attacking me again. I just want to say some things and here you go:

I've never said I was affiliated with the school or was an "insider" with major connections to UConn ever to my knowledge.

I do go to UConn games and I believe I went to 6 last year and every game I couldn't go to I watched on tv. Then high school games you have to remember I'm in HS. If you expect me to be traveling all around the country to be watching the recruits were after then your expecting way to much. If that's what you want pay to be an insider on ESPN, Rivals, Scout, and 247 to read their articles. I don't work for a major recruiting site to pay for all of my travels and I have other things to do in my life like school, sports, and friends. Also, there's no need for me to attend their games. I don't write extensive reports on how recruits play, I maybe put a paragraph in an article and that's it. I cover the players recruitments.

If you think you could cover recruiting better, go ahead and do your own thing for yourself. Recruiting is extremely hard to follow and I try my best. Look at the experts on 247 with their Crystal Ball. They have their picks and change them all the time. Then they settle on a school the day before a decision in many cases. My predictions from over the summer obviously didn't come out the way I and many others would have liked. My Snider prediction was a total guess. It was way to early to have an educated or informed guess. Then who would've though we were going to drop Robinson. At the time we were considered his leader. And for Abu many people believe some fishy things happened there with his AAU coach. It is what it is.

If you don't like my articles, don't read them. If you don't like my posts, don't read them. Personally I don't care what you think about me much. You can block or ignore me if you would like. I LOVE UConn and I do what I do because of that. I post here to help people out and pass on what I'm told from recruits, recruiting analysts, and other people I talk to. Take it with a grain of salt if you would like.

If anyone has anything to tell me don't do it on threads anymore. PM or DM me here to say your concerns or anything like that. There's no need to do it in a thread every time we miss out on a recruit from here on out. Also, thank you to everyone who has backed me all along I greatly appreciate.
3uconn, I feel bad that you felt a need to come on this board to defend what you do. You are a young man that brings a lot to the table when it comes to not only your interaction with recruits but your reporting on this board of that interaction. I can see that you put a lot of effort in doing so and I for one am a big fan of yours. Heck, when I was your age, after school, my day consisted of cruising around in my 69 mustang, listening to Queen and ZZ Top and looking in my rear view mirror to make sure my long hair was in place after a session of head banging to Bohemian Rhapsody (I really was that guy in Wayne's World) Keep up the good work, Your Friend


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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3, you da man! I can't believe anyone would seriously rag on this guy considering all the time and effort he puts in to give us quality content.

Enjoy your work dude, hope this doesn't deter you from doing your thing on here.
Jun 26, 2013
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You're in high school!? I can tell you one thing, I was having all kinds of fun back then, but was sure as heck not mature enough to put in the effort you do to this regardless of the level of love for UConn I had at the time. More power to you, man.
Aug 27, 2011
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3, keep up the good work. It's great to get a concise recruiting report each week, something we don't get from the beat writers or anyplace else.


Aug 27, 2011
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A little advice from an old man, "don't complain, don't explain" ever.

Oh yeah, thanks. Thanks for posts and tweets. Read 'em every day.

Good luck in all you do, now and into the far far future.
Jun 11, 2013
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It was only one dewche on the other thread. The way I read it, the post that brought back that recruiting thread yesterday was simply commenting on how dynamic the recruiting is and not sarcastic towards the differences that have played out at all. The later on in the thread is just that; a . In fact, it was such a comment that part of me believes it is just a joke. Keep cool, you're well appreciated by all.


Aug 26, 2011
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I won’t pretend that I haven’t been accused of “attacking” you before myself, 3, and I’ve apologized for that. As I said then, any frustration I expressed was misdirected at you, as you are merely the conduit for a lot of bad information in an age when the speed of reporting has become far more of a priority than accuracy.

Twitter is the ultimate in immediate, unfiltered information, and there’s a lot of garbage there. There is also a lot of legitimate information, and it is almost always the first source of any news these days, so it is a necessary evil to monitor it and try to read the tea leaves. From what I’ve seen, 3 is no worse than anyone else—including so-called “professionals”—in attempting to read those tea leaves when they come in the form of tweets from and concerning potential recruits. And, considering that the sources are most often high school kids just like him, it appears that he is frequently in a unique situation where he can relate better to the actual sources, and sometimes have better access to them.

We always knew that recruiting was not for the weak of stomach, but twitter has really brought that into stark relief by expanding exponentially the opportunities for manipulation and allowing people to track simultaneously almost every moment along the long and winding road to commitment. It has become a recruiting phenomenon unto itself, to the point where it’s almost like watching tropical depressions from the time that they form, trying to predict whether they will develop into hurricanes and, if so, where they will land and what impact they will have. If that task is so unreliable despite being fact-based, imagine how much more difficult it would be if, instead of being based on models and actual data, it also included countless rumors and false leads that were often indistinguishable from actual data.

That’s what recruiting predictions are like. I think the fact that 3 has been as involved as he has been from such a young age will likely serve him increasingly well over the years, as he will be one of those guys who grew up with the "new" medium and should develop an innately better sense of how to read it.

Keep doing what you’re doing, 3. You have a passion for it, and in the end that’s all that matters. And thanks for saving me from having to look elsewhere to figure out what’s going on regarding UConn in the Twitter-verse.


In the mix for six
Aug 26, 2011
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3, you have a bright future. Just don't forget about us little people when you get that national writing gig.
Nov 21, 2012
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3, you provide the most valuable and indepth info on this board. I would be lost on the recruiting info without you!
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