Let's be honest: Herbst is the best thing to happen to UConn. | The Boneyard

Let's be honest: Herbst is the best thing to happen to UConn.

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Aug 27, 2011
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Regardless of what happens - Herbst is active and pulling as many strings as she can.

Something deep inside me says we'd be royally ducked with Austin or Hogan at the helm during this mess.

At least with Herbst - there's hope, and in my opinion, confidence UConn will be alright.


Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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I have felt confident in her to get the job done since this whole mess unfolded. Anyone who has said we were caught off guard is way off base in my opinion. We may not have thought it was going to happen this fast but I don't think anyone did besides the ones who pulled the trigger.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Regardless of what happens - Herbst is active and pulling as many strings as she can.

Something deep inside me says we'd be royally ducked with Austin or Hogan at the helm during this mess.

At least with Herbst - there's hope, and in my opinion, confidence UConn will be alright.

Regardless of what happens? I disagree, if we end up out in the cold she needs to resign.
Aug 26, 2011
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Regardless of what happens? I disagree, if we end up out in the cold she needs to resign.
That is not even remotely close to being fair. I understand your upset she got rid of your boy Hathaway, but where we end up is not entirely in her control.
Sep 2, 2011
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She is the President at a seminal moment in UConn's athletic history. Whether through ineptitude, oversight, strategy, whatever, what has happened to UConn occurred on her watch.

Not having an AD lined up and ready to go also came under stead.

If results matter and she has let events run away to UConn's detriment, she should suffer the consequences. If she redeems herself, all will be right in the world.
Regardless of what happens - Herbst is active and pulling as many strings as she can.

Something deep inside me says we'd be royally ducked with Austin or Hogan at the helm during this mess.

At least with Herbst - there's hope, and in my opinion, confidence UConn will be alright.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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She is the President at a seminal moment in UConn's athletic history. Whether through ineptitude, oversight, strategy, whatever, what has happened to UConn occurred on her watch.

Not having an AD lined up and ready to go also came under stead.

If results matter and she has let events run away to UConn's detriment, she should suffer the consequences. If she redeems herself, all will be right in the world.

You know she didn't take over the office of President until June 1, right? And that she has responsibilities beyond the Athletic Dept? I don't know what you expect her to do in 2.5 months but IMO she's accomplished a great deal already. If she doesn't get UConn Athletics into a secure situation it wont' be for lack of effort on her part.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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She is the President at a seminal moment in UConn's athletic history. Whether through ineptitude, oversight, strategy, whatever, what has happened to UConn occurred on her watch.

Not having an AD lined up and ready to go also came under stead.

If results matter and she has let events run away to UConn's detriment, she should suffer the consequences. If she redeems herself, all will be right in the world.

Not having an AD lined up? It's her fault that in the hiring process this all exploded?!?!?


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree with the OP

trying to blame her for this stuff that caught EVERYBODY blindsided is kinda silly in my book. Let's see how she handles crisis

so far so good from where I'm sitting and what I've read. If somebody thinks she should have a solution cast in stone already, well I'll be kind and merely say we'll have to agree to disagree
Aug 26, 2011
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The one thing I wonder is was UConn invited last year? There have been a few intimations. Prior to the Big12 going haywire this summer, did UConn have an inkling that the ACC was sniffing around? If it did, then I wonder if she had been fully briefed by Hathaway and the previous administration.

It looks to me that the ACC had serious interest in grabbing up more BE teams all along. This was not a decision the ACC made in the last couple of weeks. It takes a long time, and a lot of research, to have such a decision ready to implement. And that's why I think the ACC might've approached UConn a long while ago.
Sep 2, 2011
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Wrong. Syracuse, Pitt and the ACC weren't blindsided. Herbst herself stated she wasn't surprised. Anyone with half a brain knew that the nova upgrade issue was botched. The general public knew some fb schools were unhappy for months. If that is your excuse- she was new- then that's an indictment of her organizational skills. Remembe, the buck stops with her. We can argue these issues intil we are blue in the face. But in the end our voices are powerless. She alone was UConn's vanguard. Not JC, not the AD, she and she alone.
I agree with the OP

trying to blame her for this stuff that caught EVERYBODY blindsided is kinda silly in my book. Let's see how she handles crisis

so far so good from where I'm sitting and what I've read. If somebody thinks she should have a solution cast in stone already, well I'll be kind and merely say we'll have to agree to disagree


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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Wrong. Syracuse, Pitt and the ACC weren't blindsided. Herbst herself stated she wasn't surprised. Anyone with half a brain knew that the nova upgrade issue was botched. The general public knew some fb schools were unhappy for months. If that is your excuse- she was new- then that's an indictment of her organizational skills. Remembe, the buck stops with her. We can argue these issues intil we are blue in the face. But in the end our voices are powerless. She alone was UConn's vanguard. Not JC, not the AD, she and she alone.

She knew a split was coming. But it's completely unfair to blame her for the timing.
Aug 26, 2011
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The Villanova thing made no sense from the beginning since the upgrade was made public long before Villanova even knew it wanted to upgrade. We knew then that it was a bizarre episode. I've been saying forever now that UConn needed to get out of the BE and split off from the bball schools. It would be beyond silly for me to go back on that now. I was betting people just last week that the All Catholic schools would drop to A-10 level in fairly rapid order in the near future.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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Wrong. Syracuse, Pitt and the ACC weren't blindsided. Herbst herself stated she wasn't surprised. Anyone with half a brain knew that the nova upgrade issue was botched. The general public knew some fb schools were unhappy for months. If that is your excuse- she was new- then that's an indictment of her organizational skills. Remembe, the buck stops with her. We can argue these issues intil we are blue in the face. But in the end our voices are powerless. She alone was UConn's vanguard. Not JC, not the AD, she and she alone.

please, nobody expected this now, and it all came together within a few days. The ACC became concerned they were losing two teams to the SEC and became proactive. They 1st approached TX and ND, but those talks fell apart. They then approached Pitt & Cuse separately only a few days ago and told them they had to decide quickly or other teams would be invited.

the Big East commissioner found out about it in the press box at the WVU vs MD game

Jamie Dixon knew nothing

Jim Boeheim said if you told him Thursday that Cuse was going to the ACC he would have called you crazy

what is it you think you knew before everybody else? that's just laughable

everybody knew realignment was going to continue, but nobody knew it was this and it was here and now

"wrong", LMFAO


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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She is the President at a seminal moment in UConn's athletic history. Whether through ineptitude, oversight, strategy, whatever, what has happened to UConn occurred on her watch.

Not having an AD lined up and ready to go also came under stead.

If results matter and she has let events run away to UConn's detriment, she should suffer the consequences. If she redeems herself, all will be right in the world.

what should I expect from a guy who thinks Herbst is responsible for all of this

Aug 27, 2011
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She is the President at a seminal moment in UConn's athletic history. Whether through ineptitude, oversight, strategy, whatever, what has happened to UConn occurred on her watch.

Not having an AD lined up and ready to go also came under stead.

If results matter and she has let events run away to UConn's detriment, she should suffer the consequences. If she redeems herself, all will be right in the world.

Can you honestly tell me that either Hogan or Austin would be doing jack right now? The answer is no. Hogan would be sitting with his thumb in his ass saying "Look at me, I make UConn alumni happy!" and Austin would be "Um...we have an athletic department?"
Aug 27, 2011
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Not having an AD lined up? It's her fault that in the hiring process this all exploded?!?!?

I think what's more incredible is that she's in many ways being the AD in this whole situation. She's the one making the calls right now. I can't imagine the amount of overtime she's working right now.
Aug 26, 2011
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please, nobody expected this now, and it all came together within a few days. The ACC became concerned they were losing two teams to the SEC and became proactive. They 1st approached TX and ND, but those talks fell apart. They then approached Pitt & Cuse separately only a few days ago and told them they had to decide quickly or other teams would be invited.

the Big East commissioner found out about it in the press box at the WVU vs MD game

Jamie Dixon knew nothing

Jim Boeheim said if you told him Thursday that Cuse was going to the ACC he would have called you crazy

what is it you think you knew before everybody else? that's just laughable

everybody knew realignment was going to continue, but nobody knew it was this and it was here and now

"wrong", LMFAO

Gross presents a different story.


Soul Brother
Aug 27, 2011
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This is his schtick, hes been doing this for a few days on multiple threads now. He has no clue of what he's talking about.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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Gross presents a different story.

nothing Gross said disproves anything I said. Sure, there has been talk about realignment for some time now, nobody disputes that. Cuse was looking at the B10, the ACC and a stronger BE, we all know that as well. But the scenario of Pitt & Cuse moving to the ACC now is what I believe to be a very recent development. He also said he had no idea Pitt was involved

If he comes out and says we've been discussing this with the ACC for years now and we finally reached an agreement, that it was only a matter of time before this exact re-alignment took place, then I'll concede my interpretation of the chain of events is wrong.
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