Am I losing my mind, or is the "food poisoning" aspect of the Flu game not that surprising? In other words, I'm pretty sure many people had discussed the possibility of food poisoning before, but I don't think MJ ever said specifically "I had the flu" it was always "flu-like symptoms."
Some thought that meant hungover, which I NEVER bought, because I'm sure he played hung over before and that didn't look like a hangover ... some thought that meant food poisoning, some thought it was a regular flu. But food poisoning being a possible, in fact MAIN culprit was not breaking news last night ... the only breaking and interesting new info was that the whole story never came out from him.
I guess I've always assumed it was something like that, especially since he was basically fine the next day or 2. I never imagined MJ, who used to not sleep and gamble and drink and smoke stoagies the night before games all the time, suddenly got so smashed in UTAH before game 5 that he couldn't stand up and his eyes were so droopy he looked like he was dying.
The hangover thing always bugged me, but now the food poisoning being treated like brand new info is odd. Unless I'm losing it.