Lashlee is the best OC we have ever had, by a lot. | The Boneyard

Lashlee is the best OC we have ever had, by a lot.

Aug 28, 2011
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Some of his play design had guys wide open, nobody within 20 yards. The Bloom TD was a work of genius. If there is any fun to be wrung out of this slow march to hell, it's watching his offense.

Have you noticed how infrequently the offensive line false starts? Last year we would false start early and often. This year, I can't remember one (I sure there must have been a couple). And this is a bunch of young guys and injury replacements. Lashlee's tempo keeps them focused and on their toes. And they have gotten better as the season goes along.

Eliminate the physical errors and we could put up 40 or 50 points ourselves. And the offense, which is close to 30 points a game, rarely has a short field. Nor is it the recipient of many sudden change opportunity as the "D" has only two takeaways this season. They have earned everything.

Anyhow, his offense makes the games worth watching.
Aug 27, 2011
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This offense is fun to watch...he definitely makes the right play calls at the right times. It's too bad Sherriffs doesn't have a little better touch on his deep passes because it would be even more wide open. Lashlee has taken what he has and made it work within his system. I'm sure it also helps that Grimes and Lashlee are on the exact same page, because we know what happens when that isn't the case.
Aug 26, 2011
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I wonder how long he will hitch his wagon to this. His agent will surely be looking for sexier spots for him.


Did anyone notice how Randy kind of threw Lashlee under the bus in the post game press conference when it should have been Crocker?
Randy talked about no huddle and turnovers and how it doesn’t keep the defense off the field. And given their personnel they can’t really play that way, etc. I found that real interesting and I do agree BS had two really bad timed turnovers and he just doesn’t have some of the natural and taught instincts we would like to see in a QB - BUT come on - the monster problem in the room is the defense - which gave up 700 yards and most of the 70 points.
Maybe a little jealousy for all the credit Lashlee’s getting and the dismal showing of his hire - Crocker?
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Sep 18, 2011
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Did anyone notice how Randy kind of threw Lashlee under the bus in the post game press conference when it should have been Crocker?
Randy talked about no huddle and turnovers and how it doesn’t keep the defense off the field. And given their personnel they can’t really play that way, etc. I found that real interesting and I do agree BS had two really bad timed interceptions and he just doesn’t have some of the natural and taught instincts we would like to see in a QB - BUT come on - the monster problem in the room is the defense - which gave up 700 yards and most of the 70 points.
Maybe a little jealousy for all the credit Lashlee’s getting and the dismal showing of his hire - Crocker?

Yes, the defense played poorly, but the offense didn't help last night especially at the end of the first half.

I think the offense at the end of the first half basically gave the game to Memphis. Score was 21-21 and the defense held on 4th down and UConn got the ball with 4:13 remaining in the half. UConn's offense proceeded to have a 3 and out and only ran 1:05 off the clock giving the ball back to Memphis with 3:08 remaining in the half. More time should have been run off the clock and sometimes the hurry up offense needs to slow down to speed up the clock. Memphis scored and made it 28-21. UConn got the ball back with 1:47 to go and UConn's offense fumbled on their 34 yard line and gave Memphis the ball back on UConn's 35 with 1:35 remaining. Memphis scored making it 35-21 and the game was basically over.

At worst, UConn should have been down 28-21 at half time, instead they were down 35-24 and the momentum had clearly flipped in favor of Memphis.

And, look at the time of possession: Memphis 36:50, UConn 23:10. I'm not defending Crocker and his scheme, but no defense is going to hold up playing against a hurry up offense that has the ball that much. The offense has to step up and take more control of the game and there are times that the offense needs to slow down to help the defense.
Aug 29, 2016
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I think the offense at the end of the first half basically gave the game to Memphis. Score was 21-21 and the defense held on 4th down and UConn got the ball with 4:13 remaining in the half. UConn's offense proceeded to have a 3 and out and only ran 1:05 off the clock giving the ball back to Memphis with 3:08 remaining in the half. More time should have been run off the clock and sometimes the hurry up offense needs to slow down to speed up the clock. Memphis scored and made it 28-21. UConn got the ball back with 1:47 to go and UConn's offense fumbled on their 34 yard line and gave Memphis the ball back on UConn's 35 with 1:35 remaining. Memphis scored making it 35-21 and the game was basically over.
Yeah, at 3:08 I remarked to my neighbors "Oh no, Memphis has plenty of time to score -- maybe even twice." Which of course is what happened and then even UConn had time enough to drive down and get a field goal on top of that. We just all shook our heads and headed down to the concourse for another Sam. It was that kinda night.
Aug 28, 2011
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Yes, the defense played poorly, but the offense didn't help last night especially at the end of the first half.

I think the offense at the end of the first half basically gave the game to Memphis. Score was 21-21 and the defense held on 4th down and UConn got the ball with 4:13 remaining in the half. UConn's offense proceeded to have a 3 and out and only ran 1:05 off the clock giving the ball back to Memphis with 3:08 remaining in the half. More time should have been run off the clock and sometimes the hurry up offense needs to slow down to speed up the clock. Memphis scored and made it 28-21. UConn got the ball back with 1:47 to go and UConn's offense fumbled on their 34 yard line and gave Memphis the ball back on UConn's 35 with 1:35 remaining. Memphis scored making it 35-21 and the game was basically over.

At worst, UConn should have been down 28-21 at half time, instead they were down 35-24 and the momentum had clearly flipped in favor of Memphis.

And, look at the time of possession: Memphis 36:50, UConn 23:10. I'm not defending Crocker and his scheme, but no defense is going to hold up playing against a hurry up offense that has the ball that much. The offense has to step up and take more control of the game and there are times that the offense needs to slow down to help the defense.

In the first half, Memphis was 8-12 on third down. The defense made it's own fate. And we kept putting Britton in a position to cover a much faster player all alone on many of those third downs.

And Sherriff once again threw and awful INT. If he puts any loft under that ball Beals has a chance to catch it or knock it away. Instead he threw a 30 yard line dive right to the DB. It's not a bad call to take shot we you are backed up. That was on execution not the call.
Jun 19, 2014
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Yes, the defense played poorly, but the offense didn't help last night especially at the end of the first half.

I think the offense at the end of the first half basically gave the game to Memphis. Score was 21-21 and the defense held on 4th down and UConn got the ball with 4:13 remaining in the half. UConn's offense proceeded to have a 3 and out and only ran 1:05 off the clock giving the ball back to Memphis with 3:08 remaining in the half. More time should have been run off the clock and sometimes the hurry up offense needs to slow down to speed up the clock. Memphis scored and made it 28-21. UConn got the ball back with 1:47 to go and UConn's offense fumbled on their 34 yard line and gave Memphis the ball back on UConn's 35 with 1:35 remaining. Memphis scored making it 35-21 and the game was basically over.

At worst, UConn should have been down 28-21 at half time, instead they were down 35-24 and the momentum had clearly flipped in favor of Memphis.

And, look at the time of possession: Memphis 36:50, UConn 23:10. I'm not defending Crocker and his scheme, but no defense is going to hold up playing against a hurry up offense that has the ball that much. The offense has to step up and take more control of the game and there are times that the offense needs to slow down to help the defense.
Good point, I didn't even think of that. Shouldn't Edsall have popped his head in and said lets slow this thing down?


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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And Sherriff once again threw and awful INT.

But the D came up big after that with a 4 and out. The O let the team down but not capitalizing on the next series. Worse than the pick was the Mensah fumble gifting Memphis with another TD late in the 2nd quarter. The old HCRE would have glued him to the bench for the duration.
Aug 26, 2011
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Yes, the defense played poorly, but the offense didn't help last night especially at the end of the first half.

I think the offense at the end of the first half basically gave the game to Memphis. Score was 21-21 and the defense held on 4th down and UConn got the ball with 4:13 remaining in the half. UConn's offense proceeded to have a 3 and out and only ran 1:05 off the clock giving the ball back to Memphis with 3:08 remaining in the half. More time should have been run off the clock and sometimes the hurry up offense needs to slow down to speed up the clock. Memphis scored and made it 28-21. UConn got the ball back with 1:47 to go and UConn's offense fumbled on their 34 yard line and gave Memphis the ball back on UConn's 35 with 1:35 remaining. Memphis scored making it 35-21 and the game was basically over.

At worst, UConn should have been down 28-21 at half time, instead they were down 35-24 and the momentum had clearly flipped in favor of Memphis.

And, look at the time of possession: Memphis 36:50, UConn 23:10. I'm not defending Crocker and his scheme, but no defense is going to hold up playing against a hurry up offense that has the ball that much. The offense has to step up and take more control of the game and there are times that the offense needs to slow down to help the defense.
Please. Defense spends that much time on the field because they can't get the opposing offense off the field. It could be 3rd and 30 and the the opposition feels like they can convert. It's easy pitch and catch against us.

When you score 30, and lose by 40, there is no other place to look. The scary thing is as bad as the personnel looks this year, it is lining up to look worst next year.
Sep 1, 2017
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That TD pass to Bloom as at least the third time we've run that play this year. It's the play the NFL banned after the Patriots ran it a few times against the Ravens in the playoffs a few years ago. Shift Peart from LT out wide. The TE lines up as the LT but is eligible and you hope the defense doesn't cover him, like last night.

If it's legal you might as well use it.
Apr 29, 2017
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Did anyone notice how Randy kind of threw Lashlee under the bus in the post game press conference when it should have been Crocker?
Randy talked about no huddle and turnovers and how it doesn’t keep the defense off the field. And given their personnel they can’t really play that way, etc. I found that real interesting and I do agree BS had two really bad timed interceptions and he just doesn’t have some of the natural and taught instincts we would like to see in a QB - BUT come on - the monster problem in the room is the defense - which gave up 700 yards and most of the 70 points.
Maybe a little jealousy for all the credit Lashlee’s getting and the dismal showing of his hire - Crocker?

It sounds like RE is a jealous of the success Lashlee has had and may be looking over his shoulder.
Sep 18, 2011
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Memphis did not roll up 700 yards against the offense. Crocker is on the clock.
The best defense can be an offense that has long drives that take time off the clock. That is what Diaco was trying to do with the offense and it made his defense look statistically better than what it was. UConn has 2 DTs (and one true freshman) and 9 out of 16 scholarship DBs that are FR or RFr. You can't run a 4-3 with that and you shouldn't be running a 3-3-5 with the limited depth and experience at DB. The cards are stacked against Crocker. That said, I think he needs to make some adjustments for the defense to perform better.


I'm not defending the defense, but here is a very telling stat. UConn fumbled 5 times last night and lost 2 and they were intercepted once. Turnover margin 3-0 Memphis. No team will win with that turnover margin.

Yeah, Chief posted about turnovers and someone was in denial about it.
Aug 27, 2011
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Watching Sheriffs this year it's evident that Lashlee's coaching has definitely improved his game. He steps up in the pocket, makes his reads, and will check down when he needs to. Does he still make the bonehead throw into double/triple coverage, have a limited downfield passing touch or arm strength, make some bad read option calls..yeah...but he has become a well rounded QB because he finally has had some quality instruction by a good QB coach who demands excellence and is putting his system to work to make the most of Bryant's strengths. It has been nice to see...
Aug 27, 2011
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I'd have AD Dave scouting the SEC for an assistant defensive coordinator looking to make a name. The only thing I see working is the infusion of SEC football genetics into this program.. Lashlee and Grimes are impacting. Get this wannabe from Nova with no real big football connections or history out the door.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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I'd have AD Dave scouting the SEC for an assistant defensive coordinator looking to make a name. The only thing I see working is the infusion of SEC football genetics into this program.. Lashlee and Grimes are impacting. Get this wannabe from Nova with no real big football connections or history out the door.

Your broken record posts about Crocker in threads that have nothing to do with him are polluting this board and getting dumber by the minute.

Fire him because he doesn't have "big football connections?" Jesus that's stupid.
Aug 27, 2011
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Your broken record posts about Crocker in threads that have nothing to do with him are polluting this board and getting dumber by the minute.

Fire him because he doesn't have "big football connections?" Jesus that's stupid.
Not what I said, but nice effort. Compare results between the two coordinators. Yes, you fire a DC performing that badly. For God's sake open up your friggin eyes and analyze. The pollution I see are the dopes who fail to recognize basic facts sitting right in front if their faces. No, you don't give up 600 plus a week and get to keep your job with zero indicators of improvement.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Not what I said, but nice effort. Compare results between the two coordinators. Yes, you fire a DC performing that badly. For God's sake open up your friggin eyes and analyze. The pollution I see are the dopes who fail to recognize basic facts sitting right in front if their faces. No, you don't give up 600 plus a week and get to keep your job with zero indicators of improvement.

Looks like you'll want Crocker's hypothetical replacement fired in short order too.

A new DC and scheme applied midseason - which is nuts in its own right - will not teach these players how to tackle correctly or stop from from getting faked out with the simplest of moves by opposing offensive players.

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