In another post you seem to be agreeing with the Notre Dame flop being real and accurate. Then you seem to be suggesting it was someone's imagination. You can't have it both ways. There is no question that Notre Dame and particularly Skylar Duggins was an aggressive player who liked to charge into the heart of the defense but there were numerous times when she did, that she wasn't the fouled, she was the fouler. An appreciable amount of times lousy referee's rewarded their aggressiveness (and probably thought Skylar was cute) with bad calls that were blatant charges. A headlong dash, like a bull in a china shop, was awarded, not only with foul shots, but also putting key Huskies (and other opponents key players) in foul trouble. The combination made a huge difference in the very NARROW wins that Notre Dame was getting in that time and it also played into Huskie heads not to be too aggressive defensively, thus making Notre Dame's game more effective. This is not to say that Notre Dame wasn't and hasn't been good but that style really played to their favor as it has for the Duke men, who over the years have gotten away with more flops than lousy off Broadway producers.