You have made the case for Dolson as an AA convincingly. Now make the case for Irwin as a future AA. I'll give you a head start:
She was selected by Geno in consultation with his esteemed staff to be offered a scholarship to play for UConn (no better endorsement than that);
She is 6'2" now (may grow), a coach's daughter, and highly motivated;
She has scored 900+ points in two years and projects to 2,000+ in HS against good competition;
Knowledgeable people (e.g., AAU coach) have already attested to her skills; and,
She has two more years to work hard (while well-coached by her mom) to further develop her game.
Add to those impressive bona fides the projections by some Boneyarders (who have not yet seen her play) that she will replicate Dolson or Gardler and attain AA status.
Looks like a "can't miss" recruit to me.
Here's your chance. Post a guarantee that Kyla will be an AA.