KState Will Not Release Leticia Romero | Page 4 | The Boneyard

KState Will Not Release Leticia Romero

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Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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ummmm no. Again, she doesn't owe anybody anything and doesn't have to pay anybody to leave. She can leave and go home anytime she wants. No hostage.

A contemporary equivalent would be working at a job you hate and saying you can't quit. You can quit, anytime. You may not be able to live the way you want (< $), but they are not making you stay.
You are simply being intentionally blind to the leverage being exercised on her. She, yes, has a choice. Stay and play or potentially be forced to leave the country that is coercive leverage. It's is about the power same as the company store was. The company store was never about he products sold there. It was about exercising control and dominance over others by coercion through exploitation of economic leverage
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Aug 15, 2011
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I hope you are right, JS. Any indications that this might be the case? Incidentally, don;t ever underestimate the thickheadednes of Kansans. Having grown up there and kept in touch, I know whereof I speak.
There is no head so thick it can't see this is a debacle.

Well, maybe I better not generalize without having seen all of them play. But they're blundering their way through a growing firestorm and have to find a way out.

They claim to be bound by policies they wrote themselves, as though those policies were an immutable constitution. Bull. Even constitutional rulings can be reconsidered, and constitutions changed.

Speaking of constitutions, in addition to everything else that's been said, I'm thinking they're implicitly under threat of a lawsuit that they won't want to see to a conclusion (bleeding the whole while) but will want to settle before it even starts by agreeing to a mutually acceptable transfer.

Among other things, they're a state school. If I'm her lawyer I'm starting to think about a constitutional (fed and/or state) due process argument.

They're an arm of the state and have administered their rules to an individual's detriment in a way that, based on virtually all reported facts, appears to have been unreasonable, inconsistent, opaque and arbitrary (to say nothing of accident prone).

Turning from the courts to the NCAA, which doesn't seem supportive of K-State's actions, there's a place for the NCAA permissible restrictions on transfers. The policy behind them is to avoid athletes opportunistically hopping around among programs seeking the best situations of the moment, while interrupting the presumed four-year educational path followed by other students.

The NCAA has always recognized coaching changes as a circumstance outside the athlete's control that can make her original choice a sort of shell game and that merit more lenient transfer rules.

That's the case here, and the notorious "stolen" letter makes clear that the AD was satisfied Ms. Romero wasn't being tampered with, i.e. lured by the former coaching staff to wherever they were going.

You add all this up, and conclude that it's going to dawn on even the thickest of heads that they have to get this case behind them and start repairing the damage.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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You are simply being intentionally blind to the leverage being exercised on her.
Not at all. I completely understand it. I'm not sure I can say the same for you. They only have leverage because they have something she wants. If she didn't want that, then they would have no leverage. If she is held "hostage" to anything, it is her wants.

She, yes, has a choice.
Exactly. (not good choices, but choices)

It's is about the power same as the company store was. The company store was never about he products sold there. It was about exercising control and dominance over others by coercion through exploitation of economic leverage
Closer,but not quite right. The Company store, you owed money to. That's why they had to keep working. She doesn't owe them anything.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
ummmm no. Again, she doesn't owe anybody anything and doesn't have to pay anybody to leave. She can leave and go home anytime she wants. No hostage.

A contemporary equivalent would be working at a job you hate and saying you can't quit. You can quit, anytime. You may not be able to live the way you want (< $), but they are not making you stay.
Not quite. They are denying her the opportunity to continue her studies, as she can't afford it as a non-scholarship student. K-State may not get another decent wcbb recruit in a long time. Serves them right.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Not quite. They are denying her the opportunity to continue her studies, as she can't afford it as a non-scholarship student. K-State may not get another decent wcbb recruit in a long time. Serves them right.
Well that's not true. She can go to K State for free. AND like millions of other people who can't afford to go to college, it's not K State's fault they can't afford it.

I'm not defending K State, I don't like what they are doing. But some of you people need to think about what you are saying. The point was, she is not being held "hostage". She's being F&*#ed over. And yes hopefully, K State regrets this down the road. (even if they fix it)


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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And RAdyLady, what SORT of facts might be lurking behind the scenes? It looks very much as if everything is way out in the open. If there ARE any facts that have not come out, I am willing to bet that they are not likely to improve K-State's image.

Anyone who has ALL the facts, please let us know because I have never heard of the media getting something wrong.

I knew this would be trouble, yet the vehemence was so overpowering (and from some surprising sources on the BY) that I felt it necessary to chirp. I am not a crystal ball and as I stated before, even in our instances of transfer, we are never told the entire circumstance of that players departure. Frankly I never thought that it was any of my business.

That said, it is very easy to side with the player in this case, and really makes the most sense. Yet I have that one little voice telling me that there may be more here than meets the eye, so I did a little digging. And I found a link to an article in the comments section of Mechelle's column yesterday, of which someone posted some content above, dated in April and gave me pause. I am not saying it's gospel, I am not saying that the writer even knows for sure..

I am just saying that there may be more here (operative word being "may"). That's all.
Aug 26, 2011
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Well that's not true. She can go to K State for free. AND like millions of other people who can't afford to go to college, it's not K State's fault they can't afford it.

I'm not defending K State, I don't like what they are doing. But some of you people need to think about what you are saying. The point was, she is not being held "hostage". She's being F& #ed over. And yes hopefully, K State regrets this down the road. (even if they fix it)
You sure sound like you are defending them. She can only go to K-State for free IF she plays basketball. Do you think they'll honor her scholarship if she doesn't? If she chooses NOT to play for them, she loses her scholarship. If she chooses to go elsewhere, she has to pay out-of-pocket as she can't get the release from K-State. It sure sounds like she is being made to play basketball at K-State if she wants to continue going to school.
Jan 13, 2014
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Well that's not true. She can go to K State for free. AND like millions of other people who can't afford to go to college, it's not K State's fault they can't afford it.

I'm not defending K State, I don't like what they are doing. But some of you people need to think about what you are saying. The point was, she is not being held "hostage". She's being F& #ed over. And yes hopefully, K State regrets this down the road. (even if they fix it)
I don't know what her basketball and education options are at home or in other foreign countries, but if I were Leticia I'd be thinking, "The h-- with the USA, see ya, good riddance." In any case K-State's treatment of her can't be making her feel too good about all the freedom and individual rights we preach about. Egg on more than just K-state's face IMO.


Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
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So, Meyers, (and maybe Ozzie too), you are of the opinion that, in spite of the fact that the coaching team which recruited her to KSU has all been fired, that the school is entirely justified in refusing to grant the young lady a release, and this in spite of the fact that they have nothing to gain and she has a great deal to lose, is that correct? In other words, because they have the power to refuse to release her, they also have the right to do so? "She should have read the fine print"? "All that is legal is justified"? "Caveat emptor"? Do you realistically think that there was any way she could or should have anticipated this sort of situation? If this is not defending them, what is it, pray tell?

Incidentally, RadyLady's link will not work for me. I would be interested to see the article.
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The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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that's very weird. It worked before, now it's not working. I refreshed the page. I am going to go to the original source and check it from there.....


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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Try this link

The site appears to not to want to let me link to it. So I suggest you go to


and in the web search field, type
Raging battle continues over Romero

I just was able to get to the article doing this. I could copy and paste the relevant stuff here, but without the link, it is useless

Ozzie Nelson

RIP, Ozzie
Aug 26, 2011
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So, Meyers, (and maybe Ozzie too), you are of the opinion that, in spite of the fact that the coaching team which recruited her to KSU has all been fired, that the school is entirely justified in refusing to grant the young lady a release, and this in spite of the fact that they have nothing to gain and she has a great deal to lose, is that correct? In other words, because they have the power to refuse to release her, they also have the right to do so? "She should have read the fine print"? "All that is legal is justified"? "Caveat emptor"? Do you realistically think that there was any way she could or should have anticipated this sort of situation? If this is not defending them, what is it, pray tell?

Incidentally, RadyLady's link will not work for me. I would be interested to see the article.

Not me. Where did I indicate this? I put you in the Penalty Box for that error.
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Ozzie Nelson

RIP, Ozzie
Aug 26, 2011
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So, Meyers, (and maybe Ozzie too), you are of the opinion that, in spite of the fact that the coaching team which recruited her to KSU has all been fired, that the school is entirely justified in refusing to grant the young lady a release, and this in spite of the fact that they have nothing to gain and she has a great deal to lose, is that correct? In other words, because they have the power to refuse to release her, they also have the right to do so? "She should have read the fine print"? "All that is legal is justified"? "Caveat emptor"? Do you realistically think that there was any way she could or should have anticipated this sort of situation? If this is not defending them, what is it, pray tell?

Incidentally, RadyLady's link will not work for me. I would be interested to see the article.

I just checked...this was my only post in this thread, and I clearly take her side.

"I am just wondering, what could Ms Romero have done that was wrong, as in facts we don't know?"

I am not happy with your mistake.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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You sure sound like you are defending them.
Then you are not reading my posts right.

She can only go to K-State for free IF she plays basketball. Do you think they'll honor her scholarship if she doesn't? If she chooses NOT to play for them, she loses her scholarship. If she chooses to go elsewhere, she has to pay out-of-pocket as she can't get the release from K-State. It sure sounds like she is being made to play basketball at K-State if she wants to continue going to school.
Sure. But that is not denying her a free education. Actually that is providing her a free education. Which is the exact opposite.
Aug 28, 2011
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I googled Raging battle continues over Romero

got go powercat/ rivals.com story... is that it? It's a bit old... the coaches all have jobs in CO and their school is not on her list....
( that link won't work here either)


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
Reaction Score
I googled Raging battle continues over Romero

got go powercat/ rivals.com story... is that it? It's a bit old... the coaches all have jobs in CO and their school is not on her list....

That's correct. The article is from April. But there is other content in there...


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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So, Meyers, (and maybe Ozzie too), you are of the opinion that, in spite of the fact that the coaching team which recruited her to KSU has all been fired, that the school is entirely justified in refusing to grant the young lady a release,
No absolutely not. Where would you get that????????

If this is not defending them, what is it, pray tell?
I haven't defended them at all. I said they were stupid. I said I don't like what they are doing. I said they should pack it in, give her the release and move on. I said she is getting F&*$ed by them. How pray tell is that defending them????


Jonathan Husky on a date with Holi
Aug 26, 2011
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Try this link

The site appears to not to want to let me link to it. So I suggest you go to

https://kansasstate com/

and in the web search field, type
Raging battle continues over Romero

I just was able to get to the article doing this. I could copy and paste the relevant stuff here, but without the link, it is useless

All of the links aren't working - wonder if KState has blocked them?


Jonathan Husky on a date with Holi
Aug 26, 2011
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So, Meyers, (and maybe Ozzie too), you are of the opinion that, in spite of the fact that the coaching team which recruited her to KSU has all been fired, that the school is entirely justified in refusing to grant the young lady a release, and this in spite of the fact that they have nothing to gain and she has a great deal to lose, is that correct? In other words, because they have the power to refuse to release her, they also have the right to do so? "She should have read the fine print"? "All that is legal is justified"? "Caveat emptor"? Do you realistically think that there was any way she could or should have anticipated this sort of situation? If this is not defending them, what is it, pray tell?

Incidentally, RadyLady's link will not work for me. I would be interested to see the article.

I don't think Meyers is saying that at all. He clearly disdains what the University is doing. As I see it, he is objecting to some of the terminology some of us have been using. No one is defending KState here.
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The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
Reaction Score
All of the links aren't working - wonder if KState has blocked them?

You know, I don't know. It is odd, I'll give you that. TDiNizzo googled the title of the article and was able to find it:

Raging battle continues over Romero



Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
I just checked...this was my only post in this thread, and I clearly take her side.

"I am just wondering, what could Ms Romero have done that was wrong, as in facts we don't know?"

I am not happy with your mistake.

My apologies. I took your Tennessee Ernie post as making light of Ms. Romero's financial difficulties. Obviously you did not mean it that way, but it sure looked like it. My bad.


The Supreme Linkster
Aug 31, 2011
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From the above-linked Mercury article....

One of the issues in play is what took place — or didn’t take place — during the appeals hearing itself, led by K-State vice president of student life Pat Bosco. The committee, “comprised of individuals from the institution’s main campus and outside of athletics,” according to the school’s student-athlete handbook, failed to record the session or produce a transcript, despite assurances that it would.

Romero asked to record the hearing and after being told she could, Sonia Topliff, who works in Bosco’s office, later told Romero, it wasn’t necessary because K-State would take care of it and make it available.

“You do not have to provide your own recording equipment,” Topliff wrote in e-mail to Romero the morning of her hearing that was obtained by The Mercury. “The university will record your meeting with the hearing panel and make it available to you upon your request.”

Romero never received an audio recording or a transcript like she requested.

“Is there a transcript of tape of the hearing? No,” Jackson said. “These people knew exactly what they were doing. They didn’t want a record of it. They lied to her about recording and did not create a record of it — told her there was no copy.”
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