Actually i have seen this kid. There was some piece on him i saw a while back. Besides the obvioius Looks like he might have some spinal alignment issues. Moved very awkwardly.
He's an interesting story. Good for him for trying to do the one thing that can make him feel "normal." No matter what, people are going to stare at him. Some will be mean, but most are just shocked to see someone so different and don't mean any harm. Surrounded and accepted by other basketball players, many of whom people look up to as the cool guys, can only help him.
It's amazing to me that he and I don't even look like the same species, but he's just a kid, and I can't imagine my kids' anxiety if the whole world were staring at them. I wish him the best.
From a basketball perspective, I can't see him having a shot to do much. His highlights truly look like CGI. But if he can get a free American college education out of his height, then he's succeeded in turning a negative to a positive, and I'd even give that school he's at some credit.