Kevin Ollie - Coach | The Boneyard

Kevin Ollie - Coach

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Aug 26, 2011
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Okay you know what I'm sick of reading about whether he's doing a great job or if he's even the answer. It's ridiculous and I need to throw a few things out there so the naysayers can fk off. Let me preface this by saying I am a huge JC fan and he could hardly ever do wrong so this by no means is belittling his achievements.

"He won with JC's players, let's see if he can do it with his own"

That's so fn stupid I wonder if people really know anything about UConn or basketball in general. Okay lets take a look at the NC team:

Bazz - we knew he was special, but that special? He and KO were wonderful together and this began when KO was the assistant. For those who think that is just coincidence then you're whacked. But he was REAL special last year and KO does get some of that.

Boat - The question was could we win with a diminutive backcourt and 2 undersized PG's? Could Boat and Bazz work together and create that perfect storm of a duo - well I think you got your answer. In 2 years they gelled under Coach Ollie to become the best backcourt in the country, on both ends.

Deandre - who good was he for JC? Yeah the guy who saw limited minutes and wasn't much a factor ever for JC - I believe he was special when special needed to be down the stretch and at times all year. Not sure anyone saw that coming while JC was pulling him from games 45 seconds after the tip off.

Giffey - He grew the last 2 years as expected from players admittedly. But what he brough last year was pure passion, the ability to guard all different positions and rebound with passion. Also turned out to be a great shooter. (funny when they miss shots it's "coach isn't spending enough time with them") Much of that is on Niels himself but you don't think KO's work ethic rubbed off on so many players?

Brimah - Freshman whom many of you, said he won't be anything for 3-4 years if at all, while being recruited. While we all know he has a ways to go, with that supporting cast he did the one thing necessary to help them - guard the basket. Never mind the 3 point play, he was fine just blocking and altering shots. That's a KO recruit and as raw as he was he was a very big part of the NC.

Kromah - Hobbsy I am sure helped him get here and then he became a huge part of the success with his intelligent play, experience and ability to guard the ball and guard all positions. A perfect bench player who KO fit in to create a wonderful team

I could go on and on, but "tcf" mentioned in another post: How many of you thought that in 2 years, with those same JC players, that UConn could ever win a NC? Questioning KO and the staffs ability at this point maybe just stupidity, frustration, desperation or whatever but let's please stop. It's ok to question some in-game stuff because he/they need to get better at things, I would agree. But to think suddenly he's not the right guy after what he's already accomplished is being plain idiotic.

Does he have to recruit different players - yep! Look for more basketball-smart players - hell yeah, that's for sure. But the guy can flat out coach his kids and they want to play for him. Let's get a stud recruiter and smarter, better players and we'll be fine. That does need to happen because some things are obvious and one in particular - you can't coach people who don't understand how to play. If they continue to make the same mistakes, you have issues. And they do with this team.

But just stop the "Is KO the right guy" bus now, you look as stupid as they play.
Aug 25, 2011
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On his way to the Championship he outcoached the best in the business. Sure for one game but games that counted the most. That in itself is worth a long term contract and confirms the right decision.

Rhetorically speaking, why are we defending our Coach?
Aug 26, 2011
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This team is young. Other than Boat, you have a lot of freshmen and sophomores. Omar is junior, but he missed a ton of time. This team is young and they make a ton of stupid turnovers, that will improve with experience, but we need another ball handler to compliment Jalen Adams in the future.
Feb 7, 2012
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Great coaches can have bad teams. It happens all the time. Kids leave unexpectedly and leave teams with glaring holes. (Just look at Syracuse). For UConn, if DD came back with Boat, this team would be far different. We simply don't have a second go to option. Hard to win games that way. KO is not the problem, he is the solution.
Aug 27, 2011
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Nice post, Mau. Just like great lineman help make quarterbacks and running backs look good in football, upperclassmen make coaches look good in basketball. Due to Omar's injury, Boat is the only real experienced player on the team other than Phil. The rest of the guys are freshman and sophomores and just aren't ready yet for prime time. Put next year's Dham on this year's team and we would easily have 2-3 more wins.
Dec 19, 2014
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This team is young. Other than Boat, you have a lot of freshmen and sophomores. Omar is junior, but he missed a ton of time. This team is young and they make a ton of stupid turnovers, that will improve with experience, but we need another ball handler to compliment Jalen Adams in the future.
This is why I hope we are after Tyler Dorsey the most, more than Brown, Stone and greek kid. Need 2 point guards on the floor with our offense
Aug 26, 2011
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Okay you know what I'm sick of reading about whether he's doing a great job or if he's even the answer. It's ridiculous and I need to throw a few things out there so the naysayers can fk off. Let me preface this by saying I am a huge JC fan and he could hardly ever do wrong so this by no means is belittling his achievements.

"He won with JC's players, let's see if he can do it with his own"

That's so fn stupid I wonder if people really know anything about UConn or basketball in general. Okay lets take a look at the NC team:

Bazz - we knew he was special, but that special? He and KO were wonderful together and this began when KO was the assistant. For those who think that is just coincidence then you're whacked. But he was REAL special last year and KO does get some of that.

Boat - The question was could we win with a diminutive backcourt and 2 undersized PG's? Could Boat and Bazz work together and create that perfect storm of a duo - well I think you got your answer. In 2 years they gelled under Coach Ollie to become the best backcourt in the country, on both ends.

Deandre - who good was he for JC? Yeah the guy who saw limited minutes and wasn't much a factor ever for JC - I believe he was special when special needed to be down the stretch and at times all year. Not sure anyone saw that coming while JC was pulling him from games 45 seconds after the tip off.

Giffey - He grew the last 2 years as expected from players admittedly. But what he brough last year was pure passion, the ability to guard all different positions and rebound with passion. Also turned out to be a great shooter. (funny when they miss shots it's "coach isn't spending enough time with them") Much of that is on Niels himself but you don't think KO's work ethic rubbed off on so many players?

Brimah - Freshman whom many of you, said he won't be anything for 3-4 years if at all, while being recruited. While we all know he has a ways to go, with that supporting cast he did the one thing necessary to help them - guard the basket. Never mind the 3 point play, he was fine just blocking and altering shots. That's a KO recruit and as raw as he was he was a very big part of the NC.

Kromah - Hobbsy I am sure helped him get here and then he became a huge part of the success with his intelligent play, experience and ability to guard the ball and guard all positions. A perfect bench player who KO fit in to create a wonderful team

I could go on and on, but "tcf" mentioned in another post: How many of you thought that in 2 years, with those same JC players, that UConn could ever win a NC? Questioning KO and the staffs ability at this point maybe just stupidity, frustration, desperation or whatever but let's please stop. It's ok to question some in-game stuff because he/they need to get better at things, I would agree. But to think suddenly he's not the right guy after what he's already accomplished is being plain idiotic.

Does he have to recruit different players - yep! Look for more basketball-smart players - hell yeah, that's for sure. But the guy can flat out coach his kids and they want to play for him. Let's get a stud recruiter and smarter, better players and we'll be fine. That does need to happen because some things are obvious and one in particular - you can't coach people who don't understand how to play. If they continue to make the same mistakes, you have issues. And they do with this team.

But just stop the "Is KO the right guy" bus now, you look as stupid as they play.
There were a lot of exaggerated expectations because of the NCC last season.
Brimah was raw last season and he is still raw
Hamilton: is a freshman
Purvis: didn't start at NC State
Calhoun: coming off injuries
Facey: see Brimah
Sam Jr.: defensive liability
Tsam: tough but no offense and overated on defense
There is talent on this team but KO has a team that is young and challenged on offense and that is not surprising considering the players we lost. Teams will double or at least help on Boat and try to make other players beat them. KO is still the right guy and we have a chance to be much improved by the end of the season. For those who question K.O's ability, do they think that he forgot how to coach in one year? Idiots.
Aug 24, 2011
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And to be honest the absolute scariest thing is some may never get a lot better if they don't get a lot smarter.

There's definitely a black cloud on the horizon.

I think success next year depends on Hamilton. You can deal with weak guard play if you have a "point forward" that you can run your offense through. Hamilton can be that if he tightens up his handle and stops turning his back on the defense.


Aug 26, 2011
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The flaws in this team were obvious from day one. Nobody was fixing them.
I've gotta admit that I overestimated our backcourt and underestimated our lack of experience. The flaws are only obvious to me in hindsight, but I should have--and many others could have--seen them sooner.

Among the things that I failed to consider are that TSam's quality play in last year's NCAA was more a function of him being the fourth option and drawing less attention from opposing defenses, and that Purvis might not be nearly as ready as advertised. Boat has been better than I expected, and being honest I would now say the same about Omar; but obviously that has not been enough to overcome the fundamental flaws and lack of experience elsewhere.
Nov 21, 2012
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Everyone with half brain know KO is not the problem. Coaches can only do so much with what they have.

We are off a title, lost everyone who was a major contributor last season but Boat, and we have 1 senior on this team.

UK off their last title lost to Robert Morris in the NIT with guys like Noel, Cauly-Stein, Goodwin, Poythress, and Harrow on the roster, because they were a team full of freshmen and sophomore that did not get what it takes to win at this level yet.

It is not an issue of talent or coaching it is about maturity, focus and youth. I have no doubt the pieces are there for the future. This team reminds me a lot of the 06-07 team, which developed very nicely.
Sep 27, 2013
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Ollie runs pro style sets and this team just isnt equipped with enough talent to run those types of plays. Ollie has admitted that he has had to cut his play book in half with this team. This team just doesn'thave the talent level or the smarts for an Ollie offense.

Ollie runs everything through the PG and I get why the last 3 years, the pg is/was our best player but thats just not working this year. High screens with Bazz and DD/Niels were legit last year but we dont have the talent to do that this year. I would love to see a JC style set out there, having dham run baseline to baseline like Rip and Ray, with back screens but hey I'm Monday Morning QBing and I'm sure Ollie knows what hes doing.

My breakdown of the players and what I see Next season. Returning players only.

Purvis-. Hes played half a season so far so stop with the he missed a year of basketball. If you guys watch him he is just not the player everyone thought he was. He is a streaky shooter who seriously cannot dribble at all, I will go as far as to say he looks scared with ball. Hes a good defesnive player and hopefully he will become a deadly three point shooter but just dont see him getting much better at dribbling next year to be a major offense threat off the bounce -if your not a good ball handler by this point in your basketball career it just wont happen. Just wish he did more to help like rebound.

Omar- see Purvis minus the good defense.

Brimah - Still raw; no offense game besides dunks, below average rebounder. He has great upside but has along way to go. Needs to work on his D as well, needs to move feet better and stop fouling. Going to a big man camp will do wonders for him.

Dham- Just plays way to rushed even when not necessary. Short arms too many shots and hate the stupid fake he uses. Hes a good rebounder when he wants too just not a smart player yet. Will be the man next year as long as he works on playing smarter and not rushing.

Tsam- Just no jumper at all and it hampers the offense when hes wide open. Has sketcy handle and the D forces him to start the offense from half court. Sometimes he makes the smart decison when to attack and sometimes he doesnt. Can help off bench as long that he knows hes a role player.

Sam C- No clue what he brings to this team or next years team. Very slow and misses most shots he takes. 2nd best ball handler but not a good passer and is too slow to take anyone off the dribble.

Facey- Just undersized and not much of an offense game yet. Works hard on the glass but has disappeared too much. Needs to get physical as he gets pushed around and bullied to much. Develop a consistent jumper next year and get stronger and he can be a factor.

Nolan- LOL

Lubin- Just not ready this year and maybe not next but maybe needed if we dont land another big. Slow cement feet who can't jump.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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It never ceases to amaze me how negative our fanbase, and especially this board, can get the year following a national championship. It's like a switch with two setting, "we are the best" euphoria, or "woe is me we suck" depression and will never improve.

1999, 2004, 2011 and 2014. Do you realize how staggering that dominance is? Any, and I mean any, other team would give up their right nut for those results. Can't we at least go, oh I don't know say... one year, before we start the doomsday predictions?

Yep we are having a down year, but just maybe it's just a bit too soon to throw our national championship winning coach under the bus.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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It never ceases to amaze me how negative our fanbase, and especially this board, can get the year following a national championship. It's like a switch with two setting, "we are the best" euphoria, or "woe is me we suck" depression and will never improve.

1999, 2004, 2011 and 2014. Do you realize how staggering that dominance is? Any, and I mean any, other team would give up their right nut for those results. Can't we at least go, oh I don't know say... one year, before we start the doomsday predictions?

Yep we are having a down year, but just maybe it's just a bit too soon to throw our national championship winning coach under the bus.

Im not throwing him under the bus and I am not a DI, or for that matter, any division BB coach, but there have been some head scratching moments similiar to B Diaco.

And if this is ALL the players faults, then I expect more recruits coming on board (my way of not using the 'T' word).

I guess a good way to know if he is still the coach he was last year is to wait for the NBA head coaching whispers after the season like last year. If you dont hear those then I would assume others in the 'profession' dont have the view of his expertise at the same high level this year like last.

Brooks is probably done in OKC -


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
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Everyone with half brain know KO is not the problem. Coaches can only do so much with what they have.

We are off a title, lost everyone who was a major contributor last season but Boat, and we have 1 senior on this team.

UK off their last title lost to Robert Morris in the NIT with guys like Noel, Cauly-Stein, Goodwin, Poythress, and Harrow on the roster, because they were a team full of freshmen and sophomore that did not get what it takes to win at this level yet.

It is not an issue of talent or coaching it is about maturity, focus and youth. I have no doubt the pieces are there for the future. This team reminds me a lot of the 06-07 team, which developed very nicely.

This post should be /thread
Aug 26, 2011
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Im not throwing him under the bus and I am not a DI, or for that matter, any division BB coach, but there have been some head scratching moments similiar to B Diaco.

And if this is ALL the players faults, then I expect more recruits coming on board (my way of not using the 'T' word).

I guess a good way to know if he is still the coach he was last year is to wait for the NBA head coaching whispers after the season like last year. If you dont hear those then I would assume others in the 'profession' dont have the view of his expertise at the same high level this year like last.

Brooks is probably done in OKC -
That's what scares me... his divorce might make him rethink the NBA jobs.
Feb 27, 2014
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Imagine how much different ie better this team would be with DD. He sure would help out with our inability to score maybe would have helped his draft status


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Imagine how much different ie better this team would be with DD. He sure would help out with our inability to score maybe would have helped his draft status

I obviously don't begrudge DD for leaving and it's certainly reasonable to think coming off a national title his stock was at its apex, but I wonder with a monster senior season if he could've snuck into the 1st round this year.

What's not questionable is how much better we would be with him. Bona-fide scorer with 3 point range.
Jan 12, 2013
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I have no fear that Ollie is the real deal. I fear that our future ability to attract great recruits will be hampered by the fact we are now in the AAC. Why are we unable to get quality big men? There are few very good big men to recruit and it seems that the big fish are going to the big conference. Our depth needs to be replenished and I fear that recruits don't want to be seen or un-seen in the AAC. Relegated to CBS sports network and ESPN 3. That's a tough sell.


Mrs. Dribbles
Aug 26, 2011
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"He won with JC's players, let's see if he can do it with his own"

Does he have to recruit different players - yep! Look for more basketball-smart players - hell yeah, that's for sure. But the guy can flat out coach his kids and they want to play for him. Let's get a stud recruiter and smarter, better players and we'll be fine. That does need to happen because some things are obvious and one in particular - you can't coach people who don't understand how to play. If they continue to make the same mistakes, you have issues. And they do with this team.

But just stop the "Is KO the right guy" bus now, you look as stupid as they play.[/QUOTE]

"Lets get a stud recruiter and smarter, better player and we'll be fine."
Hmmm. Been ponderin that one. ....Nope, can't disagree. Smarter and better players - think you may be on to something there.
Cept'n your statement infers strongly the current recruiting doesn't cut it. Hope you're not calling out out Coach cause he did a lot of the recruiting of the current roster.
Aug 27, 2011
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And to be honest the absolute scariest thing is some may never get a lot better if they don't get a lot smarter.

Agree 100% with your original post as well as this follow up. Everyone will have this year of experience under their belt and that will obviously help, but not sure how you address the lack of BB IQ. Coaching will help some players, but as you point out some players have a real lack of smarts on the court. Unfortunately for some,additional coaching plus this year's experience may not be enough to make them a lot smarter. And that is the scary part. Sure hope Adams has that BB IQ that we need.
Sep 19, 2011
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And to be honest the absolute scariest thing is some may never get a lot better if they don't get a lot smarter.

That is my biggest fear.

I can see DHam getting with ballhandling and I could see him step forth as a leader. Maybe not a holler guy but a lead by example guy.

The scariest thing with some of the guys is you don't know if we have already are seeing their ceiling or not(not talking about DHam). You hope their decision making gets better. You almost have to look at the rest of the season as a prep for next for a lot of these guys while still seeing what we can still do this year.
Aug 26, 2011
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I sometimes think I just don't agree with any of you.

DeAndre? Missing link? Etc etc

My biggest heartburn on this Team would first be addressed by another Kromah. Glue guy. (Or Giffey). You just have the feel that ONLY Boatright plays smart at the times that count. I don't think you can ever say that the others won't. Each & all of them lack court experience at this level. You freaking having Brimah as a second captain; a guy who was looping along in dirt roads in Africa when Kemba was king. I have high hopes for T Samuels. And Omar. And see Purvis with potential. NONE of them can be counted on. NONE are glue like a Kromah could think through game situation.

Talent? I'm thinking we ARE not UK. We develop talent over years. And WE do need smarts on the court. We have scant evidence ... But Remember the Great Al McGuire sayings. They will get better (or most of them).
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