Wait, you qualified what Kim did but didn't qualify what Tara did? She won in 1990 and 1992 then didn't win again until 2021. That's 29 years. To be fair to both Kim and Tara, between 1985 and 2016, Pat and Geno won 19 titles in 31 years so there were not a lot of opportunities to capitalize on. Kim and Tara did account for 4 of those. So that's 23 Titles in 31 years. Now that's IMPRESSIVE. Add in the 3rd that both Kim and Tara added since 2016, that's elite company.
Don't try to compare Kelly Graves, who I happen to think is a good coach, to Kim at all, as he has done nothing to warrant such lofty comparisons.
Hopefully, he learns from this, gets his assistants on the same page as himself and aligns the team to meet their talent levels.