Kellie Harper Doesn't Agree with Geno | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Kellie Harper Doesn't Agree with Geno


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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Geno is not all that hard to get. He is aggressive on and off the court. As he has said, most teams lose before they even step on the court with UConn. His remarks, whether natural or contrived, factual or opinion, are factors in creating the advantage.

There is nothing "wrong" with it, but most coaches don't do it - I have noticed that most coaches who do "say things" are successful, but I don't think it is a requirement for success. As Farm Fan and others say, it doesn't endear him to the opponents fan base or thrill a lot of fans in general. Conversely, of course, there is no reason he has to thrill them.

As we used to travel around and before Geno mellowed a bit - I can assure you, folks at numerous schools, some of whom never played UConn, all expressed the opinion that he was a great coach, but they didn't like his remarks. Repeat of the above - do you think he cares or that he should?

He's not out to win any nationwide popularity contests. Geno is who he is. His personality is sometimes abrasive. That edge you sometimes get is part of the reason he's so successful as a coach. I seriously doubt he loses any sleep worrying about what fans of other schools think about him.


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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A truthful comment taken out of context by a dumb Tennessee reporter looking for clicks and of course the usual overreaction here and elsewhere. The comment was made at a fan event, BTW. The teams haven’t played in going on 12 years. Tennessee hasn’t been to a FF in 11 years and lost last season in the first round of the NCAA tournament. The game has lost its luster compared to the games UConn will be playing against elite teams like ND and Baylor and South Carolina and Oregon (upcoming season). That’s all he said. Sorry the Tennessee fans are all butt-hurt by his comment but it’s the truth.

Imagine if Geno had publicly accused a rival coach of cheating? Or of being a bully?


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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Still don’t understand why she was hired. She failed at NC State badly. They probably settled for her because no good coach would want coach for that fan base.

You may recall that alleged source or sources said in March that Jeff Walz was lobbying behind the scenes for a shot at the job. True or not, it was also no secret that when Holly was on the hot seat the year before Walz raised the spectre of a move to Tennessee to give him greater leverage in his contract negotiations 9and it's said to have worked). I never bought it because he's paid 3 or 4 times what Holly was making and the AD has been hell bent on reducing budgets and eliminating marginal or fringe sports to feed the glutton called football.
Feb 18, 2016
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Coach Geno is right: He's playing just another school. UConn has been to the Final Four each year for the past twelve years. Tennessee hasn't been to a Final Four in twelve years. UConn won over 30 games last year. Again. Tennessee lost the most games in its history. UConn almost made it to the championship game. Tennessee lost in the first round.

For Connecticut, the game with Tennessee is a game with just another school. If Tennessee's new coach wants the match-up to be special again, it's up to her to make her team into a good team.

Good luck with that. But until then, for UConn it's just another game.


Stanford Fan, Huskies Admirer
Nov 28, 2018
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The game has lost its luster compared to the games UConn will be playing against elite teams like ND and Baylor and South Carolina and Oregon (upcoming season). That’s all he said. Sorry the Tennessee fans are all butt-hurt by his comment but it’s the truth.

For Connecticut, the game with Tennessee is a game with just another school. If Tennessee's new coach wants the match-up to be special again, it's up to her to make her team into a good team.

Good luck with that. But until then, for UConn it's just another game.

IMHO, the ladies of the Boneyard doth protest too much. I had no idea UConn was playing Oregon or Baylor OOC next season. I've known for months and months about the UT game, because folks have been talking about it constantly all spring in this forum. It colored the entire commentary around whether or not Westbrook would transfer to UConn and whether she'd be eligible to play in the fall, and it colored all discussion about whether UT would fire Holly and how bad the game would be if Holly was still the coach.

Moreover, the resumption of the home-and-away games was promoted heavily by both schools on twitter and in press releases, and garnered tons of national media attention. Indeed, your own team's website had a story was entitled, "The Rivalry Returns: UConn, Tennessee to Renew Series." If you guys don't think it's worthy of being called a rivalry, inform your AD about that, because apparently they disagree.

And let's be honest: threads about UT garner way more attention than any other school, including Notre Dame. If you're not obsessed with UT, stop talking about how you're not obsessed with UT.

There is so much to admire about Geno, and UConn, and everything about the ethos of the women's basketball team, but the constant negative fixation about UT (while at the same time denying that they're even worthy of attention at all) is really off-putting to this generally sympathetic outsider.


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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IMHO, the ladies of the Boneyard doth protest too much. I had no idea UConn was playing Oregon or Baylor OOC next season. I've known for months and months about the UT game, because folks have been talking about it constantly all spring in this forum. It colored the entire commentary around whether or not Westbrook would transfer to UConn and whether she'd be eligible to play in the fall, and it colored all discussion about whether UT would fire Holly and how bad the game would be if Holly was still the coach.

Moreover, the resumption of the home-and-away games was promoted heavily by both schools on twitter and in press releases, and garnered tons of national media attention. Indeed, your own team's website had a story was entitled, "The Rivalry Returns: UConn, Tennessee to Renew Series." If you guys don't think it's worthy of being called a rivalry, inform your AD about that, because apparently they disagree.

And let's be honest: threads about UT garner way more attention than any other school, including Notre Dame. If you're not obsessed with UT, stop talking about how you're not obsessed with UT.

There is so much to admire about Geno, and UConn, and everything about the ethos of the women's basketball team, but the constant negative fixation about UT (while at the same time denying that they're even worthy of attention at all) is really off-putting to this generally sympathetic outsider.

Ladies of the boneyard? Really? Talk about off-putting.

You seem to be conflating Geno’s comments about the significance of the game with the Boneyard fixation you find off-putting. I think Geno agrees that there is too much fan fixation on the game given the 12-year hiatus and what has happened to the two programs during this time. That’s the very point he was making.

Yes, there is too much fixation on Tennessee among posters here but your original post was about Geno’s comments not posts on the boneyard. Again, you seem to have picked a new target. That said, you can always choose not to read the board or specific threads about Tennessee.


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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IMHO, the ladies of the Boneyard doth protest too much. I had no idea UConn was playing Oregon or Baylor OOC next season. I've known for months and months about the UT game, because folks have been talking about it constantly all spring in this forum. It colored the entire commentary around whether or not Westbrook would transfer to UConn and whether she'd be eligible to play in the fall, and it colored all discussion about whether UT would fire Holly and how bad the game would be if Holly was still the coach.

Moreover, the resumption of the home-and-away games was promoted heavily by both schools on twitter and in press releases, and garnered tons of national media attention. Indeed, your own team's website had a story was entitled, "The Rivalry Returns: UConn, Tennessee to Renew Series." If you guys don't think it's worthy of being called a rivalry, inform your AD about that, because apparently they disagree.

And let's be honest: threads about UT garner way more attention than any other school, including Notre Dame. If you're not obsessed with UT, stop talking about how you're not obsessed with UT.

There is so much to admire about Geno, and UConn, and everything about the ethos of the women's basketball team, but the constant negative fixation about UT (while at the same time denying that they're even worthy of attention at all) is really off-putting to this generally sympathetic outsider.

The rivalry has been dead since the series ended. Most of the perceived interest in the renewal of the series has been fueled by media hype from both sides. Of course the UConn AD is going to promote the game. They want to sell tickets.

As for the discussion here, this forum only represents a tiny fraction of the total fanbase, and predictably, some of the most passionate. The circumstances surrounding the sudden end to the series are certainly unique and provide a topic worthy of discussion here, but none of that suggests it will be a renewal of the rivalry with the same intensity as before. Pat being gone eliminates a huge element of the former rivalry.

If it develops into a rivalry again, a big if considering it's only a two year deal, then it will have to be sustained by mutual competitiveness, and some other factors. The Pat vs. Geno element is gone forever, other than as a distant memory. If Tennessee gets whacked in Hartford as expected, and then again in Knoxville, it's not likely it will develop into a rivalry again.


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" is one of Shakespeare's most quotable lines from Hamlet. I'll cop to the fact my paraphrase of it was perhaps too clunky, but that was why I used the term, and no other reason.

My first post's point was that no, don't give Geno an out: he was clearly trying to say that Tennessee isn't worthy of being treated like a rival anymore. And there's absolutely no need for him to say that. No one's perfect, Geno included. Sometimes he says things that are less than gracious. This was one of them. Fine, that's who he is, and he won't apologize for it (as several posters said). But don't pretend otherwise, or act like it wasn't a barb and/or wasn't meant to be one.

My second post's point was that given how much fans of the Boneyard are fixated with UT and with the resumption of the home-and-away with UT, it feels like y'all are talking out both sides of your mouths at once: on the one hand denying that Tennessee has any significance anymore and is "just another school," and yet on the other hand fixating on all things UT in a way I've not seen about any other school. Actions speak louder than words. UT appears to matter to this forum way more than any other school, including even Notre Dame.

So to answer your question, my "target" (and I loathe conceptualizing that as such), would be both. Geno has 11 national championships and he should be better than that. And UConn fans staring down from the top of the mountain with the preeminent women's college basketball program should be too. If the best of the best can't exhibit a little grace, what can we possibly expect from everybody else?

Yeah, I’m familiar with the quote. Very impressive though.

All this about a comment with which you seem to agree. Talk about a bizarre overreaction.

If longtime posters can manage to pick and choose what to read here and what to ignore, it seems a relatively new guest can do that as well. Give it a try. That way you may not feel the urge to lecture.
Aug 26, 2011
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Actually, for me, part of the game hype was the stark contrast between the two coaches. Pat being a Southern lady (while a fierce competitor) and Geno the brash immigrant, whose frank "tell it like it is" style was considered abrasive, if not disrespectful by the Vol fans and refreshing honest (and amusing) to the UConn fans. That contrast was certainly hyped up by the media to generate more national interest.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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IMHO, the ladies of the Boneyard doth protest too much. I had no idea UConn was playing Oregon or Baylor OOC next season. I've known for months and months about the UT game, because folks have been talking about it constantly all spring in this forum. It colored the entire commentary around whether or not Westbrook would transfer to UConn and whether she'd be eligible to play in the fall, and it colored all discussion about whether UT would fire Holly and how bad the game would be if Holly was still the coach.

Moreover, the resumption of the home-and-away games was promoted heavily by both schools on twitter and in press releases, and garnered tons of national media attention. Indeed, your own team's website had a story was entitled, "The Rivalry Returns: UConn, Tennessee to Renew Series." If you guys don't think it's worthy of being called a rivalry, inform your AD about that, because apparently they disagree.

And let's be honest: threads about UT garner way more attention than any other school, including Notre Dame. If you're not obsessed with UT, stop talking about how you're not obsessed with UT.

There is so much to admire about Geno, and UConn, and everything about the ethos of the women's basketball team, but the constant negative fixation about UT (while at the same time denying that they're even worthy of attention at all) is really off-putting to this generally sympathetic outsider.

Remembering a rivalry is different than having one. I'd love for the UT games to be something special. I doubt they will be. But they will be a reason to remember what was the woman's college basketball rivalry back in the day. That will be nice, but ultimately the current UT team will either compete or it won't.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" is one of Shakespeare's most quotable lines from Hamlet. I'll cop to the fact my paraphrase of it was perhaps too clunky, but that was why I used the term, and no other reason.

My first post's point was that no, don't give Geno an out: he was clearly trying to say that Tennessee isn't worthy of being treated like a rival anymore. And there's absolutely no need for him to say that. No one's perfect, Geno included. Sometimes he says things that are less than gracious. This was one of them. Fine, that's who he is, and he won't apologize for it (as several posters said). But don't pretend otherwise, or act like it wasn't a barb and/or wasn't meant to be one.

My second post's point was that given how much fans of the Boneyard are fixated with UT and with the resumption of the home-and-away with UT, it feels like y'all are talking out both sides of your mouths at once: on the one hand denying that Tennessee has any significance anymore and is "just another school," and yet on the other hand fixating on all things UT in a way I've not seen about any other school. Actions speak louder than words. UT appears to matter to this forum way more than any other school, including even Notre Dame.

So to answer your question, my "target" (and I loathe conceptualizing that as such), would be both. Geno has 11 national championships and he should be better than that. And UConn fans staring down from the top of the mountain with the preeminent women's college basketball program should be too. If the best of the best can't exhibit a little grace, what can we possibly expect from everybody else?
You really have no clue do you? We, the true fans here, do not fixate on TN because they are rivals or a worthy team. They are down there with the Ohio States, Alabama's, the UCSB's of the world. However, they are our enemy. We hate them and everything about them. We take great pleasure in wallowing in their misery. Hence the more their misery the better we feel.

As Conan replied when asked what was best in life; "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women! "

We lick the sweet nectar of their tears as they weep and mourn for their program.

If this is off putting to you, you know what you can do.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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My first post's point was that no, don't give Geno an out: he was clearly trying to say that Tennessee isn't worthy of being treated like a rival anymore. And there's absolutely no need for him to say that.
Is there ever a need to say anything? That's it's the way Geno honestly feels (and happens to be the truth) is reason enough. What there is absolutely no need to do is couch such feelings for the sake of the precious fee-fees of Lady Vol nation. Screw that and screw them.
Dec 23, 2011
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Coach Geno is right: He's playing just another school. UConn has been to the Final Four each year for the past twelve years. Tennessee hasn't been to a Final Four in twelve years. UConn won over 30 games last year. Again. Tennessee lost the most games in its history. UConn almost made it to the championship game. Tennessee lost in the first round.

For Connecticut, the game with Tennessee is a game with just another school. If Tennessee's new coach wants the match-up to be special again, it's up to her to make her team into a good team.

Good luck with that. But until then, for UConn it's just another game.

Of course Geno is right.... just another school.... Tennessee has let its name be soiled for the "elite programs" discussion the past several years, by allowing Holly to hang around and languish along with the team's fortunes.... not a whiff of the final 4 for 11 years.... and look at all the upstarts who have moved in to take the LV's place....

Tennessee has been existing on history.... and reputation.... but reputation back to the Pat, which Holly did not even make an honest attempt to replicate.....

Now they are trying to revive everything.... "shake down the thunder" to borrow from ND.... Can they do it? We will see very soon the type of approach KJH will employ....

But as for Geno's comment.... he was on the level, yet certainly knew his words would cause a curfuffel in Knoxville.
Feb 18, 2016
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Actually, for me, part of the game hype was the stark contrast between the two coaches. Pat being a Southern lady (while a fierce competitor) and Geno the brash immigrant, whose frank "tell it like it is" style was considered abrasive, if not disrespectful by the Vol fans and refreshing honest (and amusing) to the UConn fans. That contrast was certainly hyped up by the media to generate more national interest.

"Brash immigrant"? Seriously? Though Coach Geno grew up in Philadelphia, he lives in Connecticut, which has the highest percentage of Italian-Americans of any state in the nation. We don't see him as an immigrant, but as one of us. Perhaps that's why Connecticut is so accepting: the land of Connecticut Yankees is now the state in which pizza is essentially the state food.

I've never seen him as a "brash immigrant," but as a brilliant, well-spoken, sports genius.
Sep 1, 2011
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A truthful comment taken out of context by a dumb Tennessee reporter looking for clicks and of course the usual overreaction here and elsewhere. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The comment was taken out of context. That statement in no way was demeaning to the Vol program. It was not a reference to the state of the Vol program, but just the state of the rivalry between Uconn and Tenn. The passage of time has resulted in a lot of changes. Pat is no longer there and therefore the rivalry between two premier coaches with so-called bad blood between them isn't part of the equation. anymore. There are presently quite a few more elite coaches and programs besides Tenn and Uconn who are capable at any time of being top dog. I see his statement as an expression of more respect for all the other top programs and coaches rather than a slam against Tenn. This was definitely about a Tenn writer trying to create clicks by twisting the meaning of Geno's statement. This was not even a case of what people would refer to as Geno being Geno.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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My interpretation is that he is annoyed that we are unrealistically beefing up this historical rivalry which implicitly puts TN into the same air-space as UConn while ignoring our true rival (ND) who has earned this designation (historically as well as recently).

The only reason Geno is doing this was because of the money to help Pat Summitt's foundation. If it didn't, Geno most likely would not have touched this game and Harper is kidding herself about renewing the series. Unless TN becomes a true national power and the game stands on the merits, there is no reason to continue.

Just take them to the wood shed and be done with it. :cool:

I have been thinking much the same. He's said to himself, let's plat them, beat them, and bury the "rivalry" once and for all.


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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Yes, beating them by 20+ points ought to kill any notion that the rivalry will be re-established. That should shovel dirt on the coffin that once contained the rivalry.
Aug 26, 2011
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"Brash immigrant"? Seriously? Though Coach Geno grew up in Philadelphia, he lives in Connecticut, which has the highest percentage of Italian-Americans of any state in the nation. We don't see him as an immigrant, but as one of us. Perhaps that's why Connecticut is so accepting: the land of Connecticut Yankees is now the state in which pizza is essentially the state food.

I've never seen him as a "brash immigrant," but as a brilliant, well-spoken, sports genius.

When I listen to Geno tell his story, he mentions how poor they were in Italy. They didn't have running water, when they came to the US when he was seven, he paid the bills in their neighborhood. He mentioned that he had to struggle to earn everything he's achieved. He seems to never forget his humble beginnings and the heights he has reached. He was (at one point) contrasting his background with Pat's. It may well have been tongue-in-cheek but he said he was a scrapper and fighter.


Aug 24, 2011
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The definition of "rivalry" more or less is "competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field."

The definition of "rival" more or less is "a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity." Or as a verb... "be or seem to be equal or comparable to."

Most fans, even the casual, would agree that Tennessee is nowhere near UCONN's equal. HOWEVER, when you look at rivalries across the decades (Red Sox vs. Yankees, Duke vs, UNC, Barcelona vs. Real Madrid, Celtics vs. Lakers, etc...), one thing that sets them apart is the fan passion. Fans of each team really dislike, and even hate, the other team and their fans.

How many times have we heard about serious fights breaking out in the stands of sporting events between rival fans? That's taking it to the extreme, but many fans seriously hate opposing teams, or their fans, or both.

Many UCONN fans dislike Tennessee fans, what Pat tried to do to UCONN, the Tennessee administration, or the program in general. The same is true vice versa for Tenn fans. Even tho the programs have not played in over 10 years, even tho Tenn is now on their 2nd coach since Pat, even tho the teams are not both powerhouses (equal opponents), I can almost guarantee that no game next year will have as much attention from both fan bases. To me that means "rivalry renewed" is accurate.

I have no issue with Geno's comments. Tennessee is barely a top 20 team at this point. They have no recent history of real success. But there's no other team that elicits such a visceral reaction from both fan bases (or at least UCONN fans - I can't speak for sure about Tennessee fans).

If I could have liked @meyers7 post 100x, I would have. I lick the sweet nectar of their tears as they weep and mourn their program. We could beat them by 50 and it still wouldn't be enough of a beatdown IMHO. If that's not a rivalry, I don't know what is...

For me, about the only think I like about Tennessee is Lawson the analyst, and Catchings - a true classic.
Nov 27, 2012
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She is just sticking up for her school and players. I would be disappointed if she didn't say something. Maybe it will help motivate the players and fans to back their new coach. She might be able to bring back a little strut to UTENN and I like it.
Sep 12, 2011
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A couple final points on this one for me...
Geno could say BOO! and some would scream Geno is criminally impersonating ghosts!
Those that get it will simply say he is helping to keep ghosts relevant ... :D

Probably the most quoted person in all of women's sports he keeps the game in the headlines.

For those thinking he might be a little too brash or out spoken..... Do understand you can take the boy
out of Philly but you can't take the Philly out of the boy..... ;)
Jan 13, 2014
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The definition of "rival" more or less is "a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity." Or as a verb... "be or seem to be equal or comparable to." thing that sets them apart is the fan passion. Fans of each team really dislike, and even hate, the other team and their fans.
How many times have we heard about serious fights breaking out in the stands of sporting events between rival fans?
That's taking it to the extreme, but many fans seriously hate opposing teams, or their fans, or both.

Many UCONN fans dislike Tennessee fans, what Pat tried to do to UCONN, the Tennessee administration, or the program in general. The same is true vice versa for Tenn fans. Even tho the programs have not played in over 10 years, even tho Tenn is now on their 2nd coach since Pat, even tho the teams are not both powerhouses (equal opponents), I can almost guarantee that no game next year will have as much attention from both fan bases. To me that means "rivalry renewed" is accurate.

I have no issue with Geno's comments. Tennessee is barely a top 20 team at this point. They have no recent history of real success. But there's no other team that elicits such a visceral reaction from both fan bases (or at least UCONN fans - I can't speak for sure about Tennessee fans).

If I could have liked @meyers7 post 100x, I would have. I lick the sweet nectar of their tears as they weep and mourn their program. We could beat them by 50 and it still wouldn't be enough of a beatdown IMHO. If that's not a rivalry, I don't know what is...

For me, about the only think I like about Tennessee is Lawson the analyst, and Catchings - a true classic.
Sometimes it's not just the fans, but also the teams themselves who genuinely hate each other - especially after the defection of a star player to the other team, ref what happens here after defector Roger Clemens retaliates with some chin music after Pedro Martinez threw over Karim García's head after already plunking Alfonso Soriano and Derek Jeter (bless Don Zimmer, another "defector", RIP)...


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