In 2022, Rutgers' research activity of more than $688,000 ranked #40 in the nation. In the same year, #89 UConn's research activity amounted to a bit more than $280,000, a few hundred bucks less than that of #88 Mississippi State. Want to compare endowments? Rutgers' is about $1.98 billion. UConn's, at $600 million, is less than a third of that. In USN&WR ranking of national universities, Rutgers is #40 and UConn is #58. Are you starting to see a pattern here?
UConn is a fine school. Jealously trying to denigrate another institution isn't going to make UConn better.
appreciate the passion, and the data/research (really, not sarcastic). I am certainly not jealous of Rutgers, though i could see how it seems that way.
Actually, I am happy for them, because they get the filet mignon that they don't deserve.
If UConn were in the B1G I might be inclined to say the same about us, but AT LEAST in our case we own the best basketball property in 2024, and though that's not football that's way more athletic value than Rutgers has ever brought to the B1G table.
And please, $$ aside, let's not kid ourselves - rutgers is not B1G prestigious. It's a fine school that will get your child to where they want to go with hard work (i.e. like UConn), but it carries NONE of the brand weight of UM/OHSt/Northwestern/UIUC/Purdue - those schools are POWERHOUSES academically and thus branding-wise.
Now, It could be said that Nebraska is also not B1G prestigious/worthy - but what DO they have? a historically prestigious athletic department, which def must have moved the needle for their inclusion. No matter how bad NU football is in a given year, that Red "N" on the white helmeet is seared into college football lore forever - that's brand value if I've ever seen it.
I'm not gonna apologize about what i said. On a purely merit basis, They (RU). don't. deserve. it.
I know their financial numbers are better than ours. After all, they're a B1G school (on paper, at least) and that association, while not the only contributor, absolutely plays into where they are financially today, so the argument is circular (chicken/egg).