July 1, 2015 | The Boneyard

July 1, 2015

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Aug 29, 2011
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Here's my prediction:

Football: 12 programs, 2 divisions. Championship game at home site of best team.


Central Florida
East Carolina
South Florida
Southern Methodist

With regards to this league, UConn will be playing regularly against programs with larger and more engaged fan bases, in mostly new and upgraded top notch facilities, and have access and recognition in major recruiting territories more than we've ever had.

This league will have to find a way to erase the media stigma of Big East football, that was perpetuated by past leadership. No more commissioners talking about how the conference doesn't win enough, when they actually did, and do, and will continue to do.

It may be beneficial, IMO, to completely, and entirely REBRAND football, and remove the "Big East" label from this football conference, and agree on a new label for football, dba under the Big East umbrella, but marketed distinct and entirely different.

The football played IMO, in this conference, will be equal to or better, than what existed in the old Big East conference, adn we all know how the Big East stacked up in reality in the national landscape in football - not media perception.

Last point, is that the revenue streams around this football conference are essential, otherwise we're square one, blank drawing board - because the all sports conference, will be a 4-6 hour air-travel league, rather than a 4-6 hour bus ride travel league, for all the varsity sports, and that means higher travel costs, that are going to have to be paid for by football revenue.

BIG EAST - All Varsity Sports: 10 programs


Central Florida
East Carolina
South Florida
Southern Methodist

10 sports is ideal for scheduling all varsity, and this league is clearly an air-travel by 4-6 hours rather than bus travel, so football needs to support that economically, otherwise it's back to the drawing board.

The only real question is what happens with the Big East men's basketball tournament.

If Madison Square Garden, is willing to continue with this league, and I don't see why the wouldn't as the arena is sold out by the tickets bought by the schools, there is absolutely no reason to think that this basketball league will not flourish. The lure of playing in MSG, was the key to big east basketball success in 1980, and it is today as well.

This is Mike Aresco priority #1 with regards to the all sports members, (IMO - which will be everybody already in now, except for Army and Navy) .....if you ask me, ismaintaining the Big East tournament at MSG.

Recruiting for the new basketball league is essential for it, and with the tournament at MSG - there is no reason to think that this basketball conference, will not be able to draw the kind of athletes and competition that the Big East in the past was able to draw.

There is no reason to think that UConn can not dominate in this basketball conference (initially) and still with an 18 game league round robin, still be able to schedule marquee matchups with some of the old hoops favorites.

Are there other things on the horizon? maybe. maybe not. But this is reality.

Happy New Year everybody. Looking forward to kicking the snot out of Depaul again tonight.
Aug 26, 2011
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You know what sticks out to me there? Were the only state flagship school in the bunch.

Like you said, that is our reality, I don't know that league is better than the MWC. We just have to wait and see. July 1, 2015 is along ways away.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I agree, Carl,

This is the most logical lineup, assuming that SDSU goes back to the Mountain West (I think most people do assume that). All the talk about adding UMass or teams like that...I'd much rather add Army. The quality of their football is still better than that of UMass, and they have a larger fanbase (and a nice stadium that is close to us in proximity)...
Sep 1, 2011
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That's not a bad set-up Carl, but I think Tulsa is (and should be) in the mix.
Aug 24, 2011
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Here's my prediction, the ACC is able to hold off a few schools from jumping to the Big 10 & 12, then the SEC decides to create it's own network and needs more eyeballs. The SEC looks at the ACC and jail house rapes them for NC State and VT.

The remaining ACC teams realize it's every man for themselves, the Big 12 takes Clemson and FSU, the Big 10 grabs UNC and either UVA or Uconn. If it's UVA, then the ACC buys some cheap flowers and asks Uconn out for a date, Uconn puts lipstick on that fat pig.


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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That's a horrible league. Mid-major league. Season ticket sales are going to drop even more with that lineup.

God save Connecticut athletics if that league ever comes to fruition and we're in it more than a season or two.
Aug 29, 2011
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I agree, Carl,

This is the most logical lineup, assuming that SDSU goes back to the Mountain West (I think most people do assume that). All the talk about adding UMass or teams like that...I'd much rather add Army. The quality of their football is still better than that of UMass, and they have a larger fanbase (and a nice stadium that is close to us in proximity)...
Dan, Problem with Army is their upside is really really limited. Even more than Navy's. Not sure I want to have both military academies. No reflection on the entities themselves, but strictly from a quality of play standpoint, they will always struggle to compete at the level we need to strive for. UMass is way behind right now, but at least has the possibility of going to a higher level.


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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While that league is most likely correct, please don't let us add Army. I love going to a game at West Point but there are better options out there. I'd take Tulsa over them. Just because we added Navy doesn't mean we need to add Army.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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That's a horrible league. Mid-major league. Season ticket sales are going to drop even more with that lineup.

God save Connecticut athletics if that league ever comes to fruition and we're in it more than a season or two.

Agree. Brutal.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Dan, Problem with Army is their upside is really really limited. Even more than Navy's. Not sure I want to have both military academies. No reflection on the entities themselves, but strictly from a quality of play standpoint, they will always struggle to compete at the level we need to strive for. UMass is way behind right now, but at least has the possibility of going to a higher level.

I agree that Army has a ceiling (and arguably, they hit it when they beat BC this year). But it will add eyeballs and I think will do more for us at least in the short-term than UMass will (I think that your post indicates that you agree with that statement).

Folks, this league is not the long-term solution, so let's stop jumping off of bridges acting like it is. In the short-term, it will suit our purposes, as I think many of the teams will do well in this league (including ours, hopefully). This is a "launching pad" league, quite like the Mountain West is a "launching pad" league in the West. We will still need to continue to bring in a strong OOC, and we will still need to continue to win the games that we are supposed to. If we do those two things, we will find ourselves in very good shape...
Oct 17, 2012
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That would actually be a fairly competitive football league. Good match-ups week in, and week out. However, to me, it looks like a lot of Wednesday, Thursday, Friday games that networks will need to fill out their schedule.
Aug 29, 2011
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I agree that Army has a ceiling (and arguably, they hit it when they beat BC this year). But it will add eyeballs and I think will do more for us at least in the short-term than UMass will (I think that your post indicates that you agree with that statement).

Folks, this league is not the long-term solution, so let's stop jumping off of bridges acting like it is. In the short-term, it will suit our purposes, as I think many of the teams will do well in this league (including ours, hopefully). This is a "launching pad" league, quite like the Mountain West is a "launching pad" league in the West. We will still need to continue to bring in a strong OOC, and we will still need to continue to win the games that we are supposed to. If we do those two things, we will find ourselves in very good shape...
Dan, I agree with your launching pad league description. And I can actually see that happening on the football side. Decent opportunity for us, actually if we do the right things regarding the program. I've said before that I can see this actually working out pretty well, at least short term for the football program. But there are 2 problems I see. First, I don't have mcuh confidence that UConn's current leadership is willing to make the choices that need to be made. As I said before,they need to hold Pasqualoni's feet to the fire, insist that 8 plus wins is the standard for 2013 and if he fails to meet it, replace him and get the right guy. No room for errors in this choice. The second problem is that UConn is used to a certain level of basketball. Look at that lineup and tell me with a straight face it isn't a mid-major lineup. After us, the best team is probably Cincy which is maybe the 5th or 6th best in the Big East. After the 1st 4 it drops off precipitously. Trying to keep a finicky fanbase interested in that league will be exceedingly difficult. Trying to keep a program at a very high level in that league will be even harder.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Dan, I agree with your launching pad league description. And I can actually see that happening on the football side. Decent opportunity for us, actually if we do the right things regarding the program. I've said before that I can see this actually working out pretty well, at least short term for the football program. But there are 2 problems I see. First, I don't have mcuh confidence that UConn's current leadership is willing to make the choices that need to be made. As I said before,they need to hold Pasqualoni's feet to the fire, insist that 8 plus wins is the standard for 2013 and if he fails to meet it, replace him and get the right guy. No room for errors in this choice. The second problem is that UConn is used to a certain level of basketball. Look at that lineup and tell me with a straight face it isn't a mid-major lineup. After us, the best team is probably Cincy which is maybe the 5th or 6th best in the Big East. After the 1st 4 it drops off precipitously. Trying to keep a finicky fanbase interested in that league will be exceedingly difficult. Trying to keep a program at a very high level in that league will be even harder.

In terms of football, I think that it's more than safe to say that PP will have to go at least 6-6 and to a bowl game this year, even against our toughest schedule in quite a while. If he goes 8+ wins, he will have done very well for himself and for the school. Especially if it is 8+ wins including a win over Michigan. That will do a lot to change the perception of our football team.

In terms of basketball, I'm slightly less worried. The reason I say that is because I believe that there is a far greater OOC opportunity for us in bball than there is in football. There are a LOT of teams that would like to play against UConn, and mark my words, there will be more than a couple of the C-7 teams that will try to schedule us; I have no doubt in my mind about that. And once you add a better OOC to Cincy, Temple, and Memphis (and any improvements Larry Brown can bring to SMU or the Houston new recruits playing like the 4 and 5 star players that they are), and I think we'll be just fine there too...


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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I actually don't think that league is insane.

It's absolutely a mid-major league, but here's a newsflash...we're heading for a mid-major league no matter how this shakes out. At least this one is relatively compact.

I'm not sure I see a need for a championship game and in order to keep the basketball conference somewhere north of 'pure duck*ing awful' I'd probably bite the bullet and invite UMass instead of Army.

I've been to an Army basketball game...you don't want to put UConn there.

PS - Forget MSG - that's gone.
Aug 26, 2011
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Yeah, MSG is gone. Could you put the tourney at the home of the highest ranked team? Is that something that could be done logistically? Or do you need more time to prepare that stuff?
Oct 17, 2012
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Move tourney to Brooklyn. I like the idea of having it in the same spot every year.
Aug 29, 2011
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In terms of football, I think that it's more than safe to say that PP will have to go at least 6-6 and to a bowl game this year, even against our toughest schedule in quite a while. If he goes 8+ wins, he will have done very well for himself and for the school. Especially if it is 8+ wins including a win over Michigan. That will do a lot to change the perception of our football team.

In terms of basketball, I'm slightly less worried. The reason I say that is because I believe that there is a far greater OOC opportunity for us in bball than there is in football. There are a LOT of teams that would like to play against UConn, and mark my words, there will be more than a couple of the C-7 teams that will try to schedule us; I have no doubt in my mind about that. And once you add a better OOC to Cincy, Temple, and Memphis (and any improvements Larry Brown can bring to SMU or the Houston new recruits playing like the 4 and 5 star players that they are), and I think we'll be just fine there too...
If he goes 6-6 and comes back for year 4, I think we ought to burn the AD's office to the ground, then sow salt in it so nothing will ever grow there again! Time for screwing around is over. And you're just wrong about basketball. Wish you weren't but you are. Unless you are willing, and you can convince the athletic department, to play lots of road games, the out of conference schedule will be better than it currently is, but won't be comparable to the Big East schedule. Look for things like replacing Maryland-Eastern Shore with LaSalle and New Hampshire with St Bonnies more than adding Indiana and Michigan. An upgrade yes, but not that big a one.
Aug 26, 2011
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Move tourney to Brooklyn. I like the idea of having it in the same spot every year.
You have teams from Texas and Florida, Louisiana, Tennessee. Don't know that Brooklyn would work long term.
Aug 29, 2011
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I actually don't think that league is insane.

It's absolutely a mid-major league, but here's a newsflash...we're heading for a mid-major league no matter how this shakes out. At least this one is relatively compact.

I'm not sure I see a need for a championship game and in order to keep the basketball conference somewhere north of 'pure duck*ing awful' I'd probably bite the bullet and invite UMass instead of Army.

I've been to an Army basketball game...you don't want to put UConn there.

PS - Forget MSG - that's gone.

DId you ever get that weight/height shrinkage problem checked? Affecting your brain? Go read again. In my hypothetical future, Navy and Army are football only, and the other 10 football programs, make up the full varsity sports conference. And MSG is staying. PPPTHH!!! I'd rather have UMass than East Carolina as a varsity sports program, but UMass football isn't going to cut the mustard any time soon.
Aug 27, 2011
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Agree we must keep MSG. It is the gem for recruiting in NYC where we get a lot of our talent.
Sep 15, 2011
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Agree we must keep MSG. It is the gem for recruiting in NYC where we get a lot of our talent.

None of the teams listed that are west and south of Temple, care about where UConn recruits. They are not going to be willing to play in NYC every year just to suit us.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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Recruiting for the new basketball league is essential for it, and with the tournament at MSG - there is no reason to think that this basketball conference, will not be able to draw the kind of athletes and competition that the Big East in the past was able to draw.

See, this is the crap you say that sets myself and a lot of other folks off. This stuff right here.

No reason to think it won't pull the same players and competition as the old big east? Really? There's NO REASON it can't? None? You really, truly, think that?!?!?

Are you friggin high?
Aug 24, 2011
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This thread just turned into a dumpster fire, gonna watch it burn


Aug 24, 2011
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msg is going to sit back and let fox and espn go at it. going to be a lot of fun to watch. acc or big east. who wins? i have a feeling fox will make it hard on espn and the acc.

from fox eyes. make sure if espn/acc win msg they pay for it. then we can just put the big east in brooklyn. we look like the good guy anyway for saving the conf and paying it so we dont get hurt at all in this either way.

from esn eyes. we can't lose msg in a bid war to fox becuase we are a power conf with big schools and sports vs a privte bball league. they crossed us last minute when fox gave them a higher bid. we had this whole time given them the quiet news we would take care of them in the end and look now, outbid them!

the end result is espn spens extra $ and fox is just foaming at the mouth for 2017 and the b10 inventory battle coming meanwhile espn keeps spending and spending money and hurting itself one step after another.

what needs to be factored in is if the b10 gets involved. if my b10 theory comes true with a east coast division, the b10 may aim to grab msg. then things become extremely mean in contract talks. but thats another story.
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