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Jordan Adams To Usc

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Aug 24, 2011
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You know I like this board sometimes because uconn fans are so knowledgeable about wcbb as a whole. I can come here to learn about so many teams and if it wasn't for the negative spew of some people...ugh. But this is the problem that is eye popping. A giant when it comes to wcbb is wounded and you have people that demise of her statue. That is very telling.... Why act like you care? That's why some fans raised eyebrows when uconn fans sent her a card of concern...wonder did they mention to her on the card that they wish her program demise. You represent some of these fans in a bad light. You post negative comments about Tenn constantly we get it you hate Tenn. If someone's health is in doubt why would you wish them bad... And that is sad. I would hope if the roles were reversed that Tenn would act this way
i would never wish pat ill personally. i hope she has a long and healthy life of high quality. i have a great deal of admiration for her accomplishments as well. good grief, the woman has won over 1,000 games.

however, i have zero respect for the way she has handled UCONN and Geno. the lies, the accusations, the innuendos, and her inability to apologize after being proven wrong has completely soured me on her as a coach and representative of the university...

and as a fan of a rival program, i never rooted for tennessee anyway. i would be happy if the program went the way of Louisiana State and ODU. that's part of rivalries. and it doesn't help that numerous fans on their board still make fun of Geno's heritage, make derogatory remarks about him, and make personal attacks aimed at him. you won't find a single poster doing that on this board. if you can't separate the coach/team from the person then then there is no hope for you to understand.

and the fact that "some fans raised eyebrows when uconn fans sent her a card of concern" speaks volumes about those tennessee fans.


Unpopular Opinions
Sep 13, 2011
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[quote="ericsandiego, post:
however, i have zero respect for the way she has handled UCONN and Geno. the lies, the accusations, the innuendos, and her inability to apologize after being proven wrong has completely soured me on her as a coach and representative of the university...

and as a fan of a rival program, i never rooted for tennessee anyway. i would be happy if the program went the way of Louisiana State and ODU. that's part of rivalries. and it doesn't help that numerous fans on their board still make fun of Geno's heritage, make derogatory remarks about him, and make personal attacks aimed at him. you won't find a single poster doing that on this board. if you can't separate the coach/team from the person then then there is no hope for you to understand.

and the fact that "some fans raised eyebrows when uconn fans sent her a card of concern" speaks volumes about those tennessee fans.[/quote]

In your mind and others, what Pat has stated is a lie. In her mind and others, what Pat has said is the truth. I've found that in most disputes, there's his story, her story, and then somewhere in between, there lies the truth. However, this doesn't mean that either side believes their story is not the truth. Point being, if she believes it to be true, why would she apologize? Not really looking for an answer, just posting a different point of view. I don't have a dog in this fight.

Interesting comment about derogatory, personal attacks aimed at a coach. Did I not just read the spewing of lies in another thread on this board today? Thank goodness one of the regular posters here responded to that garbage. I call it garbage, because I have never, ever even heard of those words uttered about that coach any where else, including here, until today. That was a shameful attempt to discredit a woman that has nothing less than a stellar reputation, including still having a stellar reputation at the aforementioned university. The truth is, I don't think I've ever seen a message board any where in which there aren't some select group of fans that will make personal attacks towards folks within the rival program. It just seems to be the way of message boards. Every fan base has a mixed bag. No ill feelings about your post, just offering up a different view point.
Aug 26, 2011
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[quote="In your mind and others, what Pat has stated is a lie. In her mind and others, what Pat has said is the truth. I've found that in most disputes, there's his story, her story, and then somewhere in between, there lies the truth.[/quote]
I would agree that there are usually two sides to an argument. However, in this case, what she said and implied was accusatory and we would like some facts and evidence to make those accusations have some credence. The evidence leaked out to date has been laughable. In an accusatory case the burden of proof lies on the accuser and the truth can't lie somewhere in the middle. Based on what appears from this side to be vapor-accusations, one of the stellar rivalries in all sports has been petulantly shelved.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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In your mind and others, what Pat has stated is a lie. In her mind and others, what Pat has said is the truth. I've found that in most disputes, there's his story, her story, and then somewhere in between, there lies the truth. However, this doesn't mean that either side believes their story is not the truth. Point being, if she believes it to be true, why would she apologize?

Sorry, but this is bull. She initiated a complaint through the SEC. The NCAA found only the tour of ESPN as a MINOR violation. That was it. Then she has implied several times that Geno cheats with NOTHING to back that up. You are ok with that? What would be the in between here? That Geno cheats a little and that Pat lies about it a little? Seriously, this is crap.

I don't have a dog in this fight.

More bull. Sorry, but your posts defending Pat and Tennessee show where your loyalties lie.
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