That's not 2014 Giffey fading to the corner. The Giffey in that clip made nine three-pointers the entire season. He's not the first option on any play we are running in 2012, so his cut to the corner is obviously just background noise.
Lamb was also not going to be wide open for a floater, because AO's defender was in perfect position to shut the play off, since AO did nothing to occupy him after his decoy screen for Giffey. There's room for disagreement, of course, since none of us know the play call. But after that screen for Giffey, AO's next move is to post up looking for the ball, and Boat is looking for him, but Lamb runs right in to him (then backs up and gets out of the way - which are not the signs of a properly run play). So something went wrong with our communication beyond just missing a cutter. Our guys are definitely not all running the same thing.
It could also be both - could be that Boat was supposed to hit Lamb if he was open, and then AO was the next option. And it could be that Giffey botched the play by not vacating and causing the near side to be overloaded, which left Lamb unable to finish his cut and he ended up in AO's way instead. Without JC's sound effects, I would think for sure that Lamb ran the wrong thing and got in the way of a designed post feed. But odds are probably better that Lamb ran the play JC wanted, into a group of teammates who were running something else. Which ultimately falls on the point guard, lest you think I'm absolving Boat.