History of the numbers -
8 - none (used to be illegal)
10 - Laura Lishness, Missy Rose, Sue Bird, Molly Bent, Nika Mühl
11 - Krista Blomquist*, Debbie Baer*, Kelly Schumacher, Ketia Swanier, Samarie Walker, Briana Pulido*, Kia Nurse, Mir McLean, Lou Lopez Senechal
20 - Sandra Gavin, Kathy Bantley, Colleen Healy, Stacy Hansmeyer, Morgan Valley, Renee Montgomery, Tierney Lawlor, Olivia Nelson-Ododa
21 - Heidi Robbins, Orly Grossman, Jennifer Rizzotti, Nicole Wolff, Heather Buck*, Inês Bettencourt
23 - Leslie Waugh, Francine Pechnik, Audrey Epstein, Jill Brumbaugh*, Shannon Saunders, Heather Phillips, Rita Williams, Swin Cash*, Kennitra Johnson, Willnett Crockett, Maya Moore, Kaleena Mosqueda-Lewis, Azurá Stevens