It's a little odd... | Page 2 | The Boneyard

It's a little odd...

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Aug 26, 2011
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Some people don't understand geometry and angles. He did not get caught from behind in a step to step footrace.
From my seat I saw him out in the open and three defenders all gaining ground on him. There was no doubt that one of them was going to catch him.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Hate to be that guy, but although I do think there were improvements (and all the #FireDiaco talk is silly) at the same time that was the worst Cincy team I've ever seen. If UConn could just put up 6-10 points in the first quarter, or average closer to 28-30 points in 4 quarters, I would be so much more optimistic.

Yeah Cinci stinks. Dispatch them and move on?...


Aug 26, 2011
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Hate to be that guy, but although I do think there were improvements (and all the #FireDiaco talk is silly) at the same time that was the worst Cincy team I've ever seen. If UConn could just put up 6-10 points in the first quarter, or average closer to 28-30 points in 4 quarters, I would be so much more optimistic.
Agree. We still have a problem scoring points... I'll just leave it at that.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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Hate to be that guy, but although I do think there were improvements (and all the #FireDiaco talk is silly) at the same time that was the worst Cincy team I've ever seen. If UConn could just put up 6-10 points in the first quarter, or average closer to 28-30 points in 4 quarters, I would be so much more optimistic.

Agreed at how bad Cincy is. Really happy with today's result--we should put away the bad teams and today we did, but man there was not a single redeeming quality to their entire team, offense and defense. No pass rush, didn't protect the QB particularly well, QB was unimpressive, poor pass defense, undisciplined. They had a couple of wide receivers who made some impressive catches, but beyond that can't think of a single positive.


Respect All, Fear None.
Sep 22, 2012
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When UConn loses the masses want to burn the place to the ground.

A solid win today and it's pretty quiet.

That was like a win from the late 2000's. Couple of big plays - stop the run...
It's not's that way everywhere. Everyone loves a winner.
Sep 17, 2011
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I was impressed with the move made at safety and corner to improve our pass D. We could have had 2 more picks and Obi could of had a bigger return when he fell down but at least he caught it. There was some pass rush and I hope Diaco drills down on this problem and solves it. Our O-line did a decent job and have to continue to improve and get more physical. Stop being so nice for Christs sake. We have a nice group of wide outs and it is up to Shirreffs to find them. Who can complain about Arkeel? He did a great job running to daylight. On the read option plays he was just finding a hole as there was no defined hole with the zone blocking and he broke one. I could care less that he got caught as he had a huge run. The coaching staff then drew a blank after the big gainer and had a crap first down play call that helped result in a FG. Again we flirted with delay of game penalties all day and got rung up late in the 4th Q. Diaco was obviously trying to shorten the game by burning clock all day but maybe, occasionaly if we lined up and ran a play quickly we might put some pressure on the opponents D. Hey the season was in jeopardy and we came through! Life is good.


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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BS totally made me eat crow but I still stand by my criticism of him for throwing that INT before the half. Lamelle was not even open when he threw the ball, why he thought he'd be open after he threw it is beyond me. That being said, the kid was pretty great after that and I'll gladly eat my words in that fashion. He gutted out a lot of first downs on runs and didn't stop throwing even though he was God awful in the first half. His receivers disn't help him though with all the drops. I will say that the back shoulder throw should probably be removed from the playbook.

This team surprised me today and while Cincy looked terrible, we still pulled out the victory and that's what matters. On to USF and hopefully we build on the momentum we found in the second half.


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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Also, how bad must Gunner Kiel be if that kid who started today beat him out? Yikes! Tubberville threw his own QB under the bus on tv at halftime he was so bad.
Sep 3, 2011
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Newsome had a real good game. He DOES NOT have breakaway foot speed. Terry Cauly, Jordan Todman and, probably Donald Brown would have been in the end zone. The DB from Cincy ran him down easily - angle or no angle. You could see stride for stride. So one more on the recruiting "needs list".
Aug 24, 2011
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We still come out very slow, but Diaco seems to finally have the offense playing to its strengths, and the defensive adjustments have been impressive. Even with all of that, we got more than our share of very fortunate breaks today.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's a good win that we weren't expecting. Makes up for the double navy/cuse losses. Puts us back on track for a bowl game.

If we start playing entire games like we played the 2nd half, then we can start talking about how Diaco has turned the program around.

As it stands, nice home win against a team that has issues of its own but we need to keep improving.
Aug 27, 2011
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Newsome had a real good game. He DOES NOT have breakaway foot speed. Terry Cauly, Jordan Todman and, probably Donald Brown would have been in the end zone. The DB from Cincy ran him down easily - angle or no angle. You could see stride for stride. So one more on the recruiting "needs list".

Agreed - but if you can go 60 yards without getting caught most of the time that puts you in the end zone.
Mar 2, 2015
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Watching Cinnci play Houston earlier in the year where they led a very good Houston team for 3+ quarters I thought Cinnci was going to be a much better team then they showed yesterday. This is not the same Cinnci team from then! Moore seemed to be missing his receivers frequently. When I saw him play last year and earlier this year he was much more on target. Even though he started yesterday was he possibly still hampered by the ankle injury?? Even though I thought our D line was much more aggressive on the pass plays yesterday and we were blitzing (at last. I miss Don Brown) I still think our secondary was very soft and vulnerable. We got lucky on many throws. Some drops, some over and under throws....Our secondary still needs to step it up and play much tighter and more aggressive.

Happy with the win, better game plan and more aggressiveness but a few good quarters does not make a season. I've been cheering for Diaco to be successful since he was hired but I have to admit prior to yesterday his performance has been coming into doubt. I was getting ready to get off his train at the next stop. Yesterday, has given me hope and is causing me to stay on his train for a while longer but I'm not sure how long I'll stay aboard. I need to see continued improvements before I'm willing to buy a new ticket for an extended journey.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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When UConn loses the masses want to burn the place to the ground.
A solid win today and it's pretty quiet.
That was like a win from the late 2000's. Couple of big plays - stop the run...

What's your take?


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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Wasn't sure where to post this and wasn't important enough to make a new thread, but did anyone else notice #15 for Cincinnati? Wide receiver who lined up in the slot a couple times. Had to be the smallest college football player I've ever seen. Looked like a 13 year old lining up out there. He couldn't have been taller than 5 foot 6
Nov 2, 2011
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Newsome had a real good game. He DOES NOT have breakaway foot speed. Terry Cauly, Jordan Todman and, probably Donald Brown would have been in the end zone. The DB from Cincy ran him down easily - angle or no angle. You could see stride for stride. So one more on the recruiting "needs list".

1:59 mark
Newsome DOES have breakaway speed, as evident by him breaking away from the play side defenders. What Newsome doesn't have is that third gear to separate from EVERYONE in pursuit. The ONLY player who could have caught him, caught him....Alex Thomas (#10). Thomas was the field corner lined up, on the opposite numbers, over Brian LeMelle. He was at 14-yards from the LOS in his drop (18-yards from the mesh point) when he recognized a run play. He immediately turns in full sprint (with an angle) to pursue Newsome. LeMelle never had a chance to impede his pursuit across the field. Thomas was the only player who could stop Newsome from an 89-yard TD. If you look at Beals TD (early in the video) before the half, he was uppended by a defender lined up as the CB on the far numbers. Fortunately, Beals had a shorter run or he would have been caught from behind, as well. It happens. The point is, Newsome is fast enough. If he had ELITE speed, he probably wouldn't be playing at UConn.
Sep 3, 2011
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1:59 mark
Newsome DOES have breakaway speed, as evident by him breaking away from the play side defenders. What Newsome doesn't have is that third gear to separate from EVERYONE in pursuit. The ONLY player who could have caught him, caught him....Alex Thomas (#10). Thomas was the field corner lined up, on the opposite numbers, over Brian LeMelle. He was at 14-yards from the LOS in his drop (18-yards from the mesh point) when he recognized a run play. He immediately turns in full sprint (with an angle) to pursue Newsome. LeMelle never had a chance to impede his pursuit across the field. Thomas was the only player who could stop Newsome from an 89-yard TD. If you look at Beals TD (early in the video) before the half, he was uppended by a defender lined up as the CB on the far numbers. Fortunately, Beals had a shorter run or he would have been caught from behind, as well. It happens. The point is, Newsome is fast enough. If he had ELITE speed, he probably wouldn't be playing at UConn.

Breakaway speed, elite speed. Toemato, tahmahtoe. I mentioned at least three UConn players ( Cauley, Todman and Brown) who could have pulled away and possibly add Brockington to that list as well. New some also doesn't make defenders miss like some of the aforementioned as evidenced by a play earlier in game when he could have run forever but couldn't get by one-on-one with a sole DB. Newsome = overrated, til proven otherwise. He's more comparable to Lyle McCombs than the above mentioned UConn star backs.
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