Thank you for contacting FloSports Customer Support!I found this:
Special Seton Hall pricing is available only through this link for fans who want to subscribe to watch Seton Hall events, home and away, as well as all other live events on the FloSports platform. Fans with an .edu school address can purchase a subscription for $6.99 per month, and all other fans can purchase a subscription for $12.50 per month. The non-Seton Hall pricing on FloCollege is normally $29.99 per month.
I still don't think I'm going to do it, but for those who are, this may be a little more economical way to approach it.
We understand you have questions about our Conference pricing, and we are here to help.
FloCollege pricing is $19.99 monthly and $107.88 yearly.
The other Conference pricing is $14.99 monthly and $95.88 yearly.
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Thank you,
FloSports Customer Support
What does that mean??