Oh my…when I initiated this thread, I THOUGHT that all I was doing was inviting my fellow posters to mutually celebrate a magical moment for the women’s game, as well as to mutually celebrate the accomplisments of someone that any but the most outrageously obtuse of fans recognize as a truly great player. I had no skin in the game as to which team won and which lost. Whether or not the nitpickers are correct as to whether or not CC traveled, whether or not there were coaching decisions that might be reconsidered, whether or not this amazingly talented kid is prone to whining…all of these things are entirely matters of indifference to me, and, in my opinion, should equally be of indifference to each of you…solely because they are beside the point. Extract those corks which, I daresay, are causing you discomfort and just credit the moment for what it was. And, most relevantly, ‘twas a moment of triumph for the women’s game. Did it cause one team that played a great game to deservedly or undeservedly lose? Sure…but I don’t know about your neighborhood, but in mine the sun still rose the following morning!