Instead of moving the West Harford campus to Hartford, why not to East Hartford??? | The Boneyard

Instead of moving the West Harford campus to Hartford, why not to East Hartford???

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Feb 10, 2012
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I realize the base reason why this would never happen is funding, but I was thinking that instead of moving to an existing crappy building in Hartford, that really will not enhance the University as a whole, why not see what land may be available around the Rent, and create UConn campus 2.0 around the Rent? Get enough buildings to cover what is done at the West Hartford branch, and perhaps build enough to relocate one of UConn's more popular majors to UConn campus 2.0. Build enough on campus housing to keep the Rent packed!!!

If done correctly it could revitalize an area of East Hartford that has plenty of room to grow, it would expand our enrollment base which in turn would create more Alumni and eventually our endowment.

Anyway, flame away, add to it etc!!



Aug 24, 2011
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I want to scrap everything to date and redo the system. 100 year plan to move 30 k student campus to hartford and storrs to be the other brach that bumps our numbers and becomes all of the directionals in 1. I can go on for a while with this but it turns hartford into a nice 200 k pop city with uconn being our major draw in ecerything from sports to arts and crafts. The end of the plan is the new fball stadium moving across the river to the edge of campus and its a monster bueaty.
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Aug 29, 2011
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I want to scrap everything to date and redo the system. 100 year plan to move 30 k student campus to hartford and storrs to be the other brach that bumps our numbers and becomes all of the directionals in 1. I can go on for a while with this but it turns hartford into a nice 200 k pop city with uconn being our major draw in ecerything from sports to arts and crafts. The end of the plan is the new fball stadium moving across the river to the edge of campus and its a monster bueaty.
Oh you've really unleashed Dan's inner demons...
Sep 17, 2011
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Despite fantasy land ruling this board, the buildings under consideration are Hartford are not all that crappy, will help form a solid base in the Constitution Plaza area of students including GHCC and Uconn's MBA program. Additionally, the area is where some new apartments designed for younger/single people are being built including 777 Main (the old CT National Bank headquarters) and the former hotel on the plaza. Finally, long term renting is way more affordable than building for the Hartford Campus.
Aug 26, 2011
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I like that when we've run out of stupid ideas, we head to the lab to start inventing more.

Coffee is now all over my shirt and desk. To where should I be sending the cleaning bill?


Mar 30, 2012
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I want to scrap everything to date and redo the system. 100 year plan to move 30 k student campus to hartford and storrs to be the other brach that bumps our numbers and becomes all of the directionals in 1. I can go on for a while with this but it turns hartford into a nice 200 k pop city with uconn being our major draw in ecerything from sports to arts and crafts. The end of the plan is the new fball stadium moving across the river to the edge of campus and its a monster bueaty.

This is a tremendously good idea whose only flaw is that it would cost $20 billion. East Hartford or conceivably South Windsor might be better sites for the campus however.

What about all the land along the Connecticut River in South Windsor between the East Hartford line and I-291? Only a mile from the stadium: Field, Silver Lane, East Hartford, CT&hl=en&ll=41.787953,-72.628555&spn=0.047998,0.132093&sll=42.036922,-71.683501&sspn=3.059811,8.453979&oq=Rentschler&hq=Rentschler Field, Silver Lane, East Hartford, CT&t=h&z=14


Aug 26, 2011
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This is a tremendously good idea whose only flaw is that it would cost $20 billion. East Hartford or conceivably South Windsor might be better sites for the campus however.

What about all the land along the Connecticut River in South Windsor between the East Hartford line and I-291? Only a mile from the stadium: Field, Silver Lane, East Hartford, CT&hl=en&ll=41.787953,-72.628555&spn=0.047998,0.132093&sll=42.036922,-71.683501&sspn=3.059811,8.453979&oq=Rentschler&hq=Rentschler Field, Silver Lane, East Hartford, CT&t=h&z=14
100 year flood plain I believe. Hartford won't even know there is a new commuter campus downtown for all the impact it will have.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Hartford sucks. The smart plan instead is to improve the highway access to Mansfield and entice businesses to the area. Office buildings off of 84 neat 195 would be an easy commute from homes in Mansfield/Storrs and Coventry. The research park off campus is a step in this direction. More jobs in the area means more local residents, means more restaurants, bars, movie theaters etc. UConn does not need to be located in a desperately poor city with little to offer. It just needs a real college town to grow up around it.


Aug 24, 2011
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This is a tremendously good idea whose only flaw is that it would cost $20 billion. East Hartford or conceivably South Windsor might be better sites for the campus however.

What about all the land along the Connecticut River in South Windsor between the East Hartford line and I-291? Only a mile from the stadium: Field, Silver Lane, East Hartford, CT&hl=en&ll=41.787953,-72.628555&spn=0.047998,0.132093&sll=42.036922,-71.683501&sspn=3.059811,8.453979&oq=Rentschler&hq=Rentschler Field, Silver Lane, East Hartford, CT&t=h&z=14

yup the $ makes it a stupid idea, thats where fishy is coming off as usual fishy. so lets change that. how? we get into the B1G. thats $30mil+ a year tv money we wern't getting. parlay that with more ticket sales and a redo of our branding(which i bitch about everyday) and i think its safe to say this school sees a extra $50mil+ a year with the move. now take that $50mil a year and spend 25 of it each of the first 10 years of the plan on buying and preping all the land. we should easily own the target land i have and if not all of hartford considering....

the amount of jobs, research, good pop and all the other factors trumps any ones argument into a master plan like this. if ppl here were ever interested in more about this i can go on for a long time, but i think most will take fishys stance. the key part of it all is seeing the flaws int he state system vs other states and how they game the system to make there big school look pretty to the masses using the extra campuses to help. its also about being the center of population and growth among other things. you can form a state with the right ideas and change it forever. vision.

nyc is a great city and very clean/safe as to where it was years ago. boston is a great city thats know for being a college kid town but pro sports lifestyle. we are in the middle and what this state did is a crime from stamford to norwalk to bpt to nh to hartford and dbury to water to hartford. they up the chain as the ending sucks and the transportation to it sucks. have to change all of it in this plan. building super 7 and metro north line from nh to hart and so many more things. its a long drwan out vision. but is doable with a huge plan where money is flowing in without taxes being the answer.

i'll stop now before to many ppl here call for my head.


Mar 30, 2012
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100 year flood plain I believe. Hartford won't even know there is a new commuter campus downtown for all the impact it will have.

Build the campus on stilts!



predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Moving the main campus to Hartford is a ridiculously bad idea (sorry HFD, I love ya' but c'mon brotha). I was born in Hartford and raised across the river. That would be the quickest way to kill off this blossoming university, make no mistake about it. There are still many things that I love about Hartford on a personal level, but...

Let me make the analogy; Trinity College, the well-respected and highly rated liberal arts college, is smack-dab in the middle of Frog Hollow in Hartford. If the president of that college could pull a Hogwarts and magically lift the college to Storrs, CT, while transferring UConn to where it currently resides, he/she would do it in a New York minute. Trust me! It's one of the things that holds Trinity back, not one that propels it forward...


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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The new Gampel??


Could you photoshop a husky statue in the front and Hartford Hospital in the back? That would make it all come together...;)


Aug 24, 2011
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Moving the main campus to Hartford is a ridiculously bad idea (sorry HFD, I love ya' but c'mon brotha). I was born in Hartford and raised across the river. That would be the quickest way to kill off this blossoming university, make no mistake about it. There are still many things that I love about Hartford on a personal level, but...

Let me make the analogy; Trinity College, the well-respected and highly rated liberal arts college, is smack-dab in the middle of Frog Hollow in Hartford. If the president of that college could pull a Hogwarts and magically lift the college to Storrs, CT, while transferring UConn to where it currently resides, he/she would do it in a New York minute. Trust me! It's one of the things that holds Trinity back, not one that propels it forward...

i think ppl here think iw ant to drop uconn in the middle of hartford between a coke deal and a murder street crossing. i don't want that. i have a vision of the campus being the edge of the city and the city block by block getting torn apart and included in a new city that doesn't have the iccues it has now and is a real town feel every block. ever been to boston? bc is at the end of the t green line is it? anyway its a nice little campus and when u enter u go from city or burb. as u work your way from bc to bu you get more and more city like. i have the vision of uconn being uconn green and woodsy and all that yaya with cows and squirels and and as u get into hartford more u reach the middle where corporate area is. with those 2 sites being connected by a mess, it takes time but flip that mess to a reppectable community. a lot of that will be live areas will college kids off campus and young professionals who now like the area as a city and are attracted to all the news jobs and infrastructure etc. ok i need to stop before i go nuts, i really do. sorry.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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In all seriousness, I'm all for moving a satellite campus into Hartford. Downtown needs more young peeps with some loot in their pockets to help bars/restaurants/nightlife in the city. Hartford has a 9-5 soon as 5:01 hits and the workforce leave the office, they flee out of the city. Hartford needs residents and people who will actually go out and spend some money after their personal business is over. In other words, Hartford needs more college kids. Not to mention, if part of this was meant for more students attending sporting events in Hartford and East Hartford, then I'll all for that too.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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i think ppl here think iw ant to drop uconn in the middle of hartford between a coke deal and a murder street crossing. i don't want that. i have a vision of the campus being the edge of the city and the city block by block getting torn apart and included in a new city that doesn't have the iccues it has now and is a real town feel every block. ever been to boston? bc is at the end of the t green line is it? anyway its a nice little campus and when u enter u go from city or burb. as u work your way from bc to bu you get more and more city like. i have the vision of uconn being uconn green and woodsy and all that yaya with cows and squirels and **** and as u get into hartford more u reach the middle where corporate area is. with those 2 sites being connected by a mess, it takes time but flip that mess to a reppectable community. a lot of that will be live areas will college kids off campus and young professionals who now like the area as a city and are attracted to all the news jobs and infrastructure etc. ok i need to stop before i go nuts, i really do. sorry.

So, you are essentially saying start in....West Hartford. :confused: And what do you mean, "before i go nuts"???


Aug 24, 2011
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So, you are essentially saying start in....West Hartford. :confused: And what do you mean, "before i go nuts"???

see when a person is nuts(me on this board) the said person feels normal, so when that person thinks hes going nuts, thats like triple the nuts that all the other posters see him as. #B!GNUTS not sure if i even follow.

If this is all about increasing attendance to games the best investment is to hire a damn good coach.

yes this is it. if i spend billions of dollars and completely transform this state i will then admit that the whole thing was so that i could get 50k at the fball game this saturday instead of 40k. u got me! .
Aug 26, 2011
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Let's just throw all the money spent on upgrading Storrs out the window. Ya, that's a brilliant idea, haha.

I agree with other posters the Storrs campus just needs a college town to grow around it.

While I know many local residents would complain, 195 really needs a massive overhaul that adds at least one more lane each way and improves access between 84 and campus.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Dec 25, 2011
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In retrospect, UConn would have been better off where CCSU is today (assuming that P&W would have continued to use most of the E Hartford campus and airfield through the early 1990’s). More centrally located, closer to jobs in Hartford, access to mass transit (bus, train) and closer to Hartford and $airfield County. May have saved New Britain, too.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Hartford sucks. The smart plan instead is to improve the highway access to Mansfield and entice businesses to the area. Office buildings off of 84 neat 195 would be an easy commute from homes in Mansfield/Storrs and Coventry. The research park off campus is a step in this direction. More jobs in the area means more local residents, means more restaurants, bars, movie theaters etc. UConn does not need to be located in a desperately poor city with little to offer. It just needs a real college town to grow up around it.

So because Hartford sucks, there should be no attempt at improvement? You are correct in implying that Hartford is a poor representation of what a capital city should be, but I think moving the West Hartford campus to Downtown Htfd is a trememdous move. Besides, the Mansfield residents voted down an on-campus football stadium. Do you think they would welcome a 4 lane SR-195? Also, I thought I read somewhere that they are building up 4-Corners or where Store -24 was into a campus center? I really haven't been back to campus lately.

I worked in Hartford in the late 90's-early 2000's and again for a short period earlier this year. Hartford is not even comparable to what it was a mere 10 years ago. It was a 8-5 commuter city then and is even worse now with a gutted XL Center (no mall), Whalers are gone, empty & out of date BOA Building, and 'Burbs-centric Ins. Cos. It's depressing. At least back then, the entire work force would migrate to the bar area on Thursday and Friday nights. Have you been to a Happy Hour in Htfd lately? Pathetic. College students would go toward fixing that especially on UConn Hockey game nights and the Whale could run better promotions with UConn students rather than only with Capital Community College students or UHa, which is at least a bus ride away. In the summer, students could patronize the Htfd bars instead of driving all the way back to Storrs (like we did). A decent bar wasn't even close to the W. Htfd Campus.

Granted it's only a satelite campus, but maybe this will spur a conversion of the BOA building into Apartments and getting a real super market downtown. That is my vision.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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So because Hartford sucks, there should be no attempt at improvement? You are correct in implying that Hartford is a poor representation of what a capital city should be, but I think moving the West Hartford campus to Downtown Htfd is a trememdous move. Besides, the Mansfield residents voted down an on-campus football stadium. Do you think they would welcome a 4 lane SR-195? Also, I thought I read somewhere that they are building up 4-Corners or where Store -24 was into a campus center? I really haven't been back to campus lately.

I worked in Hartford in the late 90's-early 2000's and again for a short period earlier this year. Hartford is not even comparable to what it was a mere 10 years ago. It was a 8-5 commuter city then and is even worse now with a gutted XL Center (no mall), Whalers are gone, empty & out of date BOA Building, and 'Burbs-centric Ins. Cos. It's depressing. At least back then, the entire work force would migrate to the bar area on Thursday and Friday nights. Have you been to a Happy Hour in Htfd lately? Pathetic. College students would go toward fixing that especially on UConn Hockey game nights and the Whale could run better promotions with UConn students rather than only with Capital Community College students or UHa, which is at least a bus ride away. In the summer, students could patronize the Htfd bars instead of driving all the way back to Storrs (like we did). A decent bar wasn't even close to the W. Htfd Campus.

Granted it's only a satelite campus, but maybe this will spur a conversion of the BOA building into Apartments and getting a real super market downtown. That is my vision.

No objection to moving UConn WH to Hartford. But HFD wanted to relocate the whole main campus. That's nuts and counterproductive.

I worked in Harford in 89-90. Civic Pub was always packed with UConn students. Same faces I would see at Huskies and Ted's. Then somehow, a rash of stupidity took over. They replaced the Civic Pub with something useless. Replaced the 80's New Wave bar above it with something useless. Then they shut down Challenges, which was always crowded. The Russian Lady went out too, which should never have been allowed to happen. That pretty much wiped out any reason young people had to hang around Hartford.
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