Improvements to take the next step | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Improvements to take the next step

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Aug 26, 2011
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My list.

1. Clock management. In all facets. Get plays in on time, develop some sort of a two minute offense or even a 4 minute offense.

2. Interior of the offensive line has to rise to the level of competent. Samra, bless his heart has exhausted eligibility. The other two guys, if they are going to start need to get stronger. They were pushed back at the point of attack far too often.

3. Special teams need to make some sort of contribution. You can't get zero in the return game AND give up a punt return like the one that set up their first offensive TD.

4. I feel that Diaco needs to take the next step and game plan for the opponent. The last two games (and I know the OL has issues) but the 1st 4 offensive plays in this game I believe were rushes to Newsome. I swore it was GDL with McCombs again. Temple in particular but Marshall also were daring them to pass with how they crowded the line of scrimmage. I've been as bullish as anyone on Newsome's talent, but a 175lb back running into those 8 man fronts is a recipe for 3 and outs. I was glad to see the jet sweeps to Mariner just because they gave a different look. Quick slants and short passes to the flat force them out of that look as quickly as possible.

5. We need some home run hitters. Need to complete a 7 yd slant that goes a long way. The idea that you are going to put together 80 yd drives consistently is absurd.

I also hope that Davis is good enough to get some snaps on the field next year and see if he could be better than Shirrefs. I am under no illusion that Shirrefs will be supplanted at QB. He was damn good for us this year but the TD to INT rate of 9 to 8, has to go way up. Marshall started a true freshman today that looked lights out better. Someway somehow, that position has to start producing better for us.
Dec 28, 2011
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Im anxious to see the QB position take yet another step next season. I want to see how Tyler Davis has come along. He's kind of an under the radar tyoe for us, so it'll be interesting to see if he can take a big step. Of the returning QBs, in terms of stature, he's got be intriguing. We've seen Boyles, now Shireffs, and a little Garrett Anderson, but at 6'4 200 plus lbs, Davis has to be a guy we hope takes a step that us fans haven't taken into account.
He's anything but under the radar. He came in as a scholarship athlete. He redshirted this year. He's in the plans for the future.
Dec 28, 2011
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Since we've already burned his redshirt, ehy wasnt Chris Lee out tyere for that pass play thst went to Hashemi?
G. Anderson wasn't featured at all. never even saw him either.
Dec 13, 2013
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Mau's right saying its a bowl game man, let it fly , have some fun not this 3yds and a cloud of dust.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Actually, Verducci is too. So far the best suggestion for a turnaround came from our former QB Michael Nebrich: "Verducci needs to go. That offense is like watching DeLeones all over again!"

This is really tactless and classless of you. As was posting the parents' comments trashing the coaches.
Aug 27, 2011
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Actually, Verducci is too. So far the best suggestion for a turnaround came from our former QB Michael Nebrich: "Verducci needs to go. That offense is like watching DeLeones all over again!"
You have jumped the Shark with this one's really hard to take anything you say from "your sources" without snickering anyway after the way you called the Maryland coaching search. You should stick to tailgating with the players parents and being buddy/buddy with them and keep their comments and those of your's that they influence to yourself. You used to bring a lot of insight to this it has become non-sensical BULLS**T!
Aug 27, 2011
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This is really tactless and classless of you. As was posting the parents' comments trashing the coaches.
Get real. Nebrich posted that comment himself on Facebook for all to see. Players and former players are all over Twitter with their comments. Opinions are just that--opinions. None are any more correct than any others. Not mine, not Palatine's, not Whalers, not yours---no ones.
And for the record I didn't identify anyone else.
Aug 27, 2011
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Get real. Nebrich posted that comment himself on Facebook for all to see. Players and former players are all over Twitter with their comments. Opinions are just that--opinions. None are any more correct than any others. Not mine, not Palatine's, not Whalers, not yours---no ones.
And for the record I didn't identify anyone else.
You can't look at anything that happens with this team with a non-objective view anymore's tainted by your friendship/loyalty to the players parents.
Aug 26, 2011
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What I can't understand is why we cant find a QB? Hell there are better QBs playing 1AA. I mean since Dan O we haven't had a QB that could consistently hit the side of a barn from 20ft.
Aug 26, 2011
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What I can't understand is why we cant find a QB? Hell there are better QBs playing 1AA. I mean since Dan O we haven't had a QB that could consistently hit the side of a barn from 20ft.
We had Cochran for 5 games. Cody Endres smoked his way out of the equation. Other than that, its been bad. Frazer and Lorenzen were okay but in terms of accuracy all but Cochran and to a lesser extent Endres have been dreadful. The long pass to Thomas yesterday should have been 6.
Aug 27, 2011
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You can't look at anything that happens with this team with a non-objective view anymore's tainted by your friendship/loyalty to the players parents.

It depends on the topic--as with everyone else on this board. You're right about one thing. I'm first and foremost for the players. And the parents who sacrifice for them. But here's what you may not want to believe. When I say we have talent and coaches can get in the way--I believe it.
Aug 27, 2011
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It depends on the topic--as with everyone else on this board. You're right about one thing. I'm first and foremost for the players. And the parents who sacrifice for them. But here's what you may not want to believe. When I say we have talent and coaches can get in the way--I believe it.
I'll give you that...


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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It depends on the topic--as with everyone else on this board. You're right about one thing. I'm first and foremost for the players. And the parents who sacrifice for them. But here's what you may not want to believe. When I say we have talent and coaches can get in the way--I believe it.

Well the rest of us are first and foremost for the program. Not the players, coaches, or the AD staff.
Aug 27, 2011
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Well the rest of us are first and foremost for the program. Not the players, coaches, or the AD staff.

So what or who exactly constitutes the program then, if not the players, coaches, AD, and staff? The ticket takers and LAZ parking crew?


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Let me put it this way. Nostical roots for the team because of who the individual players on the team are, because he likes their moms and dads. The rest of us root for the team because we are fans of UConn Husky athletics above all else. We have a tremendous amount of affinity and respect for the players themselves, but we cheer first and foremost for the "UConn" on the front of the jersey, not the name that is on the back of the jersey. Our fandom stems from us having a deep feeling of "love and care" (to paraphrase HCBD) for the university's football team as a whole -- not from our personal relationships with the players and their parents.
Aug 27, 2011
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Let me put it this way. Nostical roots for the team because of who the individual players on the team are, because he likes their moms and dads. The rest of us root for the team because we are fans of UConn Husky athletics above all else. We have a tremendous amount of affinity and respect for the players themselves, but we cheer first and foremost for the "UConn" on the front of the jersey, not the name that is on the back of the jersey. Our fandom stems from us having a deep feeling of "love and care" (to paraphrase HCBD) for the university's football team as a whole -- not from our personal relationships with the players and their parents.
That is EXTREMELY well put @Stairmaster !!! @Nostical ... @Stairmaster hit the nail right square on the head!!!!
Aug 26, 2011
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Improvements to take the next step:
  • Like to see what Tyler Davis brings to the table next Spring. He's 2 inches taller and has been in the system about the same amount of time as Sherriffs. Hasn't had the opportunity to work with the starters as much but still would like to see him push for playing time. If Sherriffs takes another whack to the noggin I would hope the backup production is better than what there was this year. Boyle and Anderson got lucky on that trick play vs Houston.
  • Crozier comes back so it'll be interesting to see who can hike and block better at center. But that center position and the guys on either side have to put defenders on their backs on running plays and form a wall on passes. What was going on out there this year is the #1 reason the Huskies struggled.
  • D needs to tighten it up on the opposing receivers.
  • Not enough pressure on opposing quarterbacks.
  • Special teams needs to improve and was pleased that they corrected the point after low kick problem.
Sep 17, 2011
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I don't want our DE's to gain any weight in the offseason, I want them to get quicker. Carrezola is heavy enough. When the QB breaks out of the pocket we need to have some ability to put pressure on and catch him. That was a glaring deficiency yesterday. The same for our O-line. Our guards need to be quick enough to not get beat as often, get to the spot to get leverage, maybe pull to block and block downfield. We need less brontosauruses and more lions at every position. We also need another running back. A quarterback who can make quick reads, and is confident enough in his ability to fire the ball in there is mandatory or we will be lucky to make a Bowl.
Aug 27, 2011
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That is EXTREMELY well put @Stairmaster !!! @Nostical ... @Stairmaster hit the nail right square on the head!!!!
Well its interesting you feel that way but Stairmaster's comment is probably the most inaccurate I've seen on this board. No one roots harder for the front of the jersey than I do. Period, end of discussion.
Aug 27, 2011
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Well its interesting you feel that way but Stairmaster's comment is probably the most inaccurate I've seen on this board. No one roots harder for the front of the jersey than I do. Period, end of discussion.
Yeah...tend to differ with you there...I'd say that any of the hardcore season ticket holders that spend there time on here root just as hard if not harder. But there you go again tooting your own horn. Thanks for letting us in on that little bit of info there Nos. I look forward to your next installment of the Boneyard Page Six insider post from you with gossip from the kids or the parents. It should prove to be a riveting read. Maybe you can also tell us a story about MD from your GREAT sources down there.
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