I've been a UConn fan since mid 60's and have always "the name of the game is putting the ball in the hoop". UConn for many years has had point guards that could do that and with the exception of 2004 w/Taleik our NC teams have with Khalid, Kemba and Bazz. 1999 also had Rip, 2004 had Ben, 2011 had Bazz and 2014 had a couple too that were good from the arc. Look, this is a very young inexperienced team with 4 seniors that aren't on any draft boards, no juniors three Jrs who played limited minutes last year or redshirted, and 5 frosh-and one of the best ones is coming off dual acl surgeries, and another has bad knees. This will be a work in progress and hopefully they will all improve as the season goes on. BUT YES we need shooters- I was told when JC took over in 1986 by a well respected HS CT HS coach that he would recruit ATHLETES and hope to make them better basketball players. JC was successful for sure, because he always recruited shooters too.