OT: - If you lived on campus, where did you live? | Page 11 | The Boneyard

OT: If you lived on campus, where did you live?


"Your school wins games... WE WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS!"
Feb 7, 2012
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03-04: Towers - Trumbull (Best dining hall) - Best Memories: camping out and taking shifts to wait in line for basketball tickets. One night while at the tent, Ben Gordon was hanging out near Gampel and this drunk dude was talking to him. I walk by and greet BG and the drunk dude was like "I want to get punched in the face in front of BG" Well I went ahead and granted his wishes. BG was LHAO! Good times. Same year went to countless games wasted and loud , went sprinting across campus when we beat Duke in the F4, and saw Kanye West and Ludacris on spring weekend. My freshman year was insane.
Fall 04: Study abroad Greece
Spring 05: West Campus - Troy (Best grab n go across the street in alumni that's gone now)
05-06: Commuter student from home
Fall 06: Off campus apartment
Spring 06 - to 2010: Withdrew from school to work
Fall 2010 - Spring 2012: Grad Dorms (RIP! Shout out to the Asian students cooking in the basement kitchen areas!)
May 2012 - Finally graduated - wish I could do I all over again :( Best years of my life...
Aug 27, 2011
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I was in Troy for the Spring 05 semester then Alsop Fall 05-Spring 06.

I especially liked the split male/female halls. It seemed like most dorms, other than the suites, were alternating male/female floors.

Yep, the alternating male/female floors was especially nice :) I was there 98-00 and those first two or three semesters we had our own little dining room and chef. He would cook the traditional crap but if you got cool w/ him he would make you personalized homemade meals.

It's probably worth mentioning here that National Champions Emeka Okafor and Justin Baisch (large walk-on) were my floormates in 2003-2004. I can't say that I interacted with either a ton, or that they were around a lot, but they both seemed like good enough guys. Emeka lived in a single and mainly kept to himself.

I was in Shakespeare 204 and in 02 (I think) I was a bit day hammered and for some reason thought it would be cool to go check out my old room. Knocked on the door and Emeka opens the door a bit annoyed since he was studying. I think I said something ridiculous and left.


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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I want some old timers to describe how they walked uphill both ways from horse barn hill to and from class.
Here I am. I lived in a log cabin along Mirror Lake.

I’m the old one. Lived in Trumbull House all 4 years from 63-67. The Towers were a year old in 63 and the best housing on campus. I opted out of a frat bid because the frats were all in the Frats complex, old and crummy. When I entered, the Towers dorms each took in 6 Freshmen men, the only male frosh who didn’t have to live in the Jungle. McMahon hall was new by second year and had a tower for men and one for women. One Towers dorm, the only one known only by its number, 5A and B were women. By my junior year, the Towers dorms and West Campus were reconfigured to be about 50-50 by gender, but in separate dorms. The Towers were known as independent social dorms that screened applicants but couldn’t blackball, only prioritize. We had our own kitchens and live band parties almost every other weekend. The union building up there wasn’t built til several years after. I had a few friends who lived off campus, but off-campus living was rare, but some good parties at Coventry Lake.

I was on the committee that started changing all the strict housing rules. We modified the curfews women had to put up with and allowed limited in-room visits by any gender. It paved the way for totally coed dorms and unlimited visiting hours. It was a big deal in the late 6os. And Mansfield was a dry town, so that while there was drinking in the dorms and campus parties, there were no bars and students went to bars in Willi.
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Sep 27, 2017
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Buckley Shippee C wing is the most underrated.

I’ve seen a few call outs for Shippee. When did Shippee (assuming it did) go coed? I remember having to eat there on weekends because Buckley cafe was closed (damn commuter school). And spending some time there on other occasions... early 90’s was still all female.
Jul 26, 2019
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From '03 to '10, I never heard Northwest referred to as The Frats. During that same time, it seemed everyone knew that North was once called the Jungle, but I never heard it actually referred to as such, except by alumni.

Long time at Storrs, eh?

Jan 11, 2013
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1971 Junior Transfer Student.
- One semester in Rogers B in the Northwest Frats.
- Willington Oaks (second semester).
- Lived out of a Dodge Tradesman van I tricked-out for my senior year '72-73.
I often commuted back & forth to Brookline, MA to hang with my new wife, who was then finishing up at BU. "Wherever I laid my hat was my home" in those days. I was comfortable with that. I'd been living on my on since I was 16.

AT ROGERS B - Northwest was an all freshman zoo full of drunks back then & a lot of fun. It was "weird scenes inside the goldmine" all the time. By the end of the semester, all the lounge furniture in every dorm had been burned in the quad - with no repercussions. There was nowhere left for guests to crash. Thankfully, Rogers B was the mellow, zoner house. We didn't drink much. We just levitated.

I had a single because my roommate never showed up. I put in a waterbed, black lights, a large refrigerator & a great sound system (I worked for that stuff & my entire education through an Ivy Masters - got no money at all ever again from my estranged parents). I left the room open, free for all to use whenever. The kids were in there all day long til I'd kick them out.

As a junior transfer, I was the big brother. I'd talk the freshmen down from bad trips, share my stash when they ran out, talked them into going to class after three weeks straight of playing cards, paddleball or Risk, get them down to the field house for some exercise now & then, & wrote papers occasionally so the low lottery number guys wouldn't flunk out & go to 'Nam straight away. And more importantly, I'd get them laid (we'd go on raids to the old South Campus, where the girls were back then). Rarely, I'd help them confidentially take care of "lady issues" at NYC clinics. As I often hitched to Boston, NYC or other schools on weekends, I'd rent (in trade) out my room on weekends when the kids had their girls up from their towns. The sheets were always stiff as boards when I'd return, Ha!

Our housemother was the legendary Arline Czepiel who loved us all unconditionally & who'd hung out with Greta Garbo in the 30's up at Rockport, MA. Mrs. Czepiel never came upstairs once - ever. She was often in trouble with the younger, straight RA's of the other NW houses. She'd get on the PA and say, "Hey, I'm getting heat from that balloon knot RA in Rogers A. Could you please take the wine & beer bottles off the window ledges, or at least cover them up with snow?"


I had a cute lady friend in the Jungle's Windham Hall close to Rogers B. We couldn't keep away from each other, but also needed our freedom. It was pretty open. Windham was just up the hill from Rogers. Very convenient when we'd feel the itch.

I returned from NYC in a very heavy snow storm w/ 3-4' high drifts. Took forever to hitch back to UConn & got in around 1:00A, . The Spring semester of '72 was starting up hours later the same morning. I threw snowballs at my girl's Windham Hall window to get her to come down & open the door. I was freezing.

M' lady came down & let me in, her head full of wet curls. Eyes wide open, she was obviously on something very nice. She said, "I have the perfect surprise for you." We went to her room, took our clothes off, took something she gave me, & then she took me down the hall to the large girls bathroom on Windham's 4th floor. I would soon see why her hair was wet.

We strolled in & I couldn't believe what I was seeing - Heaven in the Hot, Wet Tropical Rainforests of UConn's Juicy Jungle - Say Hallelujah!

The kids had turned all the showers & faucets on hot, stopped up the drains making it into a steam bath, put blue lights in the fixtures, & a full-blown orgy was happening for about 20 kids, boys & girls, mostly couples but who was counting? It was the perfect place for a hypothermic hitchhiker to have a warm, happy ending to his cold journey. We were "in there" for hours. My friend & I skipped our first day of classes holed up in her room. That was the UConn Jungle back in '71-72.

After the thawing, it took me a couple days to figure out where I'd be staying for the Spring semester as I'd withdrawn from Rogers B to book just a tad more. I ended up out at Willington Oaks (which was new in those days with few other off-campus options) sharing with a couple & another lady - friends.

I aced that semester & experienced lotsa ancient stories while living out there. Maybe later.

UConn was a great party school in the 60's & 70's. I suspect it still is. 25,000 kids stuck out in the Eastern Connecticut woods with nothing to do, but each other? It's still the Jungle everyday for some Huskies at UConn.

A Hui Hou!
This is the most epic 1st post of all time. Thank you sir!
Aug 26, 2011
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Here I am. I lived in a log cabin along Mirror Lake.

I’m the old one. Lived in Trumbull House all 4 years from 63-67. The Towers were a year old in 63 and the best housing on campus. I opted out of a frat bid because the frats were all in the Frats complex, old and crummy. When I entered, the Towers dorms each took in 6 Freshmen men, the only male frost who didn’t have to live in the Jungle. McMahon hall was new by second year and had a tower for men and one for women. One Towers form, tge only one known only by its number, 5A and B were women. By my junior year, tge Towers dorms and West Csmpus were reconfigured to be about 50-50 by gender, but in separate dorms. The Towers were known as independent social dorms that screened applicants but couldn’t blackball, only prioritize. We had our own kitchens and live band parties almost every other weekend. The union building up there wasn’t built til several years after. I had a few friends who lived off campus, but of-campus living was rare, but some good parties at Coventry Lake.

I was on the committee that started changing all the strict housing rules. We modified the curfews women had to put up with and allowed limiting in-room visits by any gender. It paved the way for totally coed dorms and unlimited visiting hours. It was a big deal in the late 6os. And Mansfield was a dry town, so that while there was drinking in the dorms and campus parties, there were no bars and students went to bars in Willi.
I think you win the most ancient award.
1968-69... Knowlton 4th floor above Jungle cafe.
1969-1969... McMahon 4th floor, mens tower. Dropped out a week before 3rd semester finals. Won the draft lottery the year before, and finally realized I didn’t belong in school.
I did return to school, using the GI bill, and graduated from CCSU in 1989. I might win the slowest run to graduation. 21 years.
Jul 26, 2019
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Here I am. I lived in a log cabin along Mirror Lake.

I’m the old one. Lived in Trumbull House all 4 years from 63-67. The Towers were a year old in 63 and the best housing on campus. I opted out of a frat bid because the frats were all in the Frats complex, old and crummy. When I entered, the Towers dorms each took in 6 Freshmen men, the only male frost who didn’t have to live in the Jungle. McMahon hall was new by second year and had a tower for men and one for women. One Towers form, tge only one known only by its number, 5A and B were women. By my junior year, tge Towers dorms and West Csmpus were reconfigured to be about 50-50 by gender, but in separate dorms. The Towers were known as independent social dorms that screened applicants but couldn’t blackball, only prioritize. We had our own kitchens and live band parties almost every other weekend. The union building up there wasn’t built til several years after. I had a few friends who lived off campus, but of-campus living was rare, but some good parties at Coventry Lake.

I was on the committee that started changing all the strict housing rules. We modified the curfews women had to put up with and allowed limiting in-room visits by any gender. It paved the way for totally coed dorms and unlimited visiting hours. It was a big deal in the late 6os. And Mansfield was a dry town, so that while there was drinking in the dorms and campus parties, there were no bars and students went to bars in Willi.

Aloha, cohenzone! LET ME SHAKE YOUR HAND!

If it weren't for you, none of the life-shaping adventures & fun I experienced at UConn, some listed above, would have ever happened. The social & curfew rules on every campus changed completely from about '64-70, going from no visitation at all between the sexes to anything goes by the time I transferred in, in '71. And I had gone first to a Southern college with no co-mingling at all & everyone hated it. How dare they ignore our humanity & primal urges!

Previously, I had visited friends at UConn from '67 on, often staying in the Alumni dorms. They really were the best on campus back then. Had a blast everytime I went & I could feel the opening up of the social rules each time I went up to Storrs. Heck, people could even protest without getting arrested or their records ruined. My great times there in the late 60's helped me change my transfer decision away from NYC & SUNY schools up to UConn. I'm so glad I went there, in those times.

So cohenzone, it was students like you, the brave ones in the era of parentis in loco who looked the elders in the eyes for change, & who truly paved the way for our era of social protest & the unbelievable upheaval in social license we enjoyed & experimented with (see Jungle story above).

Thank you for that, cohenzone! All the best to you in your dotage.

Mahalo a nui!
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Mar 28, 2019
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Long time at Storrs, eh?

My only regret is that it wasn't longer!


Adding Nothing to the Conversation
Sep 21, 2011
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I read page 1 then stopped. What is a Busby?

03-04: Northwest, Goodyear 4th
04-05: North, Litchfield 3rd
05-06: Charter Oak Suites 4th
06-07: Hunting Lodge
Sep 2, 2011
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2005-06: Northwest, Batterson
06-07: McMahon, transferred Charter Oak Suits
07-08: Charter Oak Suits (now busby)
08-09: South
09-10: Hilltop Apartments

I went 5 years getting that Engineering degree but I still made the home away from home Ted's.
Sep 2, 2011
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I read page 1 then stopped. What is a Busby?

03-04: Northwest, Goodyear 4th
04-05: North, Litchfield 3rd
05-06: Charter Oak Suites 4th
06-07: Hunting Lodge
They renamed Charter Oaks Suites, Busby and Hiltop Suites, Garagus. They didn't want the double names between the suites and apartments so named after famous alumni.
Dec 11, 2013
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82-83: Terry A
83-84: Terry A
84-85: Terry A
85-86: 8 Gilbert Rd.

89-90: Celeron (grad school)
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Adding Nothing to the Conversation
Sep 21, 2011
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They renamed Charter Oaks Suites, Busby and Hiltop Suites, Garagus. They didn't want the double names between the suites and apartments so named after famous alumni.

Thanks. After reading your response I looked on the UConn ResLife website and seems they renamed the Charter Oak Apartment individual building names, too. My friends used to live in New Hampshire and whichever one was next to it. Now they’re all named after people, too.
Jun 9, 2017
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Busby Suites.

Named after Alan Thacker Busby, the first African American student at UConn.

He went on to live a very impressive life.

Very impressive man. Whenever we around to building an on campus football stadium, it should be named after him too.



"I Love Whaley"
Dec 19, 2018
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It's probably worth mentioning here that National Champions Emeka Okafor and Justin Baisch (large walk-on) were my floormates in 2003-2004. I can't say that I interacted with either a ton, or that they were around a lot, but they both seemed like good enough guys. Emeka lived in a single and mainly kept to himself.
Justin Baisch was either from my home town or his mom worked in my home town because I remember him showing off his ring

Edit: just looked it up, indeed we went to the same highschool many many many years apart lol, and his name is jason

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