If not Elston, then who for HCBD's DC? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

If not Elston, then who for HCBD's DC?

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Aug 26, 2011
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God almighty, give the Weist a rest.

Is it your goal to shart all over every thread? One thread is a joke and now we shouldn't talk about or hope Weist is our OC?

You really should stick to one board. Not this one.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Is it your goal to shart all over every thread? One thread is a joke and now we shouldn't talk about or hope Weist is our OC?

You really should stick to one board. Not this one.

You are literally the biggest on the Boneyard. Every post that isn't pompom waving soccer mom talk, you have an issue with. Just get over yourself.

Weist to OC has been beaten to death and frankly people fawning over him to the extent mets#### has is ridiculous.

Again, taking a shot at me because I have basketball in my handle? I can guarantee I'm a bigger UConn football fan than you and I damn sure know more about the game than you.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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It's just a statement. I'm not listing any reasons on why he couldn't get him here. He's being heralded on this board for his recruiting prowess but couldn't get a person he worked with to join him here with a promotion in hand? That's a red flag for me.

Your just being your typical self I see. This week will tell all we need to know about his hiring abilities.


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Aug 25, 2011
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You are literally the biggest on the Boneyard. Every post that isn't pompom waving soccer mom talk, you have an issue with. Just get over yourself.

Weist to OC has been beaten to death and frankly people fawning over him to the extent mets#### has is ridiculous.

Again, taking a shot at me because I have basketball in my handle? I can guarantee I'm a bigger UConn football fan than you and I damn sure know more about the game than you.
Aug 30, 2011
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God almighty, give the Weist a rest.

I'd also be fine if Weist left and they kept Day as OC, Buggs, and Foley. I just don't subscribe to the nonsense theory that a new coach has to start over with a all new staff especially when things seemed to have turned around.

Nobody forces you to read this board, get over yourself.
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Aug 26, 2011
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Shouldn't you wait and see what he does tho before you trust his decision making in hiring his staff?

Yes, alarming; very big red flag and of course why would anyone who has looked at his career background, listened to him at the news conference have trust in his decision making in hiring his staff.
Got it.
Any other cautions?
Aug 26, 2011
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You are literally the biggest on the Boneyard. Every post that isn't pompom waving soccer mom talk, you have an issue with. Just get over yourself.

Weist to OC has been beaten to death and frankly people fawning over him to the extent mets#### has is ridiculous.

Again, taking a shot at me because I have basketball in my handle? I can guarantee I'm a bigger UConn football fan than you and I damn sure know more about the game than you.

Do you realize you posted 2 posts that minimized what people were discussing? That's all you did. Acted like you knew it all and their opinion meant nothing.

Why not elaborate why the thread was a joke.

Yes I bow to you expertize on the game of football. It shows.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's just a statement. I'm not listing any reasons on why he couldn't get him here. He's being heralded on this board for his recruiting prowess but couldn't get a person he worked with to join him here with a promotion in hand? That's a red flag for me.

A DL coach who becomes a DC under another D coach is considered to be running the HC's defense. On the other hand, if that DL coach was promoted to DC, he's running his own offense, and at a much higher profile institution.


Soul Brother
Aug 27, 2011
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Yes, alarming; very big red flag and of course why would anyone who has looked at his career background, listened to him at the news conference have trust in his decision making in hiring his staff.
Got it.
Any other cautions?

You put your trust in a man who covers his neck and talks about energy vampires at his first press conference.
Sep 4, 2012
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Do you realize you posted 2 posts that minimized what people were discussing? That's all you did. Acted like you knew it all and their opinion meant nothing.

Why not elaborate why the thread was a joke.

Yes I bow to you expertize on the game of football. It shows.
Why do you have a problem with almost everyone on the yard? A man. You think your BY Jesus or something. ??
Aug 28, 2011
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Joyce brings up a good point.

Why should we trust Diaco? Nobody who coached him, played with him, worked for him, or worked with him had anything positive to say about him.

They are all scared of the man who covers his neck.
Aug 28, 2011
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You put your trust in a man who covers his neck and talks about energy vampires at his first press conference.
I never know if you are serious or if you just post to stir the pot. Give me 1 solid reason we should not trust that he will bring in a competent staff. You have no idea of who he may be considering. If you know who he has asked or who he is considering to ask ,please post it so we all know.
Oct 6, 2013
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I leave it up to HCBD. He makes the big bucks to decide. He wants to succeed and is not going to place people that can't do the job and/ or are not in tuned with his philosophy
We will be able to meet them all on NLOI day at the Rent.
Can't see a GDL situation here developing...Coach D seems goals/process & results oriented,
Aug 26, 2011
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You put your trust in a man who covers his neck and talks about energy vampires at his first press conference.

You get a like cause that was funny. I like the fact that Diaco showed a personality. Ultimately his record will tell the story of his ability to coach and hire a staff.
Aug 27, 2011
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JaYnYcE said:
You put your trust in a man who covers his neck and talks about energy vampires at his first press conference.

Maybe we should make a movie about energy vampires. That could solve our funding issues.


Feb 19, 2013
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I'm failing to understand this thread. Are we hating on HCBD? Are we feeding a troll? Are we discussing candidates for our staff? There's even a tiny fight in this thread. Welcome too the boneyard
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Aug 26, 2011
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You put your trust in a man who covers his neck and talks about energy vampires at his first press conference.

OK Jay. We have been on the same page for sometime. I think you're a good guy. But let's get real here. You have been, with your posts lately, exactly why our coach covered his neck during his press conference.

I can see you posting what you have posted lately and then sitting back with a smile, waiting for a response.

The reason I butt heads like I do on this board is exactly what Diaco was talking about. SOME people on here only focus on the negative, expect things to always be bad, and then celebrate the things that went bad (not you but several people on this board do) and they are sucking the positive energy out of this board. The sad fact is they will deny it to the end. They have no idea.

There are a few certainties in life. If you present a negative attitude you draw negative people to you, and your life will be exactly what you are...negative.

The reason football teams succeed beyond what is expected of them is because they believe in the nearly impossible.

On this board there are people who only see bad things and revel in it. It mirrors their life.

I decided to be like Whaler11. I don't give a f@@k what the negative Nancy's think. The people that really know me get me. The Debbie Downers...I don't give a f@@k about. Put me on ignore.

As for Whaler11. Post away...you are on ignore with TDH, and frankly I'm ready to take him off so you can be the one and only. You're a lonely old man. Go spend your $400K on a life. Hanging out here with a $400K household income tells me something about you. Nobody else will give you the time of day.


Soul Brother
Aug 27, 2011
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OK Jay. We have been on the same page for sometime. I think you're a good guy. But let's get real here. You have been, with your posts lately, exactly why our coach covered his neck during his press conference.

I can see you posting what you have posted lately and then sitting back with a smile, waiting for a response.

The reason I butt heads like I do on this board is exactly what Diaco was talking about. SOME people on here only focus on the negative, expect things to always be bad, and then celebrate the things that went bad (not you but several people on this board do) and they are sucking the positive energy out of this board. The sad fact is they will deny it to the end. They have no idea.

There are a few certainties in life. If you present a negative attitude you draw negative people to you, and your life will be exactly what you are...negative.

The reason football teams succeed beyond what is expected of them is because they believe in the nearly impossible.

On this board there are people who only see bad things and revel in it. It mirrors their life.

I decided to be like Whaler11. I don't give a f@@k what the negative Nancy's think. The people that really know me get me. The Debbie Downers...I don't give a f@@k about. Put me on ignore.

As for Whaler11. Post away...you are on ignore with TDH, and frankly I'm ready to take him off so you can be the one and only. You're a lonely old man. Go spend your $400K on a life. Hanging out here with a $400K household income tells me something about you. Nobody else will give you the time of day.

Jim I get what you're saying. But this board is in full mark mode for this guy and he hasn't done anything for this program to garner such respect. I fell for that crap with P and I refuse to shell out an ounce of respect to someone who frankly hasn't earned it here yet. There is absolutely nothing positive about where this program is right now Jim. from trailors to a bowl win and from pellet gun/beer gate to consistent bowl appearances, this program was growing in the right direction. Hathaway f&cked us 10 ways from Sunday and its a completely different feel from just "just growing pains." Between the AAC and our regional rivals going to P5 conferences, it feels like a decayed tooth has been removed in P but there is still rampant gingivitis in the gum line; in other words it stinks.
Aug 26, 2011
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Jim I get what you're saying. But this board is in full mark mode for this guy and he hasn't done anything for this program to garner such respect. I fell for that crap with P and I refuse to shell out an ounce of respect to someone who frankly hasn't earned it here yet. There is absolutely nothing positive about where this program is right now Jim. from trailors to a bowl win and from pellet gun/beer gate to consistent bowl appearances, this program was growing in the right direction. Hathaway f&cked us 10 ways from Sunday and its a completely different feel from just "just growing pains." Between the AAC and our regional rivals going to P5 conferences, it feels like a decayed tooth has been removed in P but there is still rampant gingivitis in the gum line; in other words it stinks.

I understand exactly where you are coming from. But, for me, life is way to short. I figure I have nothing to lose rooting for this guy. He has proven himself on defense and is much more in touch with today's game than PP. I can conceive no way in the world that Diaco does not, at the very least, get us bowling as soon as next year. Remember we are in the AAC. If not next year, for certain in year 2. By year 3 I believe we will be competing for a league title.

Whether I wait until he proves himself here at UConn or believe right now he has what it takes, the outcome is going to be what it's going to be. I just choose to believe. It's much more enjoyable.


Mar 30, 2012
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Jim I get what you're saying. But this board is in full mark mode for this guy and he hasn't done anything for this program to garner such respect. I fell for that crap with P and I refuse to shell out an ounce of respect to someone who frankly hasn't earned it here yet.

OK. You're an abused girl and every man is an abuser until proven otherwise.

Now please go sob in a corner, with the lights out, where we can't hear you.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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LMAO at Art.

You write a small essay about being positive on a sports board, all while bitching and moaning throughout it. In addition to half of your posts bitching and moaning about people not being positive enough. It's pure irony.

You can't handle a critical and dissenting opinion.

Nobody revels in UConn's short comings. I know I sure as hell don't. If someone is going to say the AAC is perfect, I'm going
to call it stupid because it is.

It's also insanely creepy how obsessed you are with Whaler's salary. I think you've referenced that more than upstater touting SMU's recruiting class.
Aug 27, 2011
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Nobody has proven they can win 10 games at UCONN. And maybe nobody will. Our standards are pretty high between MBB, WBB, Soccer, etc. I feel like this hire is a move in the right direction, but the proof will be in the pudding.

J and Art are both right. The real problem is that we have a lot of time to kill before we have any idea what a BD team looks like on the field. In the meantime all we get is internet pissing contests.


Feb 19, 2013
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If Diaco can't win 10 here after a year or 2 then he probably isn't the guy. Our schedule will be so easy it's ridiculous, especially when Ucf comes back to earth
Nobody has proven they can win 10 games at UCONN. And maybe nobody will. Our standards are pretty high between MBB, WBB, Soccer, etc. I feel like this hire is a move in the right direction, but the proof will be in the pudding.

J and Art are both right. The real problem is that we have a lot of time to kill before we have any idea what a BD team looks like on the field. In the meantime all we get is internet pissing contests.
Aug 27, 2011
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If Diaco can't win 10 here after a year or 2 then he probably isn't the guy. Our schedule will be so easy it's ridiculous, especially when Ucf comes back to earth

Why does UCF have to come back to earth yet we are pre-ordained to be a top 25 school?
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