Any more on the Kiah Q & A?
Says she is more confident compared to last year. Thinks Morgan would make the best coach even though she is generally quiet. If Geno wasn't a coach he would be a golfer because he already golfs. Would take Kaleena on a cross country car trip because when she's in a bad mood Kaleena knows to be quiet and vice versa. Apparently Kaleena has a special relationship with Kiah because they played USA basketball together and came in to UConn together. Says her favorite Olympic sport is ping pong and that she has a ping pong table at home and would play her brother and she is the ping pong champion of her house.
Overall a good episode that was 90% Geno this time.
Geno also said the team you see on TV and the team outside of games is different and that people (meaning recruits) that meet UConn players are surprised that they are just like kids in every other program. Recruits are pleasantly surprised when they hang out with the team and it turns out not what they expected and this is also good for the parents of the recruits. Geno said recruits are asked why they would want to go to UConn to get yelled at all the time, or that UConn has too many players at a position, or that you'll just ride the bench, or that there's nothing to do in Storrs. In typical Geno fashion said yeah there's nothing to do in Storrs except win.
I guess I'm a little miffed that there is any negative perception of the kids based on what you see on TV. Those are my words, but Geno made it sound like people think the UConn kids have a similar "arrogant SOB" attitude that they think he has. Maybe I'm misreading that, but I'm not sure how else he could have meant it since it followed his comment that everyone thinks he is an arrogant jerk. UConn gets enough exposure where you'd think there would be no surprises as to the kinds of kids on the team and what they are really like off the court. I'd say we've gotten pretty good glimpses into their personalities given that every game is on TV and a third of their games are on national TV and we've all seen them in countless pre and post game interviews.