I still believe in Diaco | Page 3 | The Boneyard

I still believe in Diaco

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Oct 13, 2012
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I would've felt a lot better had we pulled out the win vs. Navy than I do now. 3-1 vs. 2-2 makes a lot of difference, especially going into the toughest part of our schedule. This is starting to feel like a 5-7 year...allllllmost getting to a bowl game, but just falling a little short.

I was listening to the game on Saturday on the radio, we had a wedding to attend so I couldn't be there in person this week. They're on the 2 yard line and it's...what...first down? second down? My girlfriend is happy, saying this is great they're going to tie it up. I just gripped the steering wheel tighter and said we'll see.

Suddenly it's 4th down and she's yelling at the radio and I'm just resigned. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that we weren't getting into the endzone. Seen this situation too many times before. When UConn can either delight or disappoint, they disappoint.

And that's Bob Diaco's calling card to this point in his UConn tenure. Disappointment. Is he the worst coach in the world? No. He's just good enough to have us scratching and clawing our way into these huge situations, season saving situations, but he's not good enough to finish the job in those spots.


Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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What will get Diaco fired is not wins and losses - it will be 28k in attendance.

His first year here he told us not to look at the scoreboard but at the building of culture. As a paying fan, I don't like knowing that the coach is not concerned about winning. So, I go to the Rent because I love UCONN.

Year 2 - building something. I remember when Randy's 2002 team started 2-6 and then figured it out and finished 6-6 and beat Iowa St in Ames ( I miss Terry Caulley). Curious playcalling, inept OL but I am psyched because we are winning.

Year 3 - 2 years of building, this should be the year it clicks. Instead, the same issues as the first 2 years pop up. Even worse, the Rent, our one time fortress, can't sell out against Syracuse. That is bad - the fans have become frustrated and the brand of football is not fun to watch. We can all pick on playcalling at any time, but when it becomes a loud chorus and there is little improvement in the OL(how many TFL have we given up), something has got to give. Diaco reminds me of Charley Molnar- he was the asst coach at Notre Dame who came into UMASS challenging us. After 1 win in a few seasons, he was let go. Diaco is not as bad- but the same stupid psychobabble makes people wonder when you don't win.
Aug 30, 2011
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And the culture is tenuous. A rah-rah coach can only create a positive culture for so long without also providing sound coaching decisions that put his players in a position to win, and even win games for his team. Has BD ever won a game for us? How many has he lost for us? A coach screwing his team over in crunch time will very quickly create a poor culture. I'm sure there's already some level of division in the locker room at this point.

How do you define a "coach winning a game?" Players play, gameplans don't win games.

But if its defined by beating teams more talented than you, than clearly at least the Houston game last year and UCF his first year
Aug 26, 2011
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ESPN quote on Miles firing, sounds something like our HCBD:

"Miles loves physical, shove-it-down-your-throat offense. He loves fullbacks and tight ends and running the football. There was a time during his career when that style was good enough to remain nationally relevant, particularly with the way the Tigers recruited under Miles.

But as the college game started to change, Miles dug his heels deeper in the Louisiana soil, and while everybody else was spreading it out, running tempo, finding ways to be creative and scoring points, Miles was still trying to do it his way. The hard way.

It cost him his job."
Email this to HCBD
Aug 26, 2011
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How do you define a "coach winning a game?" Players play, gameplans don't win games.

But if its defined by beating teams more talented than you, than clearly at least the Houston game last year and UCF his first year

Couldn't disagree more. Winning coaches succeed and create winning teams despite the obstacles they face. And it's not based on one or 2 games it's a consistent winning philosophy backed by results on the field. When we start winning consistently instead of scripting a predictable template in the first quarter, imploding in the red zone and pulling our offense out of the FBS basement I'll be happy to admit the players can be the difference-makers from that point forward. We're nowhere's near that point and many coaching changes prove it can be done before the great recruiting classes miraculously jump on the bandwagon. We have a problem with our offense that's going to impact our ability to recruit the guys we need and it's not lack of size or strength or a serviceable QB. It's a gameplan that values safety over scoring. Until that changes you can forget the dream of top level Jimmies and Joes being excited enough to join the party.


Aug 2, 2012
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He's got to win games to get me back. I'm tired of defending him at this point. I support him but lost the faith.
Aug 27, 2011
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After all the disclosure that's taken place regarding play calling and the ability of our QB to run them, do you still think this is all on Verducci? He's trying to call a more aggressive offense in a lot of ways (particularly run / pass mix) from what I can tell but we just aren't able to execute it.

I've read the interviews with Verducci and he is far from a GDL. In fact, it's almost the opposite - GDL insisted on calling stuff that didn't fit the personnel and we're blaming Verducci for almost the exact opposite.
There are words. Then reality. The reality is whatever schemes they have put together have led to poor results. So, either the kids are incapable of executing because the scheme is bad or they can't play football. I refuse to believe the later. This is the same logic PP subtlely floated out - lack of talent. Well, the last time I checked evaluating talent was part of the job. This is Groundhog Day all over again. Very depressing to see us on another trajectory to nowhere. I keep the illogical hope that something will flip the switch, but I honestly can't see it. Beat Houston High.
Aug 26, 2011
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There are words. Then reality. The reality is whatever schemes they have put together have led to poor results. So, either the kids are incapable of executing because the scheme is bad or they can't play football. I refuse to believe the later.

Players can still be quite talented/skilled but also be inconsistent in execution play to play/series to series.
Aug 30, 2011
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We have a problem with our offense that's going to impact our ability to recruit the guys we need and it's not lack of size or strength or a serviceable QB. It's a gameplan that values safety over scoring. Until that changes you can forget the dream of top level Jimmies and Joes being excited enough to join the party.

See I just don't get how you watch the games and come to that conclusion. We have an awful line, and an average QB. Who are these coaches who have strong offenses with that combination?


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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I have faith in him but it is a strained relationship right now and my hope is he can change things on the fly. We will see over the next couple of weeks.
Oct 6, 2013
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I have faith in him but it is a strained relationship right now and my hope is he can change things on the fly. We will see over the next couple of weeks.
Unlike you, I have no faith in him or his offensive line coach (the offensive coordinator 2 years ago). Reminds me too closely of PPGDL.....
Saw improvement in culture etc but.....
Going on 3 years of consistent lack of game time results. We are 2 & 2 and see us no better than 3 & 9 .......
Aug 26, 2011
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See I just don't get how you watch the games and come to that conclusion. We have an awful line, and an average QB. Who are these coaches who have strong offenses with that combination?

Central Michigan averages 40 points per game. They have no seniors on their starting offensive line. They beat Oklahoma State. Lost by 6 at UVA but still scored 35 and sit at 3-1. We beat UVA on a coaches screwup and shanked FG and lost to Navy on multiple Coach's screwups. But Coaching doesn't matter. They have some great recruiting advantage over UConn? Our players are just low talent guys? I don't buy it.
Aug 29, 2011
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I really think you are correct. I don't buy the no talent argument now just like I didn't buy it when Pasaualoni was here. This is an offense that is designed like the old 4 corners that Dean Smith used to play at UNC. Hold the ball kick it deep. Make them go 90 yards and hope for an error.
Diaco would be thrilled to win 3-2. Probably consider it a perfect game.
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't operate on faith. I operate on rational belief.

Last year, I believed the program was moving forward. Now, I'm not sure. It's hard for me to tell if we have a talent problem (probably) or a coaching problem (probably) or both (almost certainly).

We'll see how the rest of the season goes. If he eeks out some wins and gets to a bowl, then I can go back to believing we're moving in the right direction. If we regresss to 5-7 or 4-8, then I'm gonna focus more on getting drunk at tailgates and sneaking onto the 50 yard line for UCF games when nobody shows up.

It sucks but you can't just fire your coach and start over after ever setback. You have to give them a chance to learn and grow. Heck, Saban failed spectacularly in the NFL. Did everybody really just assume he'd be unbelievable at Alabama? Maybe. The point is, even smart guys fail sometimes, and I try to consider that and see how things go before I rush to judgment.

But I'm not optimistic.
Aug 28, 2011
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Diaco used up all the faith I had when he went 2-10. My attitude is put up or shut up.

He hasn't done anything to earn my trust. 6-7 didn't do it. And being afraid to return punts, being afraid to rush the punter, being afraid to pass over the middle, being petrified to commit a TO, is not helping.

That said, I want him to succeed. I'm on his side rooting for the Huskies. But he has lost the benefit of the doubt.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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Unlike you, I have no faith in him or his offensive line coach (the offensive coordinator 2 years ago). Reminds me too closely of PPGDL.....
Saw improvement in culture etc but.....
Going on 3 years of consistent lack of game time results. We are 2 & 2 and see us no better than 3 & 9 ..

I feel bad for you that you see everything so negatively. This is not the coach who name should never be used again on this board. Kids actually like playing for him. He has to make adjustments and if he doesn't then he will not only fail himself but the players as well.


Let's keep it real. It was a mess and the QB that was vital to those wins never played again.
You can recruit QB's in college - both HS seniors and transfers.
Aug 29, 2011
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Diaco used up all the faith I had when he went 2-10. My attitude is put up or shut up.

He hasn't done anything to earn my trust. 6-7 didn't do it. And being afraid to return punts, being afraid to rush the punter, being afraid to pass over the middle, being petrified to commit a TO, is not helping.

That said, I want him to succeed. I'm on his side rooting for the Huskies. But he has lost the benefit of the doubt.
Pal, that is pretty much my view too. I gave him the benefit of the doubt last year but watching so far this year I've returned to my original view that he is way way way over his head.

His whole approach strikes me as a guy who doesn't really know what he is doing but try's to cover it by throwing around a lot of buzzwords. If he was a businessman he'd be Michael Scott.


#TheCut #HuskyRevolution
Aug 22, 2013
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Pal, that is pretty much my view too. I gave him the benefit of the doubt last year but watching so far this year I've returned to my original view that he is way way way over his head.

His whole approach strikes me as a guy who doesn't really know what he is doing but try's to cover it by throwing around a lot of buzzwords. If he was a businessman he'd be Michael Scott.

OMG its so soooo true!!! He's the CFB version of Michael Scott!


Oct 6, 2013
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I feel bad for you that you see everything so negatively. This is not the coach who name should never be used again on this board. Kids actually like playing for him. He has to make adjustments and if he doesn't then he will not only fail himself but the players as well.
Well Bill, don't feel bad for me.....feel for the marketing department that has to sell tickets. Feel for the players walking off after those losses. Let me tell ya Bill, traveling back from Annapolis sucked given the game management and the 3 hour drive home after the UVA game was even worse, knowing we were rightfully the favorites and should have won by 2 td's..

I gave a wide berth in years 1 & 2. Year 3 should see improvement in his game time real time skills. I am not convinced he can fulfill his mission here. He is way over his pay grade.... By year 3, I look at the scoreboard and game time real time decisions and I am disappointed. He has done well in improving the culture and cleaning house, because it had no where to go but up.

Now I would like to see results measured on the scoreboard because in the end - all coaches are judged by wins and losses...... and not sitting around the campfire singing koombyyah and culture. We can be 4&0 or 0&4....... that's crapola........

Don't care hearing about Batman and all the other nonsense.

BTW..... hasn't he been here 33 months ??.....
Feb 18, 2016
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2 1/2 years. good + bad. biggest problem is quality of talent. lack of game changers. even N.T. can not take a 10 yard catch + turn it into 70 yard td. O-line never seams to control / dominate the D-line. Off never seams to be in an attacking mode. too slow + deliberate. need better talent. as a 1st time head coach BD will need more time. Frank Beamer at VA. Tech. had a .500 record after 8 years. can or will we wait that long ?


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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Kind of amazing that as risk averse as he is, he chooses to mix in a fake FG here and there instead of ever passing the ball in the red zone.
Pasqualoni-ish. See wildcat
He's a kook.


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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I guess I don't totally buy the "he inherited a mess" scenario. It wasn't good but it wasn't as bad as it is painted by Diaco apoligistas. The 3-0 finish was indicative that there was more there than Diaco et al were prepared to admit. What they had was fixable. Instead he came in and trashed everything but as we are seeing building it back up isn't as easy as tearing it down. And we have been seeing the same problems for 3 years. Clock management isn't getting better. Conservative play calling isn't getting better. The Oline isn't getting better. We just went 2-2 against Maine Navy Virginia and Syracuse. We've failed to score in the first quarter of any of those murders row games. We don't ever try to return punts.

To me the first sign was his fraternity brothers approach to assistants. Then his comments about not game planing for opponents. Last year we had some hope and some luck which covered up a lot of the same problems reoccurring. This year is a step back.
This is the Cliff's Notes version of The program the past 3-4 yrs. Spot on.
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