I still believe in Diaco | Page 2 | The Boneyard

I still believe in Diaco

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Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Aug 26, 2011
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My biggest issue with Diaco is eerily similar to one of the issues Pasqualoni had: stubbornness to make a change because of longstanding relationships with certain coaches. This is where Benedict might need to step in in the same manner Warde did when he brought Weist in over PP's head.

I am by no means comparing Diaco with PP. I think Diaco is a MUCH better coach and has brought the program back to competitiveness again. Diaco is night-and-day better than PP in 1) recruiting - or at least having a recruiting plan; 2) motivating his players; 3) coaching up a defense. I just think Diaco and PP (and probably most head coaches, to be fair) share a similar trait in being overly stubborn with sticking to a strategy that does not work.

My fear is that Verducci is fast becoming our new DeLeone. As long as he is around, our offense will play far-too-conservatively unless we are in desperation comeback mode.

After all the disclosure that's taken place regarding play calling and the ability of our QB to run them, do you still think this is all on Verducci? He's trying to call a more aggressive offense in a lot of ways (particularly run / pass mix) from what I can tell but we just aren't able to execute it.

I've read the interviews with Verducci and he is far from a GDL. In fact, it's almost the opposite - GDL insisted on calling stuff that didn't fit the personnel and we're blaming Verducci for almost the exact opposite.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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After all the disclosure that's taken place regarding play calling and the ability of our QB to run them, do you still think this is all on Verducci? He's trying to call a more aggressive offense in a lot of ways (particularly run / pass mix) from what I can tell but we just aren't able to execute it.

I've read the interviews with Verducci and he is far from a GDL. In fact, it's almost the opposite - GDL insisted on calling stuff that didn't fit the personnel and we're blaming Verducci for almost the exact opposite.

I do think we are trying to take shots down field, yes. I do blame our OL for most of the inability to do so too. However, we are our best offensively when we spread it out. I do blame Verducci for not spreading out more often and instead waiting until we're down a few scores to do so.

The red zone play-calling has been brutal too. As soon as we hit the 20, our tendencies seem to shift way more towards run heavy. And I won't, for the life of me, understand why we are putting our QB in shotgun to call read-option runs inside the 5. If we are going to run the ball, fine. But put our QB under center to save the 3 yards field position and give our OL strong side a chance to block and RB time to read the blocks and find a hole. Read options develop so slowly and the point of play happens so far in our backfield that defenses that sell out in goal line D have 5 or 6 guys in our backfield by the time the read is made. That's way too many zones (namely ends) to key in on to make a proper decision. Not too mention our OL has struggled mightily again this season. And that damn play seems to be our go-to whenever we are inside the 5.
Aug 27, 2011
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Red Pants will eventually and rightfully be fired here in a couple of years. He will return to a bigger program as a D-Coordinator before getting a second shot somewhere. I think his second act will be much better than hks first.
Jan 12, 2013
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Offensively, I believe that BS and the offensive line limits what they can do. BS has 20 carries because he is under pressure or happy feet or both? Does he go through his progressions, does he have time? I saw a lot of spread sets using 4 wide sets. Can BS throw the deep ball? Does he have time to throw the deep ball? He missed Thomas on a deep ball earlier in the game. I haven't really seen him connect on one in a while. Overall, it comes down to two offensive series, backed up against our own goal line, they go into turtle mode and end up in an obvious passing situation where BS throws a pick. If Diaco runs there, we kill him, he throws...pick. The series of plays at the goal line, he goes conservative and I heard later that the last play was a run/pass option where BS doesn't even look to pass. I like BS, again he is under constant pressure.

I don't have answers to these questions. Just thoughts. I'm not defending Diaco, I'm frustrated too.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I'm pretty much where BL is on this. He will get this season and next pretty much regardless of results (I don't see him as the type who who commit the kind of extracurricular faux pas that would get him canned).

As for belief in coaches, I wish he believed in his (offensive) assistants more. The time management and getting plays off (in my view) is mostly a result of HCBD's indecision as to whether or not to overrule a play call followed by a late decision on what play to send in. Set a game plan, based on the framework of the offensive philosophy you want to run and let the offensive coordinator administer that game plan.
Aug 27, 2011
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The only "unexpected" we've displayed is the occasional fake field goal. We lose the opportunity to introduce an element of surprise at the very times we need it most. Backed up to our goal we wait till third down to pass. That has to come on first down. Trying to score from in close, our tendency on film is a Johnson run. So on first it makes sense to use play action off of that and try a quick throw to a tight end. It's a lot easier to stop a roll out by BS on fourth down than it would have been on second.
Doing the unexpected is what wins when the O line and our history of trying to power into the end zone has proven fruitless. I'd rather see Arkeel try to dart in or get a quick shovel pass after a fake hand-off than give it to RJ straight ahead time after time. You all know the definition of insanity.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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This thread hasn't discussed the poor play by the QB. He had open receivers and time to throw often last game and still he insisted on running. He is not an effective runner. Not fast and not elusive. And when he does throw he's all over the yard, missing throws and not seeing the open receivers.. He's regressed from last year. I really thought he would be better. And as much as I admire young love did he have to get engaged in mid-season? Like my GF said, "What is he thinking?"
Mar 20, 2015
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Not what what effect the engagement has had on his play. Do agree with your points, he's not a good runner and not an accurate passer. He plays hard and everyone respects that. Hopefully the Williams kid is ready to go next year and we can move on from the BS era.

This thread hasn't discussed the poor play by the QB. He had open receivers and time to throw often last game and still he insisted on running. He is not an effective runner. Not fast and not elusive. And when he does throw he's all over the yard, missing throws and not seeing the open receivers.. He's regressed from last year. I really thought he would be better. And as much as I admire young love did he have to get engaged in mid-season? Like my GF said, "What is he thinking?"


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Offensively, I believe that BS and the offensive line limits what they can do. BS has 20 carries because he is under pressure or happy feet or both? Does he go through his progressions, does he have time? I saw a lot of spread sets using 4 wide sets. Can BS throw the deep ball? Does he have time to throw the deep ball? He missed Thomas on a deep ball earlier in the game. I haven't really seen him connect on one in a while. Overall, it comes down to two offensive series, backed up against our own goal line, they go into turtle mode and end up in an obvious passing situation where BS throws a pick. If Diaco runs there, we kill him, he throws...pick. The series of plays at the goal line, he goes conservative and I heard later that the last play was a run/pass option where BS doesn't even look to pass. I like BS, again he is under constant pressure.

I don't have answers to these questions. Just thoughts. I'm not defending Diaco, I'm frustrated too.

I think a lot of us are in a similar place. I like that his teams compete hard, play hard and he has improved the culture. They adjust and come back and don't quit. Positive stuff there.

I also think Verducci is calling a much more aggressive offensive game than we realize, but is limited by the fact that his team can't execute it. It's essentially a version of the Patriots' offense, slants, WR screens and quick passing routes mixed with runs. That seems to work pretty well for them. But our OL can't seem to run block, our QB is too eager to run and doesn't look to throw down field. He doesn't see guys who are wide open more than 10-15 yards downfield.

I think the disappointment is made worse by the fact that this team really should be 4-0. They outplayed Navy and blew the game late. The pick 6 killed them Saturday, along with early mistakes in pass coverage, which they did later fix. They are so close it is maddening that they just can't turn the corner, score some early points and win without all the drama.
Aug 29, 2011
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Clock management isn't fixable after 3 years. It just keeps happpening. The D is good after the half. The O is acceptable..... after the half. Then, just when we have it won, the clock issues and poor play calling come to the surface. It just never ends. Great coaches snatch victory from defeat. He snatches defeat from the hand of victory. He's a good guy but I need to at least see a staff shake up to renew my naive hopes.
I guess I don't totally buy the "he inherited a mess" scenario. It wasn't good but it wasn't as bad as it is painted by Diaco apoligistas. The 3-0 finish was indicative that there was more there than Diaco et al were prepared to admit. What they had was fixable. Instead he came in and trashed everything but as we are seeing building it back up isn't as easy as tearing it down. And we have been seeing the same problems for 3 years. Clock management isn't getting better. Conservative play calling isn't getting better. The Oline isn't getting better. We just went 2-2 against Maine Navy Virginia and Syracuse. We've failed to score in the first quarter of any of those murders row games. We don't ever try to return punts.

To me the first sign was his fraternity brothers approach to assistants. Then his comments about not game planing for opponents. Last year we had some hope and some luck which covered up a lot of the same problems reoccurring. This year is a step back.
Aug 26, 2011
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The measure of growth is recognizing your mistakes & making a concerted effort not to repeat them. Diaco & Co. have thus far shown no such recognition & compounded their errors. Consistently playing from an early large deficit is mind numbing. Leaving your defensive back out on an island when he's getting torched by the opposition is asinine. Inability of the big uglies on the line to run block & open holes, especially in crunch time is sickening. I could go on, but I'm preaching to the crowd.
Aug 26, 2011
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Offensively, I believe that BS and the offensive line limits what they can do. BS has 20 carries because he is under pressure or happy feet or both? Does he go through his progressions, does he have time? I saw a lot of spread sets using 4 wide sets. Can BS throw the deep ball? Does he have time to throw the deep ball? He missed Thomas on a deep ball earlier in the game. I haven't really seen him connect on one in a while. Overall, it comes down to two offensive series, backed up against our own goal line, they go into turtle mode and end up in an obvious passing situation where BS throws a pick. If Diaco runs there, we kill him, he throws...pick. The series of plays at the goal line, he goes conservative and I heard later that the last play was a run/pass option where BS doesn't even look to pass. I like BS, again he is under constant pressure.

I don't have answers to these questions. Just thoughts. I'm not defending Diaco, I'm frustrated too.
Plenty of frustration to go around, for sure. Loosing to the fruit was a bitter pill, as was the Navy game. For some reason our defense (and offense) doesn't seem ready to play in the first quarter. I love BS' competitiveness, but he does tuck it under and run too quickly, and defenses are on to him Doesn't seem to be able to pick up secondary receivers either. Not ready to give up on these guys, Houston on national tv (they'll be looking to run it up on us) is not what the doctor ordered. We can't afford to come out flat in this one.
Aug 28, 2011
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, Houston on national tv (they'll be looking to run it up on us) is not what the doctor ordered. We can't afford to come out flat in this one.
All that crap folks talk on twitter about how we beat Houston last year might bite us in the @ss this time.. I pray it's not an embarrassment. We can't give the naysayers (the Mark Mays, Robert Smiths of the world, that bald on the op hair on the sides with glasses guy that is a SEC guy on ESPN, etc...) more ammo against our program.... Again, like last year, but for different reasons, this game vs. Houston is the biggest game of our season. We just need to show well. Not even win, just show well. The "play not to lose" model that I see can't rear it's ugly had Thursday night... We better be in "play to win" mode....


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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All that crap folks talk on twitter about how we beat Houston last year might bite us in the @ss this time.. I pray it's not an embarrassment. We can't give the naysayers (the Mark Mays, Robert Smiths of the world, that bald on the op hair on the sides with glasses guy that is a SEC guy on ESPN, etc...) more ammo against our program.... Again, like last year, but for different reasons, this game vs. Houston is the biggest game of our season. We just need to show well. Not even win, just show well. The "play not to lose" model that I see can't rear it's ugly had Thursday night... We better be in "play to win" mode....
I hope the coaches don't make the game plan based on what they think Mark May will say about it.
Aug 28, 2011
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Red Pants

I said it before, I'll say it again, not a big fan of the red emphasis he puts on our unis... he can wear his red pants all day though...rep your state bro.


Aug 26, 2011
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The only "unexpected" we've displayed is the occasional fake field goal. We lose the opportunity to introduce an element of surprise at the very times we need it most. Backed up to our goal we wait till third down to pass. That has to come on first down. Trying to score from in close, our tendency on film is a Johnson run. So on first it makes sense to use play action off of that and try a quick throw to a tight end. It's a lot easier to stop a roll out by BS on fourth down than it would have been on second.
Doing the unexpected is what wins when the O line and our history of trying to power into the end zone has proven fruitless. I'd rather see Arkeel try to dart in or get a quick shovel pass after a fake hand-off than give it to RJ straight ahead time after time. You all know the definition of insanity.
Kind of amazing that as risk averse as he is, he chooses to mix in a fake FG here and there instead of ever passing the ball in the red zone.
Sep 19, 2011
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One glaring thing is that the team has come out flat for all 4 games this year. That is on HCBD.
Don't start playing until we are down(and sometimes down big).

That doesn't play well. How can he not have the team fired up and ready to play(especially at home) ?
Aug 28, 2011
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I hope the coaches don't make the game plan based on what they think Mark May will say about it.
The unfortunate thing about the media is when you're down, or a work in progress, and somebody that can be a spokesperson from the media makes statements, like CFB analysts make, and a lot of folks (most folks) run with it. No different than politics....The world sees ESPN, in our backyard in Bristol, CT, showing zero love for/to us. Unfortunately, that speaks volumes, against our success.
I just hope, for some reason, we kinda held back a little the first 4 weeks of the season and come out on National TV and "Shock the World" one more time.
Aug 27, 2011
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I said it before, I'll say it again, not a big fan of the red emphasis he puts on our unis... he can wear his red pants all day though...rep your state bro.

Man, the only thing he is reppin' with those pants is his membership in the MMA: The Metrosexual Men's Alliance.

But, i agree, it is his right to wear them.
Aug 26, 2011
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I guess I don't totally buy the "he inherited a mess" scenario. It wasn't good but it wasn't as bad as it is painted by Diaco apoligistas. The 3-0 finish was indicative that there was more there than Diaco et al were prepared to admit. What they had was fixable. Instead he came in and trashed everything but as we are seeing building it back up isn't as easy as tearing it down. And we have been seeing the same problems for 3 years. Clock management isn't getting better. Conservative play calling isn't getting better. The Oline isn't getting better. We just went 2-2 against Maine Navy Virginia and Syracuse. We've failed to score in the first quarter of any of those murders row games. We don't ever try to return punts.

To me the first sign was his fraternity brothers approach to assistants. Then his comments about not game planing for opponents. Last year we had some hope and some luck which covered up a lot of the same problems reoccurring. This year is a step back.
I don't think Diaco has any apologistas, if he does he is down to the last few.

I do agree with a lot your post, but I think we're real close. Even if I hate his conservative approach, we've been near the goal line with a chance to tie or take the lead as time winds down in the two losses.

He needs to readjust his offensive philosophy. No 2 ways about it, question is, is he flexible enough to do it, or will dig in deeper as he gets questioned about it. If it's the latter, he will get himself fired.

The last two games we've had all 3 timeouts left, it's an improvement in getting plays in on time. Seems silly to give him credit for something so trivial, but it i think it is evidence the clock issues have some hope of getting better.
Aug 26, 2011
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Kind of amazing that as risk averse as he is, he chooses to mix in a fake FG here and there instead of ever passing the ball in the red zone.
One of the more perplexing things I've ever seen from a coach.
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