I know, I know...we don't trust the "insiders"...but.. | Page 3 | The Boneyard

I know, I know...we don't trust the "insiders"...but..

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NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Conspiracy Kitty says:
So many dots there's no need to connect them. The question is when, not if.


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Aug 25, 2011
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Once every quarter century we decide to be nice and let you have one.
Heh, the beanpot is like taking a cute chick to the prom. The even itself is nice and you have lots of fun together , but the only thing that really counts is what happens afterwards.
Mar 25, 2012
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Silver looked at Google searches. Maybe 6 or 7 years ago, Pew did a poll. It had very different results.

Silver's work was done by Google Analytics about two years ago. For what it's worth, a few months back, ESPN had a market researcher interviewed in a story that said they found similar numbers to what Silver found. So while Silver's methods were questioned by some, not everyone found his results to be sketchy.


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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were having a bot meeting in 3 weeks. i can't wait for that to stir up more uconn talk based off the insiders stuff this week...

"Insiders stuff"??

Discounting B12 "insiders", the only semi-insider stuff i saw this week was from Fishy who essentially said you have a better chance of making love to Adriana Lima than does Connecticut getting a B1G invite...
Aug 26, 2011
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were having a bot meeting in 3 weeks. i can't wait for that to stir up more uconn talk based off the insiders stuff this week...

When you say were (we're) having a bot meeting does that mean you and other insiders or UConn's BoT? :cool:
Aug 26, 2011
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Who gives a flying crap about the ACC? OK, it's our "safety school." I get that. But it's not where we should be focused. Louisville took our spot indeed. That spot wasn't going to us no matter what charade Herbst/Manuel deputies pantomimed in North Carolina. We didn't go to the ACC not because the ACC didn't want us (as everyone seems to assume), but because we don't want them.

Forget Louisville, Pitt and Cuse go and Rutgers and we stay home? Seriously? On what planet does that make sense? Uranus? The ACC takes a pass on twenty-f#cking-million people living in greater New York in order to make a play for the Finger Lakes and the confluence of the Allegheny and the Monongahela? Not bloddy likely. The ACC passed on UConn and Rutgers because they knew (or strongly believed) the B1G was preparing to move on the northeast. Once B1G's suspected intentions were confirmed (Rutgers and Maryland), the ACC took a second pass on us rather than even trying to leverage their BC/Cuse properties in the region by adding us.

We haven't been an ACC target for the same reason Georgia or Florida haven't, for the same reason Rutgers never was. We're not available to them and they know it.
I'm not sure I know where to start... but here goes... why wouldn't the ACC want to protect their northern investment (BC, SU, Pitt)? They could have locked up the entire east coast with RU and UConn, even if they lost Maryland. In fact, Maryland may have stayed if the ACC grabbed RU and UConn. I guess I just don't see the future you do.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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"Insiders stuff"??

Discounting B12 "insiders", the only semi-insider stuff i saw this week was from Fishy who essentially said you have a better chance of making love to Adriana Lima than does Connecticut getting a B1G invite...
Well I never contacted Adriana Lima, never called her and let her know I was available, never made a press release making a case for why she should make love to me so, by the logic of many on this board, it's a sure thing. I better google her so that I'll know when she walks up to me.
Aug 27, 2011
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Silver's work was done by Google Analytics about two years ago. For what it's worth, a few months back, ESPN had a market researcher interviewed in a story that said they found similar numbers to what Silver found. So while Silver's methods were questioned by some, not everyone found his results to be sketchy.

That probably has more to do with SEO than actual interest. Google analytics data by itself doesn't necessarily mean anything.
Sep 14, 2011
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If it was the reverse, he would be all about Yale...

I only have an undergrad degree so I can't speak from personal experience..but..everyone I know who has post graduate degrees identifies most with their undergrad school. I know 2 ND grads with Duke MBAs, and both are all about ND...even in hoops.

That's because undergrad is about the party on the old man's dime. Grad studies are work and you have to get serious.
Sep 14, 2011
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I'm not sure I know where to start... but here goes... why wouldn't the ACC want to protect their northern investment (BC, SU, Pitt)? They could have locked up the entire east coast with RU and UConn, even if they lost Maryland. In fact, Maryland may have stayed if the ACC grabbed RU and UConn. I guess I just don't see the future you do.

Apparently I'm not communicating well at all because that is pretty much what I thought I was saying.

Swofford has been an absolute fool through out this re-alignment process. If a decision had two or more choices*, he, invariably, made the worst one. Back in ought-three, or whenever the initial raid was being planned, the super region from Boston to D.C. had the same population as the entire PAC (ten at that time) and none of the "Big Boys" seemed to want it. The Big East probably had the greatest influence with the ACC contenting for the southern 15 percent or so. Swofford made a move he said was designed to get the ACC to 12 teams so they could hold a conference championship game. Rather than make a bold move that would have strengthened conference long term, he invited Miami (who showed up in their "Faded Glory" jerseys), VaTech who was something of an upgrade in football but in a state where the conference could have and should have owned without assistance from a little brother school, and a small, irrelevant, Catholic college outside Boston.

In truth, the only move that might have proved significant was Boston College. But making that happen would have required leadership and Swofford is clearly a follower. The B12 and SEC have a champ game? Let's get one for the ACC. Trouble was he didn't check on the demand for such an event and it bombed. Not cherry bombed either. It blew up in his face like a bunker buster. Meantime, while he was deciding which Jacksonville luxury box to convert into the Commissioner's Throne Room, the re-allignment gears were turning everywhere (except for the ACC where they were grinding).

Even the Big East, where they were competing from a decided underdog position due to a weak albeit improving football product and a constant hammering from sports media behemoth ESPN, was making better moves. It was the Big East that proved the viability of a sisteen team conference. Even though they were ultimately destroyed, they proved it could work in basketball. It was the Big East that exploded into the most dominant basketball conference. The Big East Conference Championship may have been as tough a tournament, start-to-finish, as the NCAAs some years. The 16 team configuration was widely ridiculed even inside the conference. Now it's the Big East's 16 team model that's being chased after.

Welcome to Swofford's second, even bigger blunder**: Pitt and Cuse. The northeast still sat there waiting for the taking and Swofford ignored the two pieces that all but put the title to 55MM sets of eyes in the ACC's Greensboro safe: UConn and Rutgers. Anybody see that move ending well for Swofford?

* That doesn't actually make sense because if there were no choices it wouldn't be a decision.
** The Pitt/Cuse - UConn Rutgers blunder assumes that UConn and Rutgers were available and interested in the ACC and I contend they weren't because the B1G was making overtures.

Note: I added the footnotes because BL said he'd read posts if they had footnotes.
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