"But after facing all the criticism he's faced over the past few years for running a program that's now on probation because it used a booster/agent to help secure a commitment from a recruit,"
that's how haters interpret the events. you would think Parrish would be more informed
The only reason UConn got in trouble was because the agent is a representative of UConn, having graduated from UConn (also was a team manager). JC was not suspended because he "used" such agent. If that were the case, the penalties would have been much more severe. If the agent were not a UConn grad, there would be no penalties. Under NCAA guidelines, JC is responsible for every representative of the Univ. Stated differently, if I buy Alex O a drink when I see him in a bar, that makes JC a cheater.
Furthermore, the inappropriate gifts were not given to "secure a commitment", but rather after the commitment was already received from a cheap shallow man that wanted to be Mile's agent.
I'm amazed that such supposedly smart and informed individuals think JC paid a troubled recruit that nobody else wanted through an agent that was / is accused of stealing 1 million dollars from a former star player!!!!!!
Critical thinking challenged people are in no short supply