I enjoy Mike Aresco | The Boneyard

I enjoy Mike Aresco


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Sure he gets paid a handsome amount of money generated by the kids he is testifiying against - but THE MONEY WOULD INTRUDE ON COLLEGE SPORTS.

Sure Bob Diaco gets 5 million to just be anywhere but Storrs, Mike Aresco get about as much money from the AAC as the University of Connecticut, ESPN makes 8 figures on the American without breaking a sweat - but MISTER P6 contends that if Jalen Adams can get enough money to order a pizza that changes everything.

Still laughing at Benedict getting rich running the AD into an iceberg while claiming he’d pay to play football at Southern Utah.

The players need to hold a sit in at the Final Four - the courts are not going to provide a remedy.

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from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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Aresco knows that paying the players puts an end to his AAC P6 fantasy. There's no way the AAC or other G5 conferences will be able to effectively compete with P5 schools regarding what they can offer recruits. It will signal the beginning of the end of a single tier NCAA DI. The non-P5's will be relegated to a lower sub-classification within the NCAA, or the P5's will simply form their own governing body, leaving all others behind in a severely watered down remnant of the NCAA. To Aresco, it's all about self-preservation.


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
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Aresco knows that paying the players puts an end to his AAC P6 fantasy. There's no way the AAC or other G5 conferences will be able to effectively compete with P5 schools regarding what they can offer recruits. It will signal the beginning of the end of a single tier NCAA DI. The non-P5's will be relegated to a lower sub-classification within the NCAA, or the P5's will simply form their own governing body, leaving all others behind in a severely watered down remnant of the NCAA. To Aresco, it's all about self-preservation.

Or the schools with good sports and say good bye to the NCAA "P5" notation and schools can figure out among themselves how things should work...
Aug 26, 2011
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For Aresco it's about self preservation of him and the league and by extension us.

The P5 is hording all the money and isn't looking to share. You needed no further proof of this than when they started talking about playing only against other P5 schools of which our current coach was in full support of.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Or the schools with good sports and say good bye to the NCAA "P5" notation and schools can figure out among themselves how things should work...
Yeah, house's that going work? The haves are not going to show largess toward the havenots. The only thing that may happen is further contraction to eliminate the BCU and Pittsburgh type leaches.


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
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Yeah, house's that going work? The haves are not going to show largess toward the havenots. The only thing that may happen is further contraction to eliminate the BCU and Pittsburgh type leaches.

Good. I'm fine with less college sports teams. The colleges that can afford it great their fans will increase the colleges that can't afford it become a better academic institution.


Aug 26, 2011
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I don't think you will find a single representative of a P5 school in favor of paying players. ND claimed it would have to stop participating in the highest levels if paying the players was on the table.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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For Aresco it's about self preservation of him and the league and by extension us.

The P5 is hording all the money and isn't looking to share. You needed no further proof of this than when they started talking about playing only against other P5 schools of which our current coach was in full support of.

He did the NCAA a favor, someday they will do him one.
Aug 26, 2011
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He did the NCAA a favor, someday they will do him one.
I didn't think he did so hot. Went up there offering opinions basically. He did take one for the team by showing face to make ludicrous arguments.
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't think you will find a single representative of a P5 school in favor of paying players. ND claimed it would have to stop participating in the highest levels if paying the players was on the table.
Of course not. You can't pay the players AND give Jim Delaney 20 million dollar bonuses. One or the other man, pick. Priorities and all.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Of course not. You can't pay the players AND give Jim Delaney 20 million dollar bonuses. One or the other man, pick. Priorities and all.
If college sports becomes a semi-pro team league with out even the appearance to student-athletes, I'm out. I suspect others feel the same way.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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If college sports becomes a semi-pro team league with out even the appearance to student-athletes, I'm out. I suspect others feel the same way.

Would tend to agree, with caveats. If this is just another way P5 schools will get to separate themselves from the rest of the pack (which I suspect will happen), then I'm out too. I have zero interest in supporting an entertainment industry that continues to stack the deck against my school and state. My donations will be made directly to UConn and they can use it however they see fit. But I can go back to only caring about pro sports again.

I'd stay in if something fair would be implemented. Perhaps pro leagues follow the NHL model but kick it up a notch - drafted amateurs can attend college *and* all drafted amateurs are paid the same exact amount (e.g. $25K/yr plus medical benefits...something small but fair). They're paid by their drafting pro teams for as long as they retain that amateur player's rights. They absolutely CANNOT be paid by the NCAA and that's mostly because I have zero faith in the NCAA's ability to conduct itself transparently/fairly/legally. I have no idea if this should be a separate draft or extend current drafts a couple of rounds to account for the added player pool.

Ironic that there is far less corruption in professional sports than there is in collegiate "amateur" sports. And that's because the haves don't want to lose anything. The way of the capitalism world, I s'pose.
Aug 26, 2011
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If college sports becomes a semi-pro team league with out even the appearance to student-athletes, I'm out. I suspect others feel the same way.
I respect this point of view and don't even disagree.

It's just the NCAA hypocrisy in that for a long time their argument included that the money wasn't there. How do you give a conference commissioner a 20 million dollar "bonus" then?

I know full well uconn is on the outside looking in, given that this isn't likely to change anytime soon, burn it all down.


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
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You know which side UConn ends up on, right?

Yes, I'm come to peace with that. Unless donors step up we have to be honest about our future.


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
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If college sports becomes a semi-pro team league with out even the appearance to student-athletes, I'm out. I suspect others feel the same way.

I'm not sure I understand why you're cool with the "appearance" Care to explain?


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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If college sports becomes a semi-pro team league with out even the appearance to student-athletes, I'm out. I suspect others feel the same way.

Hasn't that essentially already happened at the highest level?

As far back as when the NCAA was formed in 1906 there have been scandals in college athletics, long before the advent of TV accelerated that dynamic. The schools that eventually became the Ivy League were using ringers as players in those days. Later it was point shaving scandals, right up until the CCNY/NYU scandals in the very early 1950's. Then TV became prominent in college athletics from the 1960's on and all hell has broken loose, because there's far too much money involved, corrupting the entire process.

The folks which benefit from the current system (administrators, coaches, support staff and other businesses indirectly involved) aren't about to rock the money boat anytime soon. The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, or drop down to a lower level of competition without money being the driving force, and a few schools may drop athletics altogether.

If a fan is disgusted enough with the mega bucks business model, the only alternative may be to adopt an Ivy League or Patriot League team to follow. I'm lucky in that respect because I attended a Patriot League school.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm not sure I understand why you're cool with the "appearance" Care to explain?
Sure. As long as kids are required to go classes, I'm willing to suspend disbelief to view them like full time students who just happen to play a sport. The reality is a little different but not enough to matter to me. If kids don't have to go classes, then they are de facto pros, and I identify with them or care about them as much. That's just my worldview though.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Hasn't that essentially already happened at the highest level?

As far back as when the NCAA was formed in 1906 there have been scandals in college athletics, long before the advent of TV accelerated that dynamic. The schools that eventually became the Ivy League were using ringers as players in those days. Later it was point shaving scandals, right up until the CCNY/NYU scandals in the very early 1950's. Then TV became prominent in college athletics from the 1960's on and all hell has broken loose, because there's far too much money involved, corrupting the entire process.

The folks which benefit from the current system (administrators, coaches, support staff and other businesses indirectly involved) aren't about to rock the money boat anytime soon. The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, or drop down to a lower level of competition without money being the driving force, and a few schools may drop athletics altogether.

If a fan is disgusted enough with the mega bucks business model, the only alternative may be to adopt an Ivy League or Patriot League team to follow. I'm lucky in that respect because I attended a Patriot League school.
Oh athletic departments are about the money, but the kids are still just kids who have to maintain their grades and go to class while they are playing. I like that narrative.

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