I don't want to slip way in the darkness of the night. | Page 2 | The Boneyard

I don't want to slip way in the darkness of the night.

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Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Shaky, the company line is that after the Fiesta Bowl, at the hotel bar, everyone was having such a good time, even though they lost, it was an experiential thing, there was such a sense of bonding, fraternity, good feeling, camaraderie, that Randy just couldn't bring himself to ruin that special moment. And everyone was expressing their feelings about what a special moment this was, how they could never re-create this moment, etc., etc., etc., (I think we've all been there once or twice), that Randy couldn't bring himself to tell them that this was the real thing, that this really was a turning point, etc., etc., etc., and he let the kids enjoy the moment. And evidently, only about a third of them were going home on the team flight anyway, so what would be the sense of him taking the plane back? All that. At least that's what I'm told.

I hate the idea of rehashing this but I can't help but respond to the above:

If (and this is a large concession) the above is true, there still begs the question why did he tell Jordan Todman before the game that if that was to be his last game at UConn he owed it to the team to let them know prior to kickoff?
Aug 26, 2011
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That's a bit much for me too.

Of all things, the way Edsall left never bothered me. His agent seemingly floated his name for every opening, after each success.. After the 2007, (first Big East title) season it was revealed he interviewed at GTech. That he left after the Fiesta Bowl was very predictable. I never got the feeling his heart and soul was into this job. Not when he would go on Tv and talk about all of UConn's shortcomings during interviews. What other coach have you ever seen do that? People on this board would shout this down, when this was pointed out, and told "he's saying the truth." For Edsall truth was a matter of convenience, as evidenced by how he left. I could say that and admit he did a good enough job with this program he was never going to be in danger of losing his job here. Also never saw a way he was going to move forward from 7-5, 8-4, type seasons.

But, the bottom line, he didn't want to be here anymore, forget the nonsense about Hathaway, the man thought he took UConn as far as it was going to go and decided to move on. There is nothing wrong with that. Diaco may do the same thing some day if he is highly succesful. That he didn't address the kids in a proper way, I"m sure they're over it. It's like some poeple on the board feel let down because they held Edsall in some incredibly high regard, and the way he left was totally out of character or something? He left because he didn't want to be here, big deal that he s"linked away in the middle of the night", that speaks for itself, but again, its going on four years how could anyone still be upset about it? To compare it with the feelings of a survivor of the Holocaust might have is something I cannot comprehend.
Aug 28, 2011
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I've noticed that Pal's postings went off the rail sometime last year around our second loss to Western Michigan in two years...like he went off his meds or something. Might be time for a Boneyard or Star Trek intervention. Somebody get George Takei on the phone stat!

It was earlier than that. I went off the rails after the Vandy loss. BTW, I always believed and often said that Edsall was average, mediocre, nothing special. If you're watching, he is intent on proven me right.

Kudos to Diaco for doing the right thing, the right way. I love his enthusiasm, although it will probably puzzle some in Connecticut but even more I love the class he has exhibited.

None of that means he can coach. But he has earned the benefit of the doubt.
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Aug 29, 2011
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I've done the best I can at refraining from this kind of discussion, but that one post was too much. Edsall is now two coaching regimes removed from this program. I really don't give a crap anymore. I just don't like misinformation. There is good argument that the guy didn't know 100% whether or not he was leaving the program the day of the Fiesta Bowl, but there is and can be no doubt that he knew he was flying to Maryland after the game, and there is no doubt and can be no doubt, that he had been involved with talks outside the program about interviewing and possibly leaving for a significant amount of time prior to the Fiesta Bowl.

I don't remember the exact sequence of events, because I really don't care anymore, but I do recall that the AD found out that Edsall was leaving for Maryland on a plane following the game by text message, very shortly, and I mean like minutes after speaking with him face to face outside of the bus leaving the stadium. The AD gets on the bus, after speaking with him, and gets a text message that he's leaving.

All that Randy Edsall did, IMNSHO, in how he left UCONN, was be himself. I believe, that in his own mind, he was handling things the best way that he thought he could. I promise now, that I will not talk about him anymore.

I just don't like misinformation and that "company line" is bull.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm with Palatine on this issue. As the Holocaust survivers say, "Never forget!" I was in a cattleman's style steakhouse in Tucson the day after the game, about to plunge into a choice cut of beef & all the sides, when I looked up at the tv screen in the bar & saw FHCRE's face plastered on the screen. After I read the subtitles, I almost lost my appetite. It still stings, especially toll it took on the program. I'm totally behind HCBD, & hope that he can clean up the mess & get UConn football back to major bowl eligibility on a consistent basis.

Aug 28, 2011
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Holocaust = Edsall. Hey Jimmy...wuz up?

Probably just not an over sensitive politically correct sort. He didn't make the comparison that you unfairly used. Just cited the phrase.
Aug 26, 2011
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Probably just not an over sensitive politically correct sort. He didn't make the comparison that you unfairly used. Just cited the phrase.

Pal...when you started this thread I almost chimed in, that once you meet Palatine, you'll get to like him. With that said. Please don't try and twist what he said.

Like Jimmy said, coachcap most certainly would phrase things differently given a second chance. But the comparison was clear.
Aug 28, 2011
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The comparison was NOT between Edsall and the Holocaust. That is a complete fabrication. It's downright idiotic.

In fact, there was no comparison between Edsall or the holocaust at all.

The point was that is is important to remember the past or you are doomed to repeat it. He used an a group of people (yes, extreme) to present the example. If there was any comparison and I don't believe one was implied, it was between our esteemed Palatine and survivors.

But in our present society, when the first person to be offended wins, I'm not surprised someone went there.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Remember, HCRE said he would be at UConn for "along as you'll have me", then he went back to working the phones.
Aug 26, 2011
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The comparison was NOT between Edsall and the Holocaust. That is a complete fabrication. It's downright idiotic.

In fact, there was no comparison between Edsall or the holocaust at all.

The point was that is is important to remember the past or you are doomed to repeat it. He used an a group of people (yes, extreme) to present the example. If there was any comparison and I don't believe one was implied, it was between our esteemed Palatine and survivors.

But in our present society, when the first person to be offended wins, I'm not surprised someone went there.
Thank you. I might have been over the top this morning.
Aug 27, 2011
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I hate the idea of rehashing this but I can't help but respond to the above:

If (and this is a large concession) the above is true, there still begs the question why did he tell Jordan Todman before the game that if that was to be his last game at UConn he owed it to the team to let them know prior to kickoff?
I have no personal knowledge. Just something I heard from someone in the "company." Probably BS.
Aug 27, 2011
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Remember, HCRE said he would be at UConn for "along as you'll have me", then he went back to working the phones.
What do you say to your employer?
Edit: That's a little ambiguous. You want to leave. You're interested in something else. But you've got a good gig. While you're looking around, what are you supposed to say?
Aug 27, 2011
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But in our present society, when the first person to be offended wins, I'm not surprised someone went there.
Interesting observation. It is thought provoking, but I really don't agree with that sentiment. I think it's a little too negative. Most people don't side with the first person to complain. And in this thread, for example, most of us didn't.
Edit: But I would agree with Coach Cap that maybe it was a wee bit too little bitty not what we should be comparing things to-ish.
Aug 26, 2011
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Here's the bottom line. A man spends over 10 years building a solid foundation for a Div 1 program and left his job like an a.s.shole. Another man comes in and does nothing but destroy the program. Adds zero value.

Three years later the first man still gets trashed and nobody says anything. The second man has been gone for a few months and we are told we should lighten up on man number two in regards to the "old" jokes.

Then the Holocaust comment comes up. Now I don't believe for a moment coachcap believes what Randy did compares with the Holocaust. It was just a bad analogy by a good guy.

My reaction was basically because it seems silly to back off on the old jokes when Randy keeps getting blasted like this 3 years later when he did 100 times the amount of good the old man did.

I rarely jump in during the Edsall bashing on here because frankly I don't care that much anymore. He's gone. I will jump in when he gets blame for he shouldn't, i.e., empty cupboard, etc.

Frankly there is too much good going on around the program to be bashing either one of them.


Aug 2, 2012
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WTF? Doesn't anyone else come here for good, old-fashion UCONN information, conversation and debate?

I'm here for UCONN news and to have a few shts and giggles.

I have no idea what the inter-board feuds some of you have going on are but the fact that there's a debate that's comparing The Holocaust to something about our football program is pretty fcking weak.

None of us can bitch about being in the AAC when the content of this board isn't even worthy of that distinction.

Can we drop the Real Housewive's bulsht and focus on the football?
Aug 28, 2011
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Precisely because Randy was here ten years, he is a figure that comes up in the legitimate discussion of UConn football. Diaco's quote directly related to how Edsall left town.

P. has been round criticized for years on this board. I suspect that will continue for years, as well as the occasional shot at GDL. Both worked hard become objects of ire.

We talk about the past, present and future of the Huskies here. These are football discussions. If you don't want to talk about Edsall. Don't spend time on this thread.
Aug 26, 2011
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PGDL did more damage than good, almost nobody doubts that.

The thing that frustrated me the most with Randy, is that you could tell he was done here after a certain point. At some point he was just doing the same thing here every year, and he was out of ideas. It was really frustrating because you can tell he is a smart guy who ought to have kept progressing the program. But recruiting flatlined. The offense was rarely dyanamic, QBs seemed to get worse as their career... And host of other issues, to include the fact that the Fiesta Bowl team wasn't even close to being our best team.

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt in one aspect. Hathaway didn't get it, and he did little enhance UConn's relationship,with Edsall. We really needed more money to pay assistants. We lost some key assistant coaches and clearly those guys would have stayed if they were paid more.

So in summary, after a certain point, we stopped getting Randy's very best, but Hathaway wasn't exactly giving Randy even close to the level of support that he needed in order to want to stay.
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