You are absolutely correct about CC and the college vs pro calls against or in favor of her. The calls are being called she doesn’t like it. Mugged? She is being defended in the W. It’s a new game.That’s… not the taunt I was talking about lmao. I was talking about the hand wave to Raven. But my main point wasn’t even focused on the taunting. My point was that she should’ve gotten way more T’s this year but she didn’t, despite her actions not being any different than anyone else. I’ve seen tons of compilations of other players waving their hands in a taunting manner or looking the wrong way at somebody and immediately getting T’d. Why is it different for her? It’s just she’s popular and they refuse to punish her, even though the stuff she pulls is no different, if not more warranting, of a technical.
Unlike CC, Reese got called for taunts and other stuff like that much more than she did. I’ll admit this year not as much as she should’ve, but the year prior she was getting T’d left and right for staring down at people, sticking her tongue out, etc.
I like a little trash talk, but if it ain’t called fairly because one player is a superstar and the other is a regular Joe, then what’s even the point of technicals? I’m not making excuses for another player with bad sportsmanship, I’m criticizing officials for not calling taunts and other behaviors fairly for all.
Paige has another year to add to her stats and mystique. Her offensive game is complete. She doesn’t need the ‘oohs and ahhs’ and allows the game to come to her. She is a beast on defense and is a consummate team player. Paige is another pro. Ready college player that Geno has coached very well. Can’t wait for November!