Can you please, in either the NFHS or NCAA rules, show me where it says that a foul can occur without contact? Also, I found this in the NCAA book about the elbowing rule (10.13 and 10.14)
Art. 13. Illegal contact caused by the swinging of the elbow(s) that:
a. Results from total body movement is a common or flagrant 1 personal foul
b. Is excessive per Rule 4-36.7 is a flagrant 2 foul.
c. Occurs above the shoulders of an opponent is a flagrant 1 or flagrant 2
personal foul.
d. Occurs below the shoulders of an opponent is a common, flagrant 1 or
flagrant 2 personal foul.
Art. 14. Illegal contact with an elbow that does not involve the swinging of the
elbow shall be considered a foul unless the contact is incidental per Rule 4-40.
Notice the word "contact" in there. If there is no contact, it is a violation as indicated below:
Rule 4-36.7
Art. 7. The following shall be considered excessive swinging:
a. When arm(s) and elbow(s) are swung about while using the shoulders as
pivots, and the speed of the extended arm(s) and elbow(s) exceeds that of
the rest of the body as it rotates on the hips or on the pivot foot; or
b. When the speed and vigor with which the arm(s) and elbow(s) are swung
is such that injury could result if another player were contacted.
"COULD result in injury
IF another player
WERE contacted." IE, no contact happened, it is a violation.
Just to be certain, I'll check in with my board's rules interpreter tonight, I should see him.