Hot potato: Role of diversity in the hire -- Could be a very good thing | The Boneyard

Hot potato: Role of diversity in the hire -- Could be a very good thing

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Oct 1, 2011
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If Warde hires an African American he will have the ability to make him the among the top 5 best-paid black coaches in the country. Don't think we can beat Charlie Strong (3.2 million) James Franklin (2.7 million) and Kevin Sumlin (2.6 million with a bullet) but could be in the ballpark.

If Warde identifies the next Strong, Franklin or Sumlin in his search this thing could get turned around quicker than we think. The money would be enough to neutralize an incoming coach's concern about the conference thing.

BTW we shouldn't throw money around to make a statement. But throwing money at the right guy -- all in on that.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I do not believe that we will throw money around to make a statement and I absolutely believe that the focus will be on finding the right guy and that there will be an exhaustive search to reach this goal.

As far as ethnicity of the new hire, I personally don't care if his ancestry came from Mars. If he is a quality person and a quality coach I imagine that the entire Husky universe will be behind him.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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For the record after RE left my personal candidate was an Hispanic (Mario Cristobal) and my choice of the listed candidates was Garrick McGee (an African American). If there is a football equivalent of Kevin Ollie out there (late 30's, relentless work ethic, high character) I would grab him in a heartbeat.

I realize that there are quite a few quality minority candidates out there and I also realize that far fewer will receive opportunities than what is deserved. I see hiring the right guy as a win while hiring the wrong guy would be a loss. I'm not sure I could call it an additional win if the right guy also happens to be a minority. On some levels that can be viewed as patronizing the minority candidate.
Oct 1, 2011
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I say we go all out african american woman one-legged muslim that would be a statement. If shes the best candidate

brilliant. Way to address the seriousness of the topic
Sep 27, 2011
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The ethnicity of the coach is the absolute last thing I care about and should be the absolute last thing that matters for the hire.
Jan 29, 2012
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brilliant. Way to address the seriousness of the topic
We r a big freaking goose egg in the win column. If ward is looking at anything related to this thread besides qualities as ro who can turn the program around he needs to go too.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Hiring a coach based on race would be just about the dumbest thing in the world only superseded by hiring a someone based on what a pop Warner level association of high school coaches endorse.
Oct 1, 2011
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Seriously guys can we get past the 'I dont care if he's.....' talk? I dont either. Just saying the REALITY is, whether we like it or not, a factor in this decision . Hence the words hot potato in the thread title
Aug 27, 2011
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Seriously guys can we get past the 'I dont care if he's.....' talk? I dont either. Just saying the REALITY is, whether we like it or not, a factor in this decision . Hence the words hot potato in the thread title

Who the hell cares????????????? If you don't care why start the thread?
Oct 1, 2011
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Who the hell cares????????????? If you don't care why start the thread?

Because at some point in this process this issue is gong to be a talking point in the media .. since we talk about uconn football why shouldn't It be discussed objectively (not a strength of any meesage board)?
Aug 28, 2011
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I think the shots at the OP are uncalled for. It's a legitimate discussion whether you care about it or not, and if you don't care about it, don't click on thread or respond.

I believe very strongly that Warde and Herbst will hire the person they think is the best fit. I think there is a good chance that a black man will be among the 3-4 finalists. I don't believe in affirmative action, but guys need to be given a chance at an interview if they are interested and their resume warrants it.

If a black coach wins the job, that's great. If not, that's ok. Warde's job is to hire a winner; not put an end to discrimination. The OP is right, it could be a win/win situation. But as long as we win on the field do fine in the classroom, and build the program the right way, then Warde did his job.
Aug 27, 2011
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I think the shots at the OP are uncalled for. It's a legitimate discussion whether you care about it or not, and if you don't care about it, don't click on thread or respond.

I believe very strongly that Warde and Herbst will hire the person they think is the best fit. I think there is a good chance that a black man will be among the 3-4 finalists. I don't believe in affirmative action, but guys need to be given a chance at an interview if they are interested and their resume warrants it.

If a black coach wins the job, that's great. If not, that's ok. Warde's job is to hire a winner; not put an end to discrimination. The OP is right, it could be a win/win situation. But as long as we win on the field do fine in the classroom, and build the program the right way, then Warde did his job.

Here's the thing......if we truly want to talk about individuals based on their merits and character and NOT on the color of their skin......eventually, we have to stop talking about people based on the color of skin.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I'm still lost on what the second win would be.

Will we get bonus points at the end of the season if our head coach is an African American?

My only complaint on this thread is the comment (which has now been made twice) that there is some added benefit to having a minority coach, almost leading to the implication that we should skew the search in that direction in order to put us in a better position to capitalize on that benefit.

Don't misinterpret what I am saying here. When RE left I wanted Cristobal (even though he never received any consideration from JH). When the candidates JH interviewed was released I wanted McGee (even though, due to reasons why there is a need for Affirmative Action, JH never seriously considered him). The only thing that I saw as a positive with P's hire was that he wasn't Whipple.

I want a bright, young, ambitious head coach who hopefully has the vision to see UConn as a destination and a major player at some point (somewhat similar to JC in 1986 for men's hoops). If that person is an African American, I will be thrilled. If not, I will still be thrilled.
Aug 28, 2011
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Here's the thing......if we truly want to talk about individuals based on their merits and character and NOT on the color of their skin......eventually, we have to stop talking about people based on the color of skin.

I don't disagree, but unfortunately this stance (which I've made myself on other topics) requires us to ignore the fact that about 12% of coaches are black, while 60% of the players are black.

I'm not arguing that 60% of the coaches should be black (nobody has in this thread), but there is clearly a disparity here. A bad hire can be made no matter what color the coach is. But if the coach happens to be black, then that's a positive thing. Like the QB position. For decades blacks "couldn't" be QB's for a number of idiotic "reasons". The next hurdle is head coach.

All that said, the coach has to earn the job (resume/interview, etc) and get the job done. Standards must be set and maintained. I believe Warde when he says he has high standards and high expectations. I think no matter who gets the job, he will have earned it, and he will have to win if he wants to keep it.
Aug 28, 2011
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I'm still lost on what the second win would be.

Will we get bonus points at the end of the season if our head coach is an African American?

My only complaint on this thread is the comment (which has now been made twice) that there is some added benefit to having a minority coach, almost leading to the implication that we should skew the search in that direction in order to out us in a better position to capitalize on that benefit.

Don't misinterpret what I am saying here. When RE left I wanted Cristobal (even though he never received any consideration from JH). When the candidates JH interviewed was released I wanted McGee (even though, due to reasons why there is a need for Affirmative Action, JH never seriously considered him). The only thing that I saw as a positive with P's hire was that he wasn't Whipple.

I want a bright, young, ambitious head coach who hopefully has the vision to see UConn as a destination and a major player at some point (somewhat similar to JC in 1986 for men's hoops). If that person is an African American, I will be thrilled. If not, I will still be thrilled.

Are you intentionally being obtuse, or do you not think that black head coaches are underrepresented in football?

60% of players are black, 12% of head coaches.

Do you honestly think UConn wouldn't get positive press coverage from hiring a black coach? Nobody has said anything about skewing the search, nobody. Nobody has said anything about lowering standards either. Nobody has said hire a black coach before hiring….

I honestly don't understand how anyone can NOT see that hiring a black coach would have ancillary benefits to UConn in the media. particularly if that coach wins 8-10+ games on a regular basis, this would inevitably lead to positive exposure for UConn. When 60% of the players are black, it could help with recruiting too, could, who knows?

These are not reasons to hire a coach in and of themselves, and nobody has said otherwise.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I never claimed that black head coaches are not under represented.

I believe that what you are claiming is little more than pandering. Tell me the representation (in percentages, you did so with players vs head coaches) in student athletes and in athletic directors, I will wager heavily that the disparity is far more striking yet at one of the highest profile schools (athletics wise) in the NCAA to have an African American athletic director I have not yet seen any of these ancillary benefits.

Again, I am being told that if the coach is black it is an additional win. I don't see that at all (and I am not being obtuse).
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