Honest Question on Donovan Williams | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Honest Question on Donovan Williams

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May 19, 2015
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IMO, that's more of a political move. He was the homegrown kid thrown into the fire... Not only did we find out he wasn't ready. We found out that maybe he wasn't a FBS level QB... talented still...
May have been political, no doubt. But the point is we'd be throwing an 18/19 year old kid in there behind a bad offensive line, and burning his RS in the process. I know BS isn't the most popular guy on this board right now, but he's also no pushover compared to the other guys when put out there in the past 6 years. I just feel it would be extremely short sighted to use DW because he MIGHT be a better option at this point.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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NO NO NO NO NO NO. I thought we all learned that lesson a few years ago when we decided to put a true FR behind a swiss cheese OL. I am not at all saying BS should be locked in at QB for the remainder of the season but if we are to make a change, we use GA. DW needs to develop and more importantly, our OL needs to develop in front of whoever we have under center. Putting a true FR behind this OL seems like torture and would hurt Williams' development, much like it did to Boyle.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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No. You have an experienced Jr QB who next year will be your Sr QB. He had a bad night and isn't going to playing on Sundays, but that doesn't mean he's not our best QB nor does it mean we can't win with him.

Or have you all forgotten how bad his predecessors were? He's gotta hit wide open receivers and hang in the pocket. I'm sure he will bounce back against Cincy.

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Donovan Williams should get a start this year if he is practicing better than Sherriffs. Its starts with first team reps in practice, he needs to look clearly better than Sherriffs in that environment.

Last night we saw what a bigger arm with quicker release might mean for UConn with Anderson. Anderson was flawed by locking on to receivers and not surveying the entire field in pass plays, but he did clearly have a bigger arm and moreover, a quicker release. Sherriffs has to wind up a bit more with his feet planted which is difficult to do given our Oline woes.
Aug 29, 2011
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So you want to waste a year on what is essentially a lost cause because game experience is the thing? We have seen that movie before staring Tim Boyle and it really went well. Let's do it again.

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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So you want to waste a year on what is essentially a lost cause because game experience is the thing? We have seen that movie before staring Tim Boyle and it really went well. Let's do it again.

I dont believe in hard and fast rules on freshman. If a player demonstrates in practice that he can improve the entire team's odd's of winning, then they play. If you leave talent on the bench and Ws on the table then you are harming the program. Only programs that are already winning can stock talent.

Current year recruiting, current year retention, attractiveness to transfers all improves this winter if true freshmen play that actually boost our team performance and translate to wins.

Diaco and staff have to decide if they want to see in practice if Williams is ready to have 1st team reps and start with that.
Oct 28, 2014
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Have you been watching his throws? We have some good receivers who make some serious adjustments out of stride to make catches. All I'm saying is if you have a player with more upside why not start the process? Are we really going to weigh everything on Tim Boyle not becoming our next Dan O? We are acting like we haven't seen true freshmen QB's play for programs and be successful.

Yeah, I watched Sherriffs complete 23 of 26 at Navy in an uptempo offense that played to his strengths and damn near drove the field to the winning TD in the final minute until Diaco/Verudci got too involved. Again, BS had a couple of bad deep throws last night but it seemed that once the game wore on (and Thomas got in his ear) the throws got better. Sorry, BS is on a very long leash with me. Turning to a true frosh (who BTW very few know how good he actually he is) would be a complete panic move. Man, I wish I knew when UConn fb fans got so entitled when it came to QB.
Sep 5, 2011
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Don't burn the red shirt. The kid may be good, but who really knows. Don't forget, if he's practicing against our first team defense, that's not a good measuring stick. It seems like most of our opponents offenses are setting one or two team or individual records against our first team defense.

And, supposedly for one of the most experienced teams in the country, the OL and offense as a whole don't resemble that premise. It doesn't make sense to risk injury or his confidence.

If by a remote chance we did catch lightning in a jar, and say he performs respectably as a true freshman, what would be the chance that some other more established program entice him to transfer?


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Here's the thing - when Diaco/Verducci decide to open the play-calling a touch, we are actually quite efficient moving the ball in the air. UConn fans know this, national announcers who know absolutely nothing about UConn football see it, and our opposing coaches say this. The last group of people on Earth to realize and buy into this is our own coaching staff.

Sheriffs missed a few throws last night that would've certainly made the game closer at the time. The two deep balls to Thomas when he had a few feet separation were killer. But those are low percentage throws to begin with. If spread out wide and allow BS to dink and dunk, he's actually pretty efficient and we have receiving options who can get open and catch the football. The issues are that we have a porous OL and a coaching staff that is ultra-conservative (maybe because we have a porous OL??).

In any event, we aren't 2-3 because of just our QB. Sheriffs isn't getting burnt for 40+ yard pass plays nor is he allowing 4 or 5 opposing defensive front men into our backfield less than 1 second after the snap. We are 2-3 for a variety of reasons, not just QB play.

All that said, I'm not opposed to giving Anderson a series or two against Cincinnati to see what he has. He's earned some PT and a look if our offense struggles in 1H again next week.
Aug 27, 2011
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The Shirreffs hatred on this board is getting ridiculous. Sitting him for a true freaking freshman?

Yes, BS missed a couple of throws last night in the first half. But given the more open nature of the first-half playcalling compared with the rest of the season, to me it's understandable. BS did start hitting the deeper throws in 2nd half (BTW love Noel's passion, think that might make BS better). Let's see more open playcalling next week vs. Cincy.

I guess the only place where the 2nd string QB is not the most popular player on the team is Gillette Stadium.
BS has been missing open receivers all season. He airmailed an open receiver in the endzone and another on the sideline for a significant gain in the first half against SU. Defenses are clearly beginning to realize you can play single coverage on the receivers and spy BS because while Thomas can beat most CBs and safeties, BS is highly unlikely to hit Thomas or Hergy when they're open downfield. LBs can stay in the 10-15 yard range and spy BS or defend the short routes. Despite having receivers that can get open downfield and make plays, we do not have a QB that can effectively hit them, rendering their speed mostly useless.

I disagree on the notion that hitting receivers downfield is a low percentage play - Thomas BURNED the UH secondary last night on multiple occasions to the point that the defender could not have made a play on the ball. If the ball doesn't go 10 feet over his head, the only thing preventing a catch is him dropping it. It's a high percentage play when the receiver can create so much distance from the defender is too far to get a hand on the ball or the receiver. But if the ball cannot reliably be thrown accurately, it's meaningless.
Oct 28, 2014
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BS has been missing open receivers all season. He airmailed an open receiver in the endzone and another on the sideline for a significant gain in the first half against SU. Defenses are clearly beginning to realize you can play single coverage on the receivers and spy BS because while Thomas can beat most CBs and safeties, BS is highly unlikely to hit Thomas or Hergy when they're open downfield. LBs can stay in the 10-15 yard range and spy BS or defend the short routes. Despite having receivers that can get open downfield and make plays, we do not have a QB that can effectively hit them, rendering their speed mostly useless.

IF he's been "missing receivers all season" why is his completion pct. so high? If you want to add "on deep throws" to that statement I'll grant the point. For all the years after Dan O. all of UConn's QBs struggled to hit 50 percent. BS is pushing 70 percent and all of a sudden he's Doug Williams early in his career at Tampa Bay. I honestly don't get this.
Aug 27, 2011
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IF he's been "missing receivers all season" why is his completion pct. so high? If you want to add "on deep throws" to that statement I'll grant the point. For all the years after Dan O. all of UConn's QBs struggled to hit 50 percent. BS is pushing 70 percent and all of a sudden he's Doug Williams early in his career at Tampa Bay. I honestly don't get this.
Sorry, I meant to say he's been missing guys deep all year. 15-20 yards and under he's doing well. The problem is, when you aren't a threat to hit anyone past that 15-20 yard mark, it becomes a lot easier to defend, and significantly neutralizes his run ability.
Oct 28, 2014
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Sorry, I meant to say he's been missing guys deep all year. 15-20 yards and under he's doing well. The problem is, when you aren't a threat to hit anyone past that 15-20 yard mark, it becomes a lot easier to defend, and significantly neutralizes his run ability.

Thanks for reply, figured that's what you meant. It would be great if UConn could be more of a deep threat, no question. But I also think they can be quite successful in that 15-20 yard area. Houston seemed to be pretty good at it last night. Of course, having a running QB like Ward is helpful. I think BS is a decent runner, but Ward is in a different stratosphere.
Aug 27, 2011
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Thanks for reply, figured that's what you meant. It would be great if UConn could be more of a deep threat, no question. But I also think they can be quite successful in that 15-20 yard area. Houston seemed to be pretty good at it last night. Of course, having a running QB like Ward is helpful. I think BS is a decent runner, but Ward is in a different stratosphere.
I agree, we can be successful running that offense to some extent. It'll require some real creativity and a few trick bag plays to keep the defense honest and not go into a shell. BS's legs are still a useful tool and can be successful, but until there's reason for the defense to believe he can beat them with his arm in some respect, be it short outs, slants, reverses, pitch and reverse, etc., they're going to do exactly what UH did last night and keep their linebackers in and cover him straight up to neutralize that part of his game. Of course comparing us to Houston is apples and oranges, but don't forget Ward has proved he can hit guys downfield so if we went into press coverage to stop the short routes, those guys could go right over the top.
Mar 2, 2015
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If I was Diaco and my position was on the line and if this kid has the goods, I'd play him. In 2 more years Diaco may not be around. Williams could save his bacon.

Do you think Diaco is even aware that his future service is being called into question???
Nov 2, 2011
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Absolutely not. Throw a true freshman behind a trauma inducing o line for what purpose? Hopefully getting to 6-6 so that we can face Middle Tennessee State in the Bahama Bowl? Develop him so that in four years we have a good senior QB
No sense in putting Williams in a game at is point. Sherriffs is serviceable at the position. This OLine is dog shat!!! (Why hasn't the OLine coach been fired, yet? At the very least.) Let Williams continue to learn the playbook, above the 100 level we currently play at. Allow him to continue to get reps with the 1s in practice. But, I think we've seen Diaco overrate players, as well as units before (OLine and secondary). Plus, going against the 1st string defense in practice is probably not a great indicator of Williams true ability. As we've seen, that unit doesn't just bend, they break often. If Williams learns anything this season, he should consider transferring to a school that will block someone and utilize his talents.
Aug 24, 2011
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Do you think Diaco is even aware that his future service is being called into question???

Of course he isn't. Because there is no reason to think his future service is being called into question by anyone who matters.

If Diaco thought the team would be materially better with Donovan Williams playing, he'd be playing. Doesn't mean he will or won't make the team materially better after having a spring with the team.
Aug 26, 2011
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Throw a QB in to the fire when they are not ready can damage a QB for good. I'm not saying Boyle was the great talent we thought he was, but I think him getting "thrown to the wolves" did a lot of damage to his psyche and sent him reeling where he never recovered.

Diaco is a conservative coach and BS can manage a conservative game. I don't see any changes and even if BS goes down, God for bid, we will probably see Anderson for the remainder of the season. If things really got bad and Anderson went down, I think we still don't see Donovan.
Aug 26, 2011
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Remember the Tim Boyle experiment? That went well.
Tough to disagree with such a valid example, but UConn's last good QB was also thrown to the wolves as a frosh. Not to support a change now, but if Diaco ever seriously considers that specific change waiting until the 7th, 8th, or 9th game wouldn't be prudent (.... said GHWBush).
Aug 26, 2011
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NO NO NO NO NO NO. I thought we all learned that lesson a few years ago when we decided to put a true FR behind a swiss cheese OL. I am not at all saying BS should be locked in at QB for the remainder of the season but if we are to make a change, we use GA. DW needs to develop and more importantly, our OL needs to develop in front of whoever we have under center. Putting a true FR behind this OL seems like torture and would hurt Williams' development, much like it did to Boyle.

How long has this offensive line been developing?
Aug 28, 2011
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IF he's been "missing receivers all season" why is his completion pct. so high? If you want to add "on deep throws" to that statement I'll grant the point. For all the years after Dan O. all of UConn's QBs struggled to hit 50 percent. BS is pushing 70 percent and all of a sudden he's Doug Williams early in his career at Tampa Bay. I honestly don't get this.
Short safe passes. Lots of them.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Boyle came in early and I don't think the early start ruined his whole career.
This is where you and I disagree.
Oct 8, 2011
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Been hearing really good things about Donovan Williams. Cinci marks half the season. We lose some key players on offense next year. I've seen plenty of programs start true freshmen with success. We currently have 3 losses, the season isn't over so why not put Williams in and burn his redshirt. I understand its ideal to let players develop but if you have raw talent whats the harm in playing him now and recruiting additional QB's going forward. We have McAffee coming in next year... where if Williams is as good as advertised will allow McAffee to redshirt. Boyle came in early and I don't think the early start ruined his whole career. As a player you either have it or you don't .... we learned quickly that Boyle didn't which sometimes its better to know those things up front. Think about what we have this year vs. what we will have next year. Whats the real advantage here to playing it safe with the redshirt over getting some game time experience with eligibility into 2020? Are we really in a position to have the luxury of redshirting?
The QB play is not the problem. The problem is the O line. There is no time to throw and no holes for our RBs.


Mora excited than before.
Sep 6, 2011
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If I was Diaco and my position was on the line and if this kid has the goods, I'd play him. In 2 more years Diaco may not be around. Williams could save his bacon.


Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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I had this discussion with a friend of mine after the Syracuse debacle. I use the Orlovsky example. Danny O was to redshirt but Ryan Tracey blew out of town 10 days into camp. Randy gave the keys to Danny O and we were toast for his first year and a half. But the light went on after a 2 -6 start his soph year. Then he became prolific and the rest is history.

If Donovan Williams is not ready now - no reason to waste the redshirt. If it took him the same time as Orlovsky to be real good, then next year is a rebuilding year too. Do you want Diaco to finally have the pieces in 2018? 5 years rebuild ? No way. Shireffs has the it factor in an uptempo offense. The slow down minimizes his opportunities - the basketball parlance is he is a volume guy. He will get his points, but needs more shots to make it happen.
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