try this. sells stuff, like metal boxes that make a little fire from oil or gas, and that fire heats a small tank of water, which is then pumped to one or two pipes that carry it thruout a crib, then return it.
like these:
they have a telephone number, 888-757-4774 i think, where you can call and say 'hey! i see u got some kind of program called 'trademasters' which sounds like local installers that u are hooked up with. who are the ones near me?'
if that don't work, there'll only be another pantload of similar national supply businesses that will have contacts for local installers. and then there is the, seemingly in every town, local supply houses that have pals to rec for an estimate.
now, i have to go and lie down to contemplate the phrase 'ceiling radiant heat' cuz apparently, physics has been ended and heat no longer rises, and cold no longer falls.
nuthin funnier than going into a commercial building and noticing the vents are located in the ceiling, typically for hot air heat, and a/c. well, they got it half right. unreal. makes me want to find the owner, and sell them meteor insurance, or doggie footwear.
the king of heat is radiant floor heating, but u really have to be a sharp cookie to find a reasonable price cuz that stuff can be very expensive, and many 'pros' just make up numbers, and long speeches.
pursuit of warm tootsies can make folks irrational, cuz it's just
sooooooo good.