Here is the tricky part of the NBE deal | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Here is the tricky part of the NBE deal

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NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Rather than try and hit a moving target, lol - Nelson your whole MO is to create moving tagarts by making up rediculous positions that you can easily rebut and attributing them to other posters. I pointed that out above, specifically, and you, not surprisingly, side stepped addressing it. let me ask two clarifying questions:

1) Why would NBC sign a big deal with the Big East if there was a material risk it could lose key teams? Why would NBC make the investment in staff, infrastructure and marketing when they are bearing all the risk that the Big East fractures at some point?

2) Why wouldn't Big East schools sign a GOR unless they thought they were going to get an invitation from the Big 10 or ACC?

Here's your answer:

CL82 said:
GOR protects the conference, a no change clause protects the network. In essence they say, here's our deal with your conference with the following members, if that changes, we reserve the right to renegotiate the deal. Now if a TV deal has that and I'm a university president that isn't particularly desirable on the open market, I might push for a GOR to protect me. One can argue, however, that if a university isn't particularly desireable on the open market, then they aren't the ones bringing the value to the TV contract in first place. So a name program might tell them to GPSUYA, in university speak of course. It will be an interesting six months.​

GoR isn't a mechanism to give rights to NBC as you initially asserted. It is mechanism to ry to hold a conference together. If you have any examples of a school giving a GoR to network, please let me know.

Like anyone with a valuable right, a university is not going to give a GoR unless it gets significant value in return. It's easy to give up your broadcast rights if you are sure that no one else wants you. It's foolish to do so, without significant benefit in exchange, if you think that you are an interesting property.
Feb 10, 2012
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Here's your answer:

GoR isn't a mechanism to give rights to NBC as you initially asserted. It is mechanism to ry to hold a conference together. If you have any examples of a school giving a GoR to network, please let me know.

Like anyone with a valuable right, a university is not going to give a GoR unless it gets significant value in return. It's easy to give up your broadcast rights if you are sure that no one else wants you. It's foolish to do so, without significant benefit in exchange, if you think that you are an interesting property.
To your point, GOR would go to the Big East... Not NBC or ESPN.
Sep 6, 2011
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Uconn,Louisville, and Notre Dame are never signing a GOR, those 3 schools are valuable to other conferences, and their presidents or chancelors know it.
Sep 2, 2011
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Anybody who believes that the Presidents of Syracuse and Pitt would have turned down invites to the ACC under any circumstance should not be allowed to post in this forum.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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On the biggest OOC game ever at the Rent: My opinion it was the UNC game that the Huskies gave away in the second half. Win that & Tobacco Road wouldn't have stood for the Thunder Chickens' shenanigans veto over who to add last fall.

So UConn couldn't join the ACC because of one holding call in the end zone in a game a few years ago. That is the standard by which schools invite conference partners.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Sign the GOR and give the public notice that you are about to do so. If another conference wants to expand they will do it before the GOR is signed. Force the other conferences (and ESPN) to make a move now if they want to make a move. If I had to bet, I would bet that there will be more shuffling this fall. More turmoil to come. It's time to make ourselves look as attractive as possible, beating NC State and Maryland will help. The NC State game is the biggest OOC game we have ever had at the Rent.

Exactly. +1000
Sep 26, 2011
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We seem to have a few people that are very educated about the GOR issue. I've been wondering about a couple things:

1) It appears that you are granting rights for your media regardless of being in the conference. Therefore, if the Big East signs with CBS and UConn leaves and goes to the ACC (just for example) does that mean CBS gets the rights to UConn's games in the ACC? If so, do ESPN and CBS have rights to the same game, or is there a home team / away team split of some sort?

2) In the same scenario as (1), does a team that left the league still get its cut of the Big East deal since they granted their rights for a portion of that deal?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Anybody who believes that the Presidents of Syracuse and Pitt would have turned down invites to the ACC under any circumstance should not be allowed to post in this forum.
um, why?


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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We seem to have a few people that are very educated about the GOR issue. I've been wondering about a couple things:

1) It appears that you are granting rights for your media regardless of being in the conference. Therefore, if the Big East signs with CBS and UConn leaves and goes to the ACC (just for example) does that mean CBS gets the rights to UConn's games in the ACC? If so, do ESPN and CBS have rights to the same game, or is there a home team / away team split of some sort?

2) In the same scenario as (1), does a team that left the league still get its cut of the Big East deal since they granted their rights for a portion of that deal?

1) It means that the CONFERENCE gets the rights to UConn's games. Obviously. it makes it very difficult for a school to leave, because not only could they not sell their rights within the new conference, but any conference that tried to interfere with a GOR would be liable for tortious interference. A network like NBC would find a Big East GOR attractive because it would stabilize membership for the length of the GOR, which would likely coincide with the length of the TV contract.

2) Since the conference owns the rights to the school, if a team left a conference, any residual revenue stream would be determined by the exit rules of that conference. Most conferences cut off a departing school's participation in TV revenue sharing once they announce they are departing.
Aug 26, 2011
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D'Oh? Is that right dipsh1t?

"The Big Ten and Pac-12 members have signed grants of rights, which basically give all of the television rights from each university’s sports to the conference for a specified number of years. If a member switches conferences, the rights cannot be transferred.
The Big Ten has had this arrangement since 1988, the year before Commissioner Jim Delany arrived. The Pac-12 members did so, soon after Scott took office.
In a phone interview on Friday, Delany said the Big Ten had extended the grant of rights in 2007 for either 20 or 25 years. That he could not remember says a lot about how secure the league is. When the Big 12 situation is settled, it will make sense for the A.C.C. and the Big East to push their members to make such a commitment."


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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The ACC is probably the cheapest BCS league to exit, which is mostly a function of several schools, including Maryland and FSU, voting down larger departure fees in late 2011. Nothing says solidarity quite like schools voting to keep exit fees manageable.
Aug 24, 2011
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So UConn couldn't join the ACC because of one holding call in the end zone in a game a few years ago. That is the standard by which schools invite conference partners.

A holding call by ACC refs, I might add. That easily could have been spotted outside the endzone (where contact between Dan Ryan and the DE started).
Aug 29, 2011
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A holding call by ACC refs, I might add. That easily could have been spotted outside the endzone (where contact between Dan Ryan and the DE started).

Talking about that game might set me off. Let's forget about it please. we've got a season in front of us, to really make something happen, such that the next time a top 25 ranked opponent plays at Rentschler - it's us - and not the visiting team.
Aug 24, 2011
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Talking about that game might set me off. Let's forget about it please. we've got a season in front of us, to really make something happen, such that the next time a top 25 ranked opponent plays at Rentschler - it's us - and not the visiting team.

I'm sorry. I will stop talking about UConn football. What boats would you like to discuss instead?

Seriously -- maybe instead of coming to the game thursday you want to watch NBCSports showing reruns of Americas Cup qualifying races.
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm sorry. I will stop talking about UConn football. What boats would you like to discuss instead?

Seriously -- maybe instead of coming to the game thursday you want to watch NBCSports showing reruns of Americas Cup qualifying races.

You know what's funny, is that I bet there are players on our team right now, that want to tear each other's heads off. It happens. It will be good when the season starts. You want to talk football, it will inevitably end up a discussion about Edsall - especially that god forsaken second half of that North Carolina game when he should have been wearing a diaper.
Aug 24, 2011
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You know what's funny, is that I bet there are players on our team right now, that want to tear each other's heads off. It happens. It will be good when the season starts. You want to talk football, it will inevitably end up a discussion about Edsall - especially that god forsaken second half of that North Carolina game when he should have been wearing a diaper.

It takes a seriously deranged mind to say if we talk football I will bring up Edsall and then bring up Edsall in the same sentence. You seem like a decent guy, but I think you need help. I hope you get it.
Aug 29, 2011
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It was just like Edsall to go after ACC officials after that game, rather than the fact that we couldn't put up more than 10 points, and ended up losing 12-10 on an offensive holding call in the endzone.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Talking about that game might set me off. Let's forget about it please. we've got a season in front of us, to really make something happen, such that the next time a top 25 ranked opponent plays at Rentschler - it's us - and not the visiting team.

Well that one is a bit out of their control at this point. If NCSU wins Friday it will be the following week.

Makes it a better win for the Huskies, so I guess you have to root against your own premise?
Aug 29, 2011
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It takes a seriously deranged mind to say if we talk football I will bring up Edsall and then bring up Edsall in the same sentence. You seem like a decent guy, but I think you need help. I hope you get it.

You're still mad about the preseason thread going haywire, so leave the psychoanalysis crap out of this.
Aug 29, 2011
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Well that one is a bit out of their control at this point. If NCSU wins Friday it will be the following week.

Makes it a better win for the Huskies, so I guess you have to root against your own premise?

Wait - what? The easiest way to ensure that a ranked opponent plays regularly at Rentschler, is that we are the ranked team. That's what I"m saying. You think I would rather have an unranked NC State come in to Rentschler than a ranked NC State? Or are you just trying to be difficult?


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Wait - what? The easiest way to ensure that a ranked opponent plays regularly at Rentschler, is that we are the ranked team. That's what I"m saying. You think I would rather have an unranked NC State come in to Rentschler than a ranked NC State? Or are you just trying to be difficult?

Read what you write, you didn't say regularly. Such that the next time a ranked team plays at Rentshler it should be UConn and not the opponent.

So if you want NCSU to be ranked it is the opposite of what you said 3 posts ago.
Aug 29, 2011
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Read what you write, you didn't say regularly. Such that the next time a ranked team plays at Rentshler it should be UConn and not the opponent.

So if you want NCSU to be ranked it is the opposite of what you said 3 posts ago.

WHat the hell is going on are we really arguing about this?

Ok. I didn't write 'regularly', and therefore if NC State shows up at Rentschler ranked, I will be sitting in the stands rooting my ass off against my own premise that we should be the ranked team, rather than them. When I'm done, I'll cover myself in feathers in cotton candy and feathers, and pull out the giant paper mache Q-tip I smuggled into the stadium and run on the field waving it around over my head.

But for the sane people...I do think that the easiest way for us to regularly play football games at Rentschler field, that involve a top 25 ranked football program, is to actually be the top 25 ranked football program in the game. TO go back to what I wrote - this is it:

Talking about that game might set me off. Let's forget about it please. we've got a season in front of us, to really make something happen, such that the next time a top 25 ranked opponent plays at Rentschler - it's us - and not the visiting team.

'that game' is the North Carolina game in 2009, in which I think they came in ranked #19 and are the highest ranked team to be in the stadium, since then, and which our former coached pulled his classic coaching with the fear of dropping a deuce in his shorts routine.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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WHat the hell is going on are we really arguing about this?

Ok. I didn't write 'regularly', and therefore if NC State shows up at Rentschler ranked, I will be sitting in the stands rooting my ass off against my own premise that we should be the ranked team, rather than them. When I'm done, I'll cover myself in feathers in cotton candy and feathers, and pull out the giant paper mache Q-tip I smuggled into the stadium and run on the field waving it around over my head.

But for the sane people...I do think that the easiest way for us to regularly play football games at Rentschler field, that involve a top 25 ranked football program, is to actually be the top 25 ranked football program in the game. TO go back to what I wrote - this is it:

Talking about that game might set me off. Let's forget about it please. we've got a season in front of us, to really make something happen, such that the next time a top 25 ranked opponent plays at Rentschler - it's us - and not the visiting team.

'that game' is the North Carolina game in 2009, in which I think they came in ranked #19 and are the highest ranked team to be in the stadium, since then, and which our former coached pulled his classic coaching with the fear of dropping a deuce in his shorts routine.

Sorry I won't comment on what you actually write going forward. I'll read your mind and comment on your actual thoughts.
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