HCPP a gift that keeps on giving | Page 2 | The Boneyard

HCPP a gift that keeps on giving

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Aug 26, 2011
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I don't think there's any evidence at all to support this theory and frankly you should be embarassed you even attempted to compare the 2 scenarios.

I wouldn't compare the two scenarios at all.

But the music professor scenario this summer is exactly like PSU. And, PSU had such a scenario with a economics professor molesting boys prior to that. The 3 scenarios (2 at PSU and 1 at UConn) are carbon copies.
Aug 26, 2011
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Lots of cross currents in this whole thing. IMO everyone including the girl, UCONN the institution, the player of course, Coach P, Jeff Hathaway, Susan Herbst, and WM, is at fault here. I mean look at the circumstances in this rape.

1) Rose Richi participated in underage drinking while a freshman in a UCONN mens dorm
2) The athlete in question should have had it drilled into his head from day 1 on campus that his scholarship makes him a representative of UCONN athletics and his off the field behavior should reflect that.
3) Was the young lady signed in to the dorm? If not, then why not? Was the resident hall supervisor aware?
4) The so called investigation by the UCONN police is embarrassing to say the least, not only was there an alleged rape but the police are supposed to enforce laws both state and federal, and they did not do that given that alcohol was involved, and that's just for starters.
5) UCONN needs to change it's dormitory policies, and ALL UCONN athletes need to have to adhere to a code of conduct.

Everyone dropped the ball here, the UCONN culture is fault here.

A very good friend of mine is a state trooper who has been on campus many times in a professional capacity, him and his wife have two daughters ages 10 and 14, and my wife and I also have two daughters also 10 and 14. Everyone has there own opinion of what a college culture should be in this day and age but I must say here, that based on what goes on on the UCONN campus, my state trooper friend and his wife have told us (based on what he has seen) that they would never send there daughters to UCONN, given the present on campus culture. This is not just an indictment of the UCONN police dept, but students and their behavior, rules set forth by UCONN's AD and president (past and present), the football coaches (past and present), etc. My wife knows that I am a die hard UCONN fan, and we have brought our 3 kids to UCONN ball games many times, and will continue to do so, but the wife has informed me that in no uncertain terms that our daughters will not be attending UCONN. We also have a 6 year old boy who loves UCONN ball. Our 14 year old is a freshman in HS and is a varsity cheerleader who roots the team on at every game, and if she cheers the team on in college as of now it won't be at UCONN.

What college would you allow them to go to?

Amherst College? Top small private liberal arts school in America? They have a huge problem with rape.

I hope people realize I am not singling out UConn here. This is a national problem. I deal with this stuff at my school as well.
Aug 27, 2011
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Vehemently disagree. Watch and decide for yourself...

I don't need to watch a 32 minute video to tell me that what happened at PSU regarding Paterno is not remotely comparable to what is being reported here. Not even close.

Did you blog about this and are trying to get hits?
Aug 27, 2011
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I wouldn't compare the two scenarios at all.

But the music professor scenario this summer is exactly like PSU. And, PSU had such a scenario with a economics professor molesting boys prior to that. The 3 scenarios (2 at PSU and 1 at UConn) are carbon copies.

I have no idea what happened with the music professor.

What I objected to is the direct comparison here to what went on in Happy Valley.
Aug 26, 2011
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Sep 1, 2011
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What college would you allow them to go to?

Amherst College? Top small private liberal arts school in America? They have a huge problem with rape.

I hope people realize I am not singling out UConn here. This is a national problem. I deal with this stuff at my school as well.

I don't know, maybe Fairfield Univ , Marist, Fordham (where my wife went). I still like UCONN for them, maybe things will change in 4 years, I mean the cost savings is compelling. My niece went to UCONN, was on the swim team.
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't know, maybe Fairfield Univ , Marist, Fordham (where my wife went). I still like UCONN for them, maybe things will change in 4 years, I mean the cost savings is compelling. My niece went to UCONN, was on the swim team.

I think it goes on everywhere. You're probably better off at a bigger place where such an accusation does not divide the student body. As it might at Fairfield, a school of 3,000 students. Chances are, 1/4 of the students at that school will know one of the two people involved in an alleged assault.
Sep 1, 2011
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I think the link below shows that Uconn, like many schools, didn't have its ducks in a row when it came to procedure. Now, this was all prior to last year when many schools changed policy. But these rape allegations also precede to PSU case.

http://www.insidehighered.com/news/...andling-child-s e x-abuse-allegations-against

UCONN has been a party school for years going back to the 70's, it's really ingrained IMO. The crazy on campus damage done during spring week made national headlines in some years, I even went to some dorm parties my senior year in HS.
Aug 26, 2011
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F@@K PP. If his lips are moving, he's lying.

He'll say or do anything to cover his ass. I hope he gets buried in this mess.

My hope is, somewhere along the way, he gets sued and declares bankruptcy.

He deserves every bit of karma there is available.

PP is a POS.
Aug 29, 2011
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A few scenarios which make P or UConn admin/law enforcement look bad. One or the other, but not both.

Is someone from UConn lying, a lie that it being perpetuated by other UConn officials? Did P forget he was told about this? Did he not appreciate the nature of the alleged offense? Did the UConn person play down the nature of the alleged offense (think "horseplay" in the Sandusky case)? Whatever you think about P, I think he's honorable and would not tell a lie with the intention of making UConn look bad.

It's not like P was told a player was charged with rape and didn't do anything about it, he was allegedly told a rape charge was not filed due to lack of evidence because it happened almost two years ago. So the player was not in any legal trouble and there's no action he could have taken But once the decision was made not to press charges, that's where the guy should have been pulled aside for a heart-to-heart. "I'm not judging, but you need to be careful and stay away from situations that could get you in trouble." At a minimum this conversation should have taken place and that it might not have for whatever reason is a shame.

This player's name is going to come out sooner rather than later, if it hasn't surfaced already in Storrs. He might want to lawyer up.
I agree with you, ruskin. My view of P is that while a bad coach he is a good man and would not intentionally lie to make UConn look bad. So how do we get such diametrically opposed reports as we get form the UConn PD and Pasqualoni? I see a couple of possibilities:
  1. Someone is lying. Again I doubt it. Too much to lose on both sides.
  2. there was a report but it was vague or couched in such bureaucratic jargon that P didn't pay it much mind, or when he followed up he was told there was no action needed. If you work in any bureaucracy you've seen these emails/memos that you can read over 5 times and never quite be sure you understand them. I've also read reports from cops as a mayoral aid in a mid-sized city and they are so formulaic and jargon filled that sometimes you wonder if the writer even speaks English as a 4th language. this, by the way, is my guess...some kind of jargon filled report that ended with something to the effect that no charges have been brought and the case was be pursued. P probably filed it and forgot about it.
  3. Given various privacy rights and all, it is also possible that P was not in fact notified precisely of what happened but only vaguely of some alleged incident involving an unidentified player.
  4. Some other type of bureaucratic or technical snafu. It happens. email gets written but not sent, sent to the wrong person, some technical issue causes it to be lost forever in the ether. I had an issue recently where when I opened emails on my phone, they were deleted. Software glitch which was fixed but for a day or so before I realized it I lost a bunch of emails. Some I remember, some were "saved" because of other responses. Some I have no idea.
Aug 26, 2011
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The problem isn't UConn, it's culture. Our society has become impatient. Between all the music, TV shows, video games and social networking that teach kids to seek pleasure, sex and material things at every turn, it's hard not to see a degradation of society. Work is optional, why do you think recent college grads are insisting on granite countertops and stainless appliances in their first apartment? It's entitlement.

I always loved women, booze and the big city, but I never dreamed that violence and exhibitionism would be so rampant. It may sound funny, but the world was a simpler place 15 years ago.
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree with you, ruskin. My view of P is that while a bad coach he is a good man and would not intentionally lie to make UConn look bad. So how do we get such diametrically opposed reports as we get form the UConn PD and Pasqualoni? I see a couple of possibilities:

  1. [ ]Someone is lying. Again I doubt it. Too much to lose on both sides.
    [ ]there was a report but it was vague or couched in such bureaucratic jargon that P didn't pay it much mind, or when he followed up he was told there was no action needed. If you work in any bureaucracy you've seen these emails/memos that you can read over 5 times and never quite be sure you understand them. I've also read reports from cops as a mayoral aid in a mid-sized city and they are so formulaic and jargon filled that sometimes you wonder if the writer even speaks English as a 4th language. this, by the way, is my guess...some kind of jargon filled report that ended with something to the effect that no charges have been brought and the case was be pursued. P probably filed it and forgot about it.
    [ ]Given various privacy rights and all, it is also possible that P was not in fact notified precisely of what happened but only vaguely of some alleged incident involving an unidentified player.
    [ ]Some other type of bureaucratic or technical snafu. It happens. email gets written but not sent, sent to the wrong person, some technical issue causes it to be lost forever in the ether. I had an issue recently where when I opened emails on my phone, they were deleted. Software glitch which was fixed but for a day or so before I realized it I lost a bunch of emails. Some I remember, some were "saved" because of other responses. Some I have no idea.

I'll say this again since people have missed this. No one in the article claimed that Pasqualoni was informed about this.
Jul 25, 2012
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I don't need to watch a 32 minute video to tell me that what happened at PSU regarding Paterno is not remotely comparable to what is being reported here. Not even close.

Did you blog about this and are trying to get hits?

It's along the same lines. Media jumps to conclusions, public believes initial accusations, media piles on, truth spirals out of control, reputations ruined. Paul Pasqualoni would never ever turn away from something like this if he knew about it.

On the blog part, no haven't had time to do anything in the last month or so, work is too busy.

EDIT: Kind of like the way Te'o was reported on. Kind of like the George Zimmerman trial, which led to deaths of stupid kids thinking they can retailiate in the name of Trayvon (which i don't believe has been widely reported on). Kind of liek how this Incognito story is going. It's looking more and more like Martin is trying to be a media whore. But yes, the media is never wrong about anything and they would never ever ever portray a story around the truth to generate internet hits or viewers on TV regardless if it brings down an innocent person......................
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't know, maybe Fairfield Univ , Marist, Fordham (where my wife went). I still like UCONN for them, maybe things will change in 4 years, I mean the cost savings is compelling. My niece went to UCONN, was on the swim team.

What I can say is that UCONN is a number of different places all wrapped up into one. Girls that live in Shippee and spend most of their time studying have a much different experience that girls that live in McMahon around all of the athletes (as an example). Lots of kids don't drink underage. About half of my residents when I was an RA in two different dorms in the Jungle (91-93) didn't really drink or party at all, even though the other half were near animals from Thursday through Sunday every week.

Last spring I was taking the train home one day on a Thursday night. About 10 kids from Fairfield U got on the train heading to New Haven to get wasted. Clearly frat boy types, all good looking, muscled up, expensive clothes, hooting and hollering on the train and causing such a ruckus and making comments about every single person on the train the conductor nearly had to call the cops. In 18 years of commuting to NYC I've never seen a group of guys on the train that were so hell bent on causing trouble. I'd be shocked if they didn't prey on some girl in New Haven that night.

There are animals at every university - I trust that you will raise your girls to understand that. There is only so much "safety" you can engineer...the rest is up to the decision making of your daughters, the people they spend time with, and sadly, random chance.
Aug 27, 2011
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I'll say this again since people have missed this. No one in the article claimed that Pasqualoni was informed about this.

Yes they did. But they're claiming he was informed after the State's Attorney decided there wasn't enough evidence. In other words, the UCPD is claiming he was told of this over 2 years after the alleged assault. And he was told no charges would be filed.


$3M a Year With March Off
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't know, maybe Fairfield Univ , Marist, Fordham (where my wife went). I still like UCONN for them, maybe things will change in 4 years, I mean the cost savings is compelling. My niece went to UCONN, was on the swim team.

Marist, really. You might want to take a trip up there on your next available Friday night. And honestly, Christian schools are probably the worst place you can send your daughter...no publicity for stuff like this.
Aug 27, 2011
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Marist, really. You might want to take a trip up there on your next available Friday night. And honestly, Christian schools are probably the worst place you can send your daughter...no publicity for stuff like this.

And Fordham girls spend all of their time in the city...which has its own issues.
Aug 26, 2011
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Yes they did. But they're claiming he was informed after the State's Attorney decided there wasn't enough evidence. In other words, the UCPD is claiming he was told of this over 2 years after the alleged assault. And he was told no charges would be filed.

Can you show me where it says that?
Aug 26, 2011
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Can you show me where it says that?

Here - "The detective advised Mr. Pasqualoni a state's attorney from the Judicial District of Tolland had reviewed the investigation and determined there was insufficient evidence to prosecute the case," she said in an emailed statement
Aug 26, 2011
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I'll say this again since people have missed this. No one in the article claimed that Pasqualoni was informed about this.

Yes they did. But they're claiming he was informed after the State's Attorney decided there wasn't enough evidence. In other words, the UCPD is claiming he was told of this over 2 years after the alleged assault. And he was told no charges would be filed.
Can you show me where it says that?

Here - "The detective advised Mr. Pasqualoni a state's attorney from the Judicial District of Tolland had reviewed the investigation and determined there was insufficient evidence to prosecute the case," she said in an emailed statement[/quote]
Aug 26, 2011
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What I can say is that UCONN is a number of different places all wrapped up into one. Girls that live in Shippee and spend most of their time studying have a much different experience that girls that live in McMahon around all of the athletes (as an example). Lots of kids don't drink underage. About half of my residents when I was an RA in two different dorms in the Jungle (91-93) didn't really drink or party at all, even though the other half were near animals from Thursday through Sunday every week.

Last spring I was taking the train home one day on a Thursday night. About 10 kids from Fairfield U got on the train heading to New Haven to get wasted. Clearly frat boy types, all good looking, muscled up, expensive clothes, hooting and hollering on the train and causing such a ruckus and making comments about every single person on the train the conductor nearly had to call the cops. In 18 years of commuting to NYC I've never seen a group of guys on the train that were so hell bent on causing trouble. I'd be shocked if they didn't prey on some girl in New Haven that night.

There are animals at every university - I trust that you will raise your girls to understand that. There is only so much "safety" you can engineer...the rest is up to the decision making of your daughters, the people they spend time with, and sadly, random chance.

While I agree with everything here, people should raise their sons better too. The men on this site were all boys at some point, and I'm sure we partied. Maybe my experience is different because I was doing it in the city of Boston, where you couldn't go off in a frat house. And when I visited friends at PSU or elsewhere I was honestly bored by frat houses. But I played rugby too and understand getting wasted. Almost everyone I knew drew a line. It wasn't in the culture of people I drank with to cross that line either. This doesn't mean people were choir boys, but we all know what that line is. I tend to believe that most boys and men know it, and when they cross it, it's because of something bigger going in the group that makes them believe it's OK. In other words, you can have a nice high school kid who ends up in a frat house that condones this or closes ranks, and suddenly things change.
Aug 26, 2011
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I could have sworn when I first read that it wasn't there. It ended with this:
UConn Police Chief Barbara O'Connor said the school notified the athletic department of the incident in June.

And that's why I made that comment yesterday.
Aug 26, 2011
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Aug 31, 2011
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Lots of cross currents in this whole thing. IMO everyone including the girl, UCONN the institution, the player of course, Coach P, Jeff Hathaway, Susan Herbst, and WM, is at fault here. I mean look at the circumstances in this rape.

1) Rose Richi participated in underage drinking while a freshman in a UCONN mens dorm
2) The athlete in question should have had it drilled into his head from day 1 on campus that his scholarship makes him a representative of UCONN athletics and his off the field behavior should reflect that.
3) Was the young lady signed in to the dorm? If not, then why not? Was the resident hall supervisor aware?
4) The so called investigation by the UCONN police is embarrassing to say the least, not only was there an alleged rape but the police are supposed to enforce laws both state and federal, and they did not do that given that alcohol was involved, and that's just for starters.
5) UCONN needs to change it's dormitory policies, and ALL UCONN athletes need to have to adhere to a code of conduct.

Everyone dropped the ball here, the UCONN culture is fault here.

A very good friend of mine is a state trooper who has been on campus many times in a professional capacity, him and his wife have two daughters ages 10 and 14, and my wife and I also have two daughters also 10 and 14. Everyone has there own opinion of what a college culture should be in this day and age but I must say here, that based on what goes on on the UCONN campus, my state trooper friend and his wife have told us (based on what he has seen) that they would never send there daughters to UCONN, given the present on campus culture. This is not just an indictment of the UCONN police dept, but students and their behavior, rules set forth by UCONN's AD and president (past and present), the football coaches (past and present), etc. My wife knows that I am a die hard UCONN fan, and we have brought our 3 kids to UCONN ball games many times, and will continue to do so, but the wife has informed me that in no uncertain terms that our daughters will not be attending UCONN. We also have a 6 year old boy who loves UCONN ball. Our 14 year old is a freshman in HS and is a varsity cheerleader who roots the team on at every game, and if she cheers the team on in college as of now it won't be at UCONN.

As appeals to authority go, citing that your friend is a Connecticut state trooper has to be one of the funniest I've ever read.
Oct 1, 2011
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One thing most people are missing is that the headline writer twists the Police spokesman's words. She says that administrators were notified, not Pasqualoni.

Looks like the chain of conversations needs to be clarified.

UConn Police Chief Barbara O'Connor said the school notified the athletic department of the incident in June.
"The detective advised Mr. Pasqualoni a state's attorney from the Judicial District of Tolland had reviewed the investigation and determined there was insufficient evidence to prosecute the case," she said in an emailed statement.
BTW, per a Jacobs tweet, the detective in question earned wide praise for his handling of the Jasper case. So another wrinkle emerges.
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