HCPP a gift that keeps on giving | Page 4 | The Boneyard

HCPP a gift that keeps on giving

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Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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I think you are full of it. Yes, you get a prize for typing "student riot" on Google.

Seems to me that he did exactly what you asked to be done.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not so sure. This "new stuff" about FHCPP and the police officer issue is the same case. One of the other plaintiff's in the suit is girl who said the new UConn logo encourages violence against woman. (If she had said it encourages bad football, she might have been on to something.)

A girl summons the courage to go to the police to report an alleged rape 18 months later. There are no witnesses, she didn't report it earlier, but she blogged about it and told other people about it. The officer (I presume) tells her she doesn't have a prosecutable case (and she doesn't) but dutifully takes her statement. He doesn't talk to her "people who have information, because all of their information is that the complainant told that about the incident (inadmissible hearsay at least as to whether or not the event occurred.) She doesn't feel validated by the process. The police told FHCPP "we got a complaint against your player X for an even that happened 18 months ago, there isn't a case and we aren't going to pursue it" and that doesn't stick in the old coot's brain. I am just not seeing any systematic failure here. I can't speak to the other plaintiff's allegations, but the mere fact that logo girl is in there makes me suspect that they are equally unimpressive. I doubt many attorneys would crap up a complaint with that if they had claims with substance.

I see lots of failures there. I see the cop saying "I don't believe you." We still don't know about the peanut-butter statement. I see campus cops who may not be trained to deal with this. I see administrators in CYA mode. This is why victims don't report in the first place. I've been there, I've seen it. I could go into anecdotes. And it's always the friends who come to me, every single time it has happened. Good student stops showing up for class, I get a visit from a friend for a long talk. Hospitals, etc. You name it. BS stories to get out of class? always a possibility. And then suicide attempts. Not so BS anymore.
Aug 27, 2011
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Listen SH!TH**D, whether a kid is raped by a student athlete, or a student athlete is shot and killed in cold blood, or an 18 year old girl is caught up in a riot and gets hit in the head with a bottle, or ball players carrying guns in their cars doesn't matter, what matters is the culture that created it. Things need to change on campus and if you don't see that then you being a fan is just as bad as the culture itself.

Grow up.
Sep 1, 2011
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I find this post (and many after) to be misinformed at best. Mostly It screams of living in denial towards many pervasive hot-button issues of college life...Everywhere.

I graduated from UConn in 1999. While I've visited on numerous occasions since then, I am admittedly unaware of many changes to student life policies since May 14 of that year.

1) Many, many students (regardless of gender) partake in underage drinking at UConn. I did, my then-girlfriend did, my roommate, most of my dormmates did, dare I say much of my matriculating class did. The RAs' attitude was out of site, out of mind in terms of underage drinking. Underage drinking in the dorms on Campus, off Campus, or at any other school was/is not unusual by any measure (personal experience = UMass, Boston College, Ithaca College)

1a) Unless something has changed, most dorm buildings at UConn (and the aforementioned) were co-ed, many by floor. There were also some floors (McMahon 6S comes to mind) that were co-ed by room. West Campus was co-ed by wing I.e. 3rd Flr Hollister E was men, 3rd Flr. Hollister W was women, with nary a fire door separating the two wings. Only Sprague (Men), Shippee, and Holcomb (Both women) were one gender. Even then, it was not difficult to enter the dorms unescorted by a resident.

2.) Agreed, but all students, regardless of financial assistance level or athletic ability, are made aware of student life policy, on and off campus.

Do Athletes go through orientation and Husky WOW? Does Husky WOW even exist anymore? It was drilled into our heads at that point about the dangers of drugs, alcohol (underage or otherwise), assault, nightly hook-ups/one night stands/STDs, etc. It was also drilled into our heads that a huge amount of assaults are perpetrated by acquaintances (i.e. signing into dorms may not prevent what allegedly occurred).

3.) Do they sign people in now? In my day, you needed was the key to enter the building after a certain time (9:00 IIRC), but the main doors were unlocked until the RA on duty did his/her rounds. As I said in 2. above, a huge amount of assaults are perpetrated by acquaintances, and therefore signing into dorms may not prevent what allegedly occurred. Depending on how long these ledgers are kept, it may confirm a timeline and alibi, but it would not prevent malfeasance.

4.) Total agree. Depending and statute of limitations, the detective should not have dismissed the complaint out of hand. But alcohol/underage drinking doesn't even factor into this part of the case. Besides, it is impossible to confirm underage intoxication unless there is a breathalyzer reading from that night. What should have happened at the very least are interviews of pertinent witnesses. Based on that, the State's attorney or other responsible authoritative body, should determine viability of pursuing the case.

5) This is sort of short sighted at best. Not all athletes are criminals, and not all criminals are athletes. There's a fine line between a continuation of High School and treating these young men and women like the young adults that they are.

I cherish my time at UConn. It was quite possibly the best four years of my life. To read someone trying to reduce my experiences as occurring at a place where women and children need to be hidden and we were lucky to get out alive is annoying. You may use this one isolated incident as an indictment on UConn. I hope no one else does.

Look, if you don't like my post, that fine. You are entitled to your opinion, and yes I went to UCONN for 1 year back in the 70's. Yeah, times have changed but if you don't see a party like culture like I did even then, then you lived under rock, and by party culture I mean one that interfers with learning and public safety. Was I guilty of partaking in said party culture, oh yes, but now with my own kids, I'm looking at things in a different light. As to your point #1, you state that everyone under age was drinking and that makes it OK? I mean think back about your years there and open your eyes. Good luck to you.
Aug 27, 2011
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Look, if you don't like my post, that fine. You are entitled to your opinion, and yes I went to UCONN for 1 year back in the 70's. Yeah, times have changed but if you don't see a party like culture like I did even then, then you lived under rock, and by party culture I mean one that interfers with learning and public safety. As to your point #1, you state that everyone under age was drinking and that makes it OK? I mean think back about your years there and open your eyes.

Look, nobody is saying that a party culture, or whatever the heck you want to call it, doesn't exist. Should changes be made? Sure. What people are objecting to is your naive position that this is somehow unique to UConn and you wouldn't send your daughter there because of it. People have referenced other campuses where this "culture" exists and you continue to downplay or completely disregard them. I get it. But nearly everyone disagrees with you and have provided you with other examples. You've gone so far as to accuse me of being culpable for simply being a fan. Bizarre stuff.

You are now free to continue beating the drum.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I see lots of failures there. I see the cop saying "I don't believe you." We still don't know about the peanut-butter statement. I see campus cops who may not be trained to deal with this. I see administrators in CYA mode. This is why victims don't report in the first place. I've been there, I've seen it. I could go into anecdotes. And it's always the friends who come to me, every single time it has happened. Good student stops showing up for class, I get a visit from a friend for a long talk. Hospitals, etc. You name it. BS stories to get out of class? always a possibility. And then suicide attempts. Not so BS anymore.
All we have is an allegation that he said I don't believe you. I don't know, but I would be surprised if that happened. Very surprised. I feel very confident that the officers are "trained to deal with (rape cases.)" Now if either of those is incorrect, I'd agree it is a major problem, but an allegation is different than a fact. I'm not sure how you expect the administrators to react to what appears to be a pretty sketchy complaint. I haven't heard anything that troubles me. No idea what the peanut butter thing is.

The rest of your post is about your experiences in your own university. I'm sure they are correct, not particularly relevant, but correct.
Aug 26, 2011
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All we have is an allegation that he said I don't believe you. I don't know, but I would be surprised if that happened. Very surprised. I feel very confident that the officers are "trained to deal with (rape cases.)" Now if either of those is incorrect, I'd agree it is a major problem, but an allegation is different than a fact. I'm not sure how you expect the administrators to react to what appears to be a pretty sketchy complaint. I haven't heard anything that troubles me. No idea what the peanut butter thing is.

The rest of your post is about your experiences in your own university. I'm sure they are correct, not particularly relevant, but correct.

I keep posting links that show how UConn has dealt with this stuff in the past. It's been pretty bad,. But people just keep ignoring things.
Aug 27, 2011
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Listen SH!TH**D, whether a kid is raped by a student athlete, or a student athlete is shot and killed in cold blood, or an 18 year old girl is caught up in a riot and gets hit in the head with a bottle, or ball players carrying guns in their cars doesn't matter, what matters is the culture that created it. Things need to change on campus and if you don't see that then you being a fan is just as bad as the culture itself.

YES. 1000% But the culture needs to change on ALL campuses. It isn't at all a problem unique to UCONN. I believe that's what most of us are saying here.
Sep 1, 2011
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Look, nobody is saying that a party culture, or whatever the heck you want to call it, doesn't exist. Should changes be made? Sure. What people are objecting to is your naive position that this is somehow unique to UConn and you wouldn't send your daughter there because of it. People have referenced other campuses where this "culture" exists and you continue to downplay or completely disregard them. I get it. But nearly everyone disagrees with you and have provided you with other examples. You've gone so far as to accuse me of being culpable for simply being a fan. Bizarre stuff.

You are now free to continue beating the drum.

Why do you think that I think that this is unique to UCONN? There are good schools and schools that have an on campus problem, lots of them (yes, UCONN is one of them though I know it's hard for you to believe), but I stand by my statement that the UCONN riots back in 98 with 88 arrests, 3 kids went to jail, a star player on the football team was recently shot and killed on campus, rape allegations now, bball players carrying guns in their cars, is the exception, NOT the rule, as many of you say. Look, I have many fond memories of UCONN but to deny that the school has a problem IS the problem. Have a great day Jimmy.
Aug 27, 2011
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Every feminist I know would say to their daughters don't put yourself in a situation where you are practically blacked out. Daughters need to know that and more.

These same feminists would take exception to people telling their daughters how to dress (short of being nude). As an aside, I think most people recognize their kids may want to drink and have s e x. To deny that is to deny reality. There is a whole range of advice that comes though ith those two topics.

Right. But every time a feminist writes that common sense behavior by women might prevent some rapes, they get excoriated because they aren't ONLY focusing on the perpetrators (which we all know is the problem). Clearly the right answer is to get after the perps, but until ALL men decide to stop raping people, common sense should prevail.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Look, if you don't like my post, that fine. You are entitled to your opinion...

Yes I am. As are you. However yours is a broad sweeping indictment about the entirety of an institution based on one case, about which we do not have all the facts. I am not talking about this case. I am talking about UConn and the relative safety and culture to other schools, given protocols that were/are in place when I was there.

Yeah, times have changed but if you don't see a party like culture like I did even then, then you lived under rock, and by party culture I mean one that interfers with learning and public safety.

Lots of partying went on in Storrs when I was there. Absolutely. What's your point? Is it not up to the individual to determine in how much revelry they partake? Guidance is one thing, but I do not believe it is up to the administration to hold the student body's hand. For everything else, there is the penal code. I absolutely believe that campus life, should one choose to pursue higher education, is a rite of passage. It is part of growing up and offers tremendous life lessons. They (as did I) know 100% that they are no longer under the watchful eye of mommy and daddy and they (as did I) should know that there is a consequence for every action, good or bad. If College life is not a microcosm of the real world, it is at least a reasonable facsimile.

Considering the issue at hand, I don't think the police handled it in the cleanest fashion, but quite a bit of time appears to have elapsed since the alleged perpetration. Does that mean that UConn does not promote a safe environment? Well they can't investigate situations that which they are unaware (Neither can security at Amherst, Fordham, or any other college.).

As to your point #1, you state that everyone under age was drinking and that makes it OK? I mean think back about your years there and open your eyes.

Where did I say that? I said most everyone did it and the RAs turned a blind eye so long as it wasn't blatant. I then said that it is not an unusual occurrence at institutions other than the University of Connecticut, Main Campus, Storrs, Connecticut.
Aug 26, 2011
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Lots of cross currents in this whole thing. IMO everyone including the girl, UCONN the institution, the player of course, Coach P, Jeff Hathaway, Susan Herbst, and WM, is at fault here. I mean look at the circumstances in this rape.

1) Rose Richi participated in underage drinking while a freshman in a UCONN mens dorm
2) The athlete in question should have had it drilled into his head from day 1 on campus that his scholarship makes him a representative of UCONN athletics and his off the field behavior should reflect that.
3) Was the young lady signed in to the dorm? If not, then why not? Was the resident hall supervisor aware?
4) The so called investigation by the UCONN police is embarrassing to say the least, not only was there an alleged rape but the police are supposed to enforce laws both state and federal, and they did not do that given that alcohol was involved, and that's just for starters.
5) UCONN needs to change it's dormitory policies, and ALL UCONN athletes need to have to adhere to a code of conduct.

Everyone dropped the ball here, the UCONN culture is fault here.

A very good friend of mine is a state trooper who has been on campus many times in a professional capacity, him and his wife have two daughters ages 10 and 14, and my wife and I also have two daughters also 10 and 14. Everyone has there own opinion of what a college culture should be in this day and age but I must say here, that based on what goes on on the UCONN campus, my state trooper friend and his wife have told us (based on what he has seen) that they would never send there daughters to UCONN, given the present on campus culture. This is not just an indictment of the UCONN police dept, but students and their behavior, rules set forth by UCONN's AD and president (past and present), the football coaches (past and present), etc. My wife knows that I am a die hard UCONN fan, and we have brought our 3 kids to UCONN ball games many times, and will continue to do so, but the wife has informed me that in no uncertain terms that our daughters will not be attending UCONN. We also have a 6 year old boy who loves UCONN ball. Our 14 year old is a freshman in HS and is a varsity cheerleader who roots the team on at every game, and if she cheers the team on in college as of now it won't be at UCONN.

I can only speak of my experiences. I've had 3 daughters attend uconn over a 10 year period starting in 2003. They received a great education and loved the experience. I am wary of statements which contain never, always, all the time, etc. For me it raises a red flag. Rarely is any situation black or white.
Aug 27, 2011
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A person who thinks that Fairfield University students are well-behaved is a person who has never lived in Fairfield. What they lack in sheer numbers they make up for with attitude and grit.

Also note that historically the overwhelming majority of people arrested during spring weekend at UConn have not been UConn students, so a pretty significant percentage of the knuckleheads throwing rockas and bottles at police have been visitors who think they can get drunk and riot with no consequences since it's not their school.
Spot on, as a former Fairfield resident, I invite anyone to go to the Sea Grape and hit the keggers on Reef Road and tell me what they see. They are far worse than anything I experienced at CT, because they are morons with money and Daddy will get them out of trouble, at UCONN, we were just morons with no money who had to get our own selves out of trouble, it did tend to limit blantant stupidity.......
Aug 30, 2011
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I know at Texas A and M, I believe that was it, a bon fire got out of control and kids died.

If you live in CT and you know and you cops that have done investigations up there, your view is going to be slanted. If you lived in West Virginia and knew cops who did investigations up at WVU you might feel the same.

The spring parties up at UConn that got out of control were almost like a rite of passage to my understanding. That it got rowdy, and cars were flipped, and cops came in riot gear, should not in any way mean that there is some sinister culture that condones s e x assault on campus. I am sure that is not what you mean, but I am having trouble seeing the connection between rowdy parties and s e x assaults unless your saying there is simply too much drinking going on which I would agree with.

Guys, go into Google or Bing and do a "campus riots, 1960's" search on the Universities of Wisconsin or California (Berkeley) or Columbia and Harvard, or just "1960's campus riots." Student radicals were bombing sh&t. Student riots are as old as time. It's the sexual assaults that are either increasing in frequency or were grossly under reported.
Sep 1, 2011
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Spot on, as a former Fairfield resident, I invite anyone to go to the Sea Grape and hit the keggers on Reef Road and tell me what they see. They are far worse than anything I experienced at CT, because they are morons with money and Daddy will get them out of trouble, at UCONN, we were just morons with no money who had to get our own selves out of trouble, it did tend to limit blantant stupidity.......

Lived in Fairfield all my life, and know Fairfield Univ and the Sea Grape better than most. And as to what Dave Carlson said, the vast majority of the 88 people arrested during the 1998 riots were UCONN students and ALL of those who did jail time as result of the 1998 riots were UCONN students. I mean are you for real? Are you really comparing riots on campus or students being murdered or raped on campus or cars burning on campus to frat party drunkeness or kegs on Reef road on a Friday night? You better pull your head out of where ever it is.;)
Aug 31, 2011
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And as to what Dave Carlson said, the vast majority of the 88 people arrested during the 1998 riots were UCONN students and ALL of those who did jail time as result of the 1998 riots were UCONN students.

Well, not sayeth the newspaper of record:


It took me less than three seconds to find this via a website called google, which is free and works almost everywhere in the world.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Lived in Fairfield all my life, and know Fairfield Univ and the Sea Grape better than most. And as to what Dave Carlson said, the vast majority of the 88 people arrested during the 1998 riots were UCONN students and ALL of those who did jail time as result of the 1998 riots were UCONN students. I mean are you for real? Are you really comparing riots on campus or students being murdered or raped on campus or cars burning on campus to frat party drunkeness or kegs on Reef road on a Friday night? You better pull your head out of where ever it is.;)

I was at UConn for the riot that year. I was a Junior. I was not at X-Lot, You know why? I made the conscious choice not to go down there. I didn't want to jeopardize the potential full-time job to which my internship would lead. At the end of the day we are all responsible for our own actions. It was no secret that X-Lot was the scene of potentially riotous behavior during Spring Weekend. It's happened for years before and happened for a time subsequent. But it's not like people were dragged there kicking a screaming and forced to tip over a car. Drugs and alcohol definitely played its part, but most students were sober at one point or another during the day. Students made the conscious decision to imbibe. After (and including) that there are repercussions to every subsequent personal decision. Decisions on safety vs. risk are made every day. The setting in which they are made does not change that one iota.
Aug 26, 2011
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So you believe the Police Chief was lying.
My beef is that why is it easier for guys like you to take a shot at somebody that had absolutely nothing to do with the incident in the first place? I'll bet P was either snug in his bed with his wife or... studying game film/making a plan/doing something football related yet you want to drag the guy into some alleged incident he was no where near. If you decide to go take a leak on the sidewalk is it your bosses fault? Why don't you grow some balls and go after the people that were actually, allegedly involved. Why don't you...... because like most sheep you follow the latest trend and that would happen to be pissing on Coach P even though the guy probably wasn't even in the same county at the time. Like I said...grow up!!

And before everyone gets all sanctimonious I ask why is the coach put on the spot in this matter in the first place? He's not any of these kids parents. He's not the president of the school or the AD. The guy can't follow 80+ kids around the state all day, every day. So "IF" one of them screws up or even worse, is merely accused of screwing up why does it fall on the guy that's in charge of them playing football? His job is to get them to play F-O-O-T-B-A-L-L!! Not be the next pope, Nobel Prize winner or summa cum laude.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I keep posting links that show how UConn has dealt with this stuff in the past. It's been pretty bad,. But people just keep ignoring things.
I haven't see the links, but given what we know about this case so far, I don't see any misfeasance or malfeasance.


Can you say UConn? I knew you could!
Aug 26, 2011
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My beef is that why is it easier for guys like you to take a shot at somebody that had absolutely nothing to do with the incident in the first place? I'll bet P was either snug in his bed with his wife or... studying game film/making a plan/doing something football related yet you want to drag the guy into some alleged incident he was no where near. If you decide to go take a leak on the sidewalk is it your bosses fault? Why don't you grow some balls and go after the people that were actually, allegedly involved. Why don't you...... because like most sheep you follow the latest trend and that would happen to be pissing on Coach P even though the guy probably wasn't even in the same county at the time. Like I said...grow up!!

And before everyone gets all sanctimonious I ask why is the coach put on the spot in this matter in the first place? He's not any of these kids parents. He's not the president of the school or the AD. The guy can't follow 80+ kids around the state all day, every day. So "IF" one of them screws up or even worse, is merely accused of screwing up why does it fall on the guy that's in charge of them playing football? His job is to get them to play F-O-O-T-B-A-L-L!! Not be the next pope, Nobel Prize winner or summa cum laude.

So you believe the Police Chief lied?
Aug 28, 2011
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I think Boyle is the worst QB I can ever remember watching at any level.
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