Isn't this a chicken/egg thing? Are you saying his recent poor shooting on the coach for the way he's being used? Or is it, make some shots and then you'll get more run?
It's more an expectations thing. Hurley has made it clear he doesn't think Diggins is ready and Diggins' minutes reflect that.
On more than one occasion Hurley has stated how crucial Hawkins' offense is for the Huskies to be real good this year. Hawkins' minutes and use don't reflect that.
That being said (fancy weasel way of saying 'but'), a coach has to assess real game conditions and adjust accordingly. From what we have seen over the past several games, Hurley no longer considers Hawkins' offense to be crucial or else he'd be playing Hawkins like he plays Polley.
All that being said, i don't know what any of it means other than us fans shouldn't expect Hawkins to be a consistent contributor this season. He will probably have a few games where he shows what he can be in the future, but he's not one of those players who is always going to contribute when he's only getting 10 mpg.
Even last night when he had his fast break layup blocked you could see him going to the bench with his head down and shoulders slumped. Kid is trying to learn how to be a role player at a much highler level of basketball and isn't close yet to figuring it out.