Sady I am not at all surprised! Since we started getting information re Bria's injury and thatHow many are surprised?
the initial injury in August,it was sounding more serious. When we heard there was a tear,Geno
saying she would have to be cleared for practice,she would have to practice for a week and be ok,the time
frames were not adding up. We have not heard she is close to practicing. On top of that,erroring on the side
of caution,I don't expect her to be playing in the near future.
If and that is a big if,she is continuing to recover this should continue into Dec! I hope she is fully recovered by the end of
Dec. John A referred to it as being a serious injury on Weds in his weekly chat.
All time frames at the moment seem to be hopeful guesses.
I hope she is fully recovered before practice is considered. When that will be.How long she will be in playing condition
remains a mystery to me right now.