Come off it. If that previous post is correct, the only conflict will potentially be between tailgating and the basketball game. I think we can all agree where someone should be given the choice and conflict.
I don't care for someone telling me how to spend my free time either, but for the sake ever one going forward, un-wad your under-garments.
TDog9 said:we should be watching the BB game while tailgating...if you can't make that happen, you're an amateur tailgater...
Wait.... Are people actually complaining about this?? This day is going to be AWESOME!!
we should be watching the BB game while tailgating...if you can't make that happen, you're an amateur tailgater...
That's because they like Greek pizza and Decker (her name being Brooklyn and all) knows better.Are you really asking whether people on the Boneyard are really complaining about something? At least a quarter of the posters, if Brooklyn Decker came to their house to make love to them, would complain that she didn't bring the right kind of pizza with her as a snack.