Great win, BUT... | The Boneyard

Great win, BUT...

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Aug 27, 2011
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Let me preface this post by saying this was a fantastic win. It was a sloppy, grind-it-out, painful to watch at times game. Basically, exactly what the 2014-15 Huskies need a game to be to knock off good opponents.

They went about 3:30 down the stretch without scoring a point ... and still never relinquished the lead. This defense is going to keep them in the game against anyone.

With that said, there are a few issues that stood out that need to addressed:

1. The missed late-game free throws. Obviously you won't been as good a FT shooting team when you lose Shabazz (87%), Daniels (79%) and Giffey (73%), but they need to be better in crunch time. Those back-to-back misses by Boat and Brimah could have come back to bite them against better offensive teams - and it already has on more than one occasion this year.

(On the bright side, it was great to see Hamilton hit both free throws to basically clinch the win).

2. The lack of ball handling rears its ugly head, even against a basic press like Cincy's. Cassell lacks the quickness to get by good athletes, Hamilton has the handle but not the decision-making (at least not yet), and Purvis doesn't seem to have either.

At this point, their only choice is to play Boatright and Samuel together anytime a team extends its pressure. And while I love what TSam brings to the table, you're limiting an already limited offense when he has to play 25 minutes.

3. The minutes breakdown for the Purvis-Hamilton-Calhoun still needs to get worked out. Omar needs to get more than 19 minutes when he's shooting the ball - and defending, too - the way he was today. I also don't like how Ollie pulled Purvis right as he was starting to find a groove.

I definitely don't mean for this to be a negative thread, because I LOVE how this team is trending. I just feel those things need to be addresssed soon for them to take the next steps.
Sep 16, 2011
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Agreed with everything you said, we are trending in the right direction though.
Aug 28, 2011
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It will be viewed negatively. Unless your rightly acknowledge that T Sam, Facey and Brimah all AA candidates

Let me preface this post by saying this was a fantastic win. It was a sloppy, grind-it-out, painful to watch at times game. Basically, exactly what the 2014-15 Huskies need a game to be to knock off good opponents.

They went about 3:30 down the stretch without scoring a point ... and still never relinquished the lead. This defense is going to keep them in the game against anyone.

With that said, there are a few issues that stood out that need to addressed:

1. The missed late-game free throws. Obviously you won't been as good a FT shooting team when you lose Shabazz (87%), Daniels (79%) and Giffey (73%), but they need to be better in crunch time. Those back-to-back misses by Boat and Brimah could have come back to bite them against better offensive teams - and it already has on more than one occasion this year.

(On the bright side, it was great to see Hamilton hit both free throws to basically clinch the win).

2. The lack of ball handling rears its ugly head, even against a basic press like Cincy's. Cassell lacks the quickness to get by good athletes, Hamilton has the handle but not the decision-making (at least not yet), and Purvis doesn't seem to have either.

At this point, their only choice is to play Boatright and Samuel together anytime a team extends its pressure. And while I love what TSam brings to the table, you're limiting an already limited offense when he has to play 25 minutes.

3. The minutes breakdown for the Purvis-Hamilton-Calhoun still needs to get worked out. Omar needs to get more than 19 minutes when he's shooting the ball - and defending, too - the way he was today. I also don't like how Ollie pulled Purvis right as he was starting to find a groove.

I definitely don't mean for this to be a negative thread, because I LOVE how this team is trending. I just feel those things need to be addresssed soon for them to take the next steps.
Agreed with everything you said, we are trending in the right direction though.
Nov 25, 2012
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As well as Omar is playing I say keep him coming off the bench and give him about 20 mins. Its all about when they come
Aug 25, 2011
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As well as Omar is playing I say keep him coming off the bench and give him about 20 mins. Its all about when they come
I agree with him and TSam and Cassell/Lubin to a lesser extent gives us a strong experienced bench, we are covered at every position.


Aug 27, 2011
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As well as Omar is playing I say keep him coming off the bench and give him about 20 mins. Its all about when they come
No problem having him come off the bench - it's good to be consistent with that, but he needs more than 20 minutes. 25+ is what he has earned at this point. He's been our 2nd best guard for three straight games.
Aug 26, 2011
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No problem having him come off the bench - it's good to be consistent with that, but he needs more than 20 minutes. 25+ is what he has earned at this point. He's been our 2nd best guard for three straight games.

The problem as I saw it today was that Omar was getting burned on defense and that's why Ollie pulled him and didn't get him back in.

UConn gave up a lot inside in the first half on drives/dump offs. Calhoun was giving his man the edge and he was turning the corner.

Purvis and DHam had pretty bad offensive games. So, the question is, do you give up Omar's offense (which is looking really fine to me) for Purvis's defense?
Sep 14, 2013
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I'm so happy about this win that I refuse to look at negatives. Connecticut is coming back slowly but surely.
Oct 11, 2012
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Not a "negative" post just observations any basketball fan would conclude from today's game. Your just saying what we're all thinking about this team; love them all, BUT ... A lack of confidence from the fans as those are the vibes the team gives off. Even when they win we have an uncomfortable feeling. Wish we could just enjoy the W's, BUT...
Aug 26, 2011
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Yea Shaw Thomas was burning him repeatedly, Brimah picked up #2 in the first half because of poor D by Omar.

The problem as I saw it today was that Omar was getting burned on defense and that's why Ollie pulled him and didn't get him back in.

UConn gave up a lot inside in the first half on drives/dump offs. Calhoun was giving his man the edge and he was turning the corner.

Purvis and DHam had pretty bad offensive games. So, the question is, do you give up Omar's offense (which is looking really fine to me) for Purvis's defense?
Aug 27, 2011
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That was a tough Cincy team we just beat. They have a lot of quality pieces, play great disruptive D and could give a lot of good teams trouble in the tourney as we could.
Aug 31, 2011
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The only tweak I would make is to make sure Hamilton handles the ball a bit less in crunch time. He just doesn't have the handle yet to take on late pressure Defense. Thankfully he hit his free throws.
Feb 28, 2012
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Given how good our defense is playing, I can live with all other blemishes except one. Free throws. Make FT's and we are in every game and win almost all of them. FT's, FT's, free throws.
Sep 17, 2011
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When Brimah and Facey go to block a shot down low it would be nice if one would try and block the shot and the other would look to guard someone or box out. Saw twice today both going for the same shot which leaves us vulnerable. D ham has to learn to not drive into a crowd at the top of the lane where he has lost the ball repeatedly including today on the press break. He does not have a good enough handle yet. Inbounding the ball was quite an adventure today. Our defensive play was very good today, nice effort all around. That was a big win!
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