Before they spend a dollar, they should evaluate what 100MM would get. I expected more from the Guv, a supposed businessman, but on this issue he is no different than little Danny. But start with an acknowledgement that Hartford does not need a 16K seat arena. How many events in the last decade have been a sell out there? How many have drawn more than 12k paying customers?
As an aside, the NHL is NEVER, EVER, EVER coming back. The NBA is NEVER, EVER, EVER coming. If you believe either is a possibility, then please put the pipe down and get some help.
Start with why do we need an arena in Hartford? You want to attract concerts, AHL, UConn and some specialty events, build a brand new ~10K arena CONDITIONED on Northland doing something, anything with the surrounding space. I know they think they'll be able to attract Tiffany there someday, but I would not do anything more to that arena without them committing to a broader use of the entire space, not 1/2.
Just please stop pouring money down the drain. The building is old and unintersting and no amount of lipstick is gonna make her look good. For crissakes, please stop spending millions in cosmetic upgrades. By the time you complete them, you'll have a nearly 50 year old building that is still 3rd rate and needs to suck off the UConn teet to show "respectable losses".
Are there any adults left in CT?