Goodrich Starting Ahead of Diggins | Page 5 | The Boneyard

Goodrich Starting Ahead of Diggins

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Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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I must apologize for piggybacking on doggydaddy putting words in your mouth. Ironically, as I was willing to charitably acknowledge one of your assertions as actually relating to the attended purpose of the thread, you've just denied that. Therefore I must also acknowledge that you may not be guilty of post hoc reasoning; you are simply a provocateur, i.e., a troll.
Sorry Digger. My bad.


Humanity Hiker
Oct 1, 2011
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Digger, I've never seen a poster rub you wrong like this guy.

I can think of one, bball****, the Conlon critic. Then again, he rubbed everyone the wrong way. I also had my moments with knowitall/Dutchess***/huskyrob. Indeed, all of my sabbaticals from this board have come when I found myself "crossing the line;" addressing people differently than I feel I would in person.

In this case, you know how much I hate the hypothetical/post hoc/tautological reasoning of think tanks with their fixed agendas. This poster's handle perhaps inclined me to equate him with that. Now that we've established he's simply a troll I'll be able to better resist in the future. I won't take a sabbatical just yet. This is, after all, still the most informative and hospitable fan board in cyberspace.

Ooh, ooh, I forgot to add ... Thanks to our wonderful moderators.


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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"The truth below" should be renamed "the Troll below"....:p

yeah, I know that wasn't nice. I'll stop now


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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I am in "Shock" - no pun intended, that she has never met, spoken, or taken a picture with this gentleman. He loses his son. Comes out of a deep depression as a result of watching her play the game of basketball. Gets season tickets and drives 600 miles per home game to see her. I would be dumbfounded if most of the young women that come thru Ct, wouldn't go over pre or post game and shake his hand, wish him well, and ask if he would like some pictures taken with him. This tells me more about who and what I think she is than anything. Am I crazy? Would a small gesture like I mention above be too much for one of these athletes after you are made aware of the entire background re this nice man?

wow - harsh.....she is aware of him, is humbled (her words) by him, and does wave to him each game according to the clip. Did you watch it?

I am not a fan of Skyler, but clearly her work ethic and energy serves the greater good for some folks who need something positive in their lives. He has courtside seats and appears happy with his situation.



Silly Ol' Bear
Aug 26, 2011
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I can think of one, bball* , the Conlon critic. Then again, he rubbed everyone the wrong way. I also had my moments with knowitall/Dutchess* /huskyrob. Indeed, all of my sabbaticals from this board have come when I found myself "crossing the line;" addressing people differently than I feel I would in person.

In this case, you know how much I hate the hypothetical/post hoc/tautological reasoning of think tanks with their fixed agendas. This poster's handle perhaps inclined me to equate him with that. Now that we've established he's simply a troll I'll be able to better resist in the future. I won't take a sabbatical just yet. This is, after all, still the most informative and hospitable fan board in cyberspace.

Ooh, ooh, I forgot to add ... Thanks to our wonderful moderators.

This isn't my "fight" at all, but, I really liked a couple of the things you said here. Like you, I'm generally a patient & playful poster - the Silly Old Bear - but, like you, now and then I run across something that I feel I must curl my lip and snap at. That's somewhat the nature of these boards - and, we've all seen posts either a) complaining that the BY is too much a cheerleading forum, or b) complaining that the BY is a fetid well of negativity. Sometimes, even in the same thread!

This leads me to believe that our Mods strike a pretty good balance between being supportive, but, in an analytical and thoughtful way, rather than blind allegiance (Tony C excepted, of course). There will always be differences of opinion, and differences in the quality of the underpinnings of these opinions, but most of the time we get through it without drawing too much blood. Credit also needs to be given to the individual posters who try to select their words carefully, anticipating potential misinterpretation or the inadvertent goring of somebody's pet cow. But, in the words of Old Lodge Skins, "sometimes the magic works..and, sometimes it doesn't".

The point I really want to thank you for is stating "This is, after all, still the most informative and hospitable fan board in cyberspace".

This is a fun place to be. Knowledgeable, playful, wistful, teasing, analytical, poignant, supportive, argumentative, sarcastic, sly, a tad , informative on matters somewhat OT - the BY is simply a very worthwhile investment in one's time and interest.

That sounds like a sale pitch for Lurker Day, but, that's not my intent. I simply want to express my appreciation to the BY, and to "most of you guys, most of the time":rolleyes:


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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I know it's kind of feeding trollish diversionary tactics, but just to put Monty's career in perspective, she was in reality selected 4th in the 2009 draft and statistically looking at the top 10 picks in the WNBA that year with Angel being by far the best, RM would by most fans be rated even in the 3-4 slots with #3 pick Tolliver but with #5 pick Bonner being in 2nd place off of her PPG and RPG numbers, though this opinion would not include any evaluation of defensive strength or other less statistically tangible figures. #2 pick Coleman is well back now from the top group and Courtney Paris is not really a court shaker at even a #7 pick level.

Monty has done pretty much what you would expect a #4 pick to do in a average to less-than-average draft year, and that is very nice unless one has old newspaper headlines pasted all over them.
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